>want to delete Facebook
>over 9000 accounts on various apps and websites that are connected via facebook
>can't be fucking arsed to change them all
what do?
>want to delete Facebook
>over 9000 accounts on various apps and websites that are connected via facebook
>can't be fucking arsed to change them all
what do?
Realize that you don't need all of those accounts and delete Facebook anyways. Deal with sign-ins later
Burn it all and start over.
the trick is to never create a fb account in the first place, works wonders
source: me
>what do?
Learn from this, and don't allow yourself to get into this position in the future.
Delete all the content on Facebook and keep an empty account for easy login elsewhere.
>connected via facebook
Well aren't you retarded
luckily even 16 year old me could tell that was a bad idea
Maybe you can list all the sites your facebook account is linked to using the facebook rest api. From that filter the ones you are interested in and change only them.
>over 9000 accounts on various apps
it is not facebook. it is your stupidity.
harden up and just delete it gaylord
>implying that they don't have everything on him already and keep separate achieve
>implying that they wont track his ass all over the internet
lel. he's fucked,
>what do?
just end it form the source. kys.
not include personal information on facebook.
Change all your information into false/placeholder details
people who has Facebook need to be euthanized in a first place. gas yourself.
Brilliant, I wonder why ZukBerg didnt taking of measures against this.
oh wait.. pic related.
Yes because it'll know if you put a picture of a monkey/random shutterstock photo
You did this to yourself you fucking idiot.
>"Log in with facebook"
Did you seriously not realise how much of a fucking warning that is?
Pretty funny. they might actually delete the image but all the facial recognition data they get from it they keep forever, and use it to ID you in every other photo they have. Large databases of faces and their facial structure coefficients exist on facebook servers, and it's computationally cheap to compare billions of numbers against each other.
>implying that they dod not processed all your images with face recognition NN
>implying that they dont know how you already look by analysing the images of your dumb friends who tagged you.
lol. stop playing games kiddo. there is no escape. this play is rigged.
>this play is rigged
>thinking you're important enough to spend resources on
>thinking companies such as facebook aren't lazy as fuck and do the bare minimum just to get those ad dollars
Oh u
>Oh u
kys Mark Berg. I can see your bullshit form miles.
oh it's quite simple
delete your facebook
then just forget about all those other stupid accounts
unwarranted self importance detected. Nobody gives a shit about you no income scum.
>And the reason why they don't have the motive to profile you is...?!
>Did it ever occur to you that their ad dollars are coming from precise profiling the average schmuck?
You are such a smart ass, aren't you.
>cia damage control confirmed.
just inhale some zyklonb ya nasty rat.
Isn't there some site that actually deletes that for you?
cold turkey lol. I got hit for some violation last week and I used to browse alot but, eh. Fuck kikebook amirite