Is it a bad idea to use Windows XP nowadays?

Is it a bad idea to use Windows XP nowadays?

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Maybe, I'll have to ask my mom.

>not asking your sister

Has it ever been a good idea?

My sister is a mac fag, she would have no idea man. My mom makes me hotdogs daily so I gotta be nice to her.

fuck that retard youtuber

If you have a legit version sure keep using it but you can also use kubuntu

but mate is comfy tier doe.

Absolutely not


It’s comfy tier that is highly unavailable and not good with modern hardware.

No dont let the microsoft shills stop you

You should keep yourself an older machine with it to run games/software that only works well with XP and under, but not use it as your main machine.

No. Switch to Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

dont you mean 16.04?

17.10 is less buggy.

A family member of mine works for an ISP as a network engineer, he says they've started to filter known XP computers (known meaning they've caused problems) off the whole network because XP has been hacked to shit

get the POSReady patch

then run windows updates again and you should get everything since then.

It's actually the safest version of windows right now

No. 14.04 is more compatible with older systems and is supported to 2019. Especially If you get the minimal installer.

>less buggy
I don't think so Tim.

Who’s tim?

Windows XP is CVSS 10 just for existing

No. It is not updated anymore.

This guy said it for me. You're not going to get magical hackerman e-AIDS by hooking up your old A64/P4 system to a network behind a firewall like so many dipshits on Sup Forums say you will, but there's no excuse to use it primarily or on new hardware built for 7 and up. It's still a shitty operating system most people only like because they used it as children/teenagers.

I know what I'm doing Al

>not fucking you're sister


newer != better

>there are faggots, oh sorry, anons on Sup Forums that think when you plug a computer with an unsupported OS into a network jack it automatically catches all the viruses

>WanaCrypt hit XP/7 the hardest
There's your answer. Even though Microsoft released emergency patches for XP, that doesn't mean they would do it again in the wake of another attack on the same magnitude. It's simply not safe to use XP at this time

*your, you idiot.

>thinking you're going to get fucking WannaCry just from hooking a system up to the internet
We have this innovative technology called a "firewall" that came out a couple decades ago, it's some really cutting-edge shit, you should give it a try some time.

>we are not supporting older product
>you should change computer because new is good old is bad
>buy new product or something might happen to your data

literally every marketer shill ever

install win98

Are you're a idiot?


XP was patched for that the same time as 7/8/10 if you did the posready 2009 registry trick.

As long as you have those updates it's perfectly safe on the internet, other than browsers dropping it.


Unless you LIKE running a completely outdated and unpatched system for no reason other than moronic nostalgia..


Only if you want to miss out on Microsoft's most Secure operating system yet, not to mention the latest DirectX11 games (I'm a gamer myself (; ) and tons of sweep Apps which only work on the latest Windows 10!

How much is Microsoft paying you?

They don't need to pay me to support a quality product! In fact I payed them $340 AU for my licensed copy of Windows 10 Pro Edition. I prefer to get a legitimate copy straight from the source, as I don't want to use an inferior pirated version which might have bugs or security issues.

Dumb fuck he's baiting. HE couldn't even get DirectX12 right, as that's what W10 supports.

Why don’t you just use the windows that comes with your desktop or laptop?

It does not apply to all updates though.

POSReady 2009 (EOS:2019) and Server 2008 R1 (based off Vista)(EOS:2020) deviates from the monthly patches that Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 receives. The updates for the former products are ad-hoc, i.e. released once packaged and tested. On the other hand, the monthly updating for 7-8.1 are only released at the stipulated timing set by Microsoft. For Windows 10 Devices, regardless of it being it Semi-Annual channel or LTSC, will usually receive updates earlier than 7/8.1 since Windows 10 "As a Service" typically receives 2 to 3 security/bug-fix updates per month with no fixed dates for each release.

Hence, for security updates excluding Windows Defender and Flash/.Net updates, Windows Server 2008, POSReady 2009 and 10 will usually get it first, before Windows 7 and 8.1. Therefore, it is safe to say that in some instances, machines running XP with the POSReady identification modification/POSReady 2009 itself can be more secure than 7/8.1, if you ignore the other holes in XP that Microsoft does not bother to fix.

it works just fine without updates.. actually the updates make it slower and you will notice it on older hardware. its as safe as any os as long as the user isnt retarded.

Holy shit this
Used XPsp3 until 2012 without updates
Using 7sp1
Common Sense 2018
Never had any problems.

Yes you brain dead moron.

You might as well just run XP in a virtual machine instead of on an old machine with a failing HDD, chances are you'll have better performance too.

I think you can still get malware through using an outdated browser (chrome has already dropped support for XP, idk about firefox).


Very. Unless you don't care about your privacy
>inb4 le privacy meem xdd
No you're really XP is so insecure you're better using Vista or windows 10 with full telemetry and 24/7 video feed to Microsoft

>and 24/7 video feed to Microsoft
thinking about pajeet having to watch me fap only gets me going

Use the pos2009 registy edit to get updates.

>it's not bobs but the socks will do I guess