Practically speaking, how bad is it to keep all your passwords to everything in a single jpg file on your desktop...

Practically speaking, how bad is it to keep all your passwords to everything in a single jpg file on your desktop? Something like this:

[email protected]


etc., typed out in paint

assume that nobody actually uses your computer IRL other than you.

That's some next-level shit.

You don't just keep your password files in a plain text file. You don't just keep that file on your desktop. But you make that plain text file a JPG. That's commitment.

It's not too bad if you encrypt that file.

if the file is unencrypted, anyone can get it, especially if you share your pc with other or if you get a virus
If you encrypt it, with a good password, all good, no problem
but, if I was you, I'd use something like KeePassX if you plan on keeping your passwords offline

>Not encoding a keepass file in the least significant bits of of your favorite porn image

>not having every single one of your passwords handwritten in a notebook you keep hidden in the same drawer as your vibrator
get on my level, faggot.

not really that much better than in a text files
the way I see it though, if someone is reading files on my system, they are probably sniffing my keystrokes anyways
once you're pwned, you're pwned

>if the file is unencrypted, anyone can get it, especially if you share your pc with other or if you get a virus
considering I have about 1,000 images of porn on my desktop, what are the odds of it mattering even if I do get attacked by a virus?

The more I think about it, the more I think it's not an awful way to get super-lazy "encryption". You just have to beware of viruses that might actually be snooping your images -- for instance, in search of nudes, private images, or even just selfies. Of course, text files are more bang-for-buck, so there's probably not much to worry about on that end, but it's still something to consider.

so let's say I did this, but on a text file in notepad instead of in paint.

Even then, what's actually going to happen? Is the hacker going to personally read through every single notepad file that I have?

How would he even begin to find my passwords, even if I had them in a text file?

I finally got the Linux distro and windows on the same hard drive, can i still get fucked if i put the file in the Linux partition?

2bh like said once you're pwned to the point that someone is remotely accessing your files you're absolutely fucked
may as well keep them on your desktop in passwords.txt

>using a password manager

>KeePass in a porn file
>keep ass


what is with you autists.
fucking write it down!

why not make it an .exe?

OP just write everything on signs in your private Minecraft world. The hackers will never get through all those layers

Linux is a kernel.

I think at this point its better to write it down and always have it with you someplace separate from all the stuff a mugger may want to steal from you.

Very safe and ingenious user. No one will ever be able to find your passwords.

>what is ocr

>You don't just keep your password files in a plain text file.
The contents will be indexed and sent to MS/Google/Apple botnet.

This is actually quite a neat idea user.

The text would still be in memory though.

Have pistons push blocks together to spell out your password.

>being such a brainlet that you can't commit all your passwords to memory

Don't use passwords, reset your password each time you access it

I'm going to at least say you should probably not label which sites the info is for, and just try to remember that. Something like keepass would be ideal probably, though. I've been meaning to set it up myself.

>Not training yourself subconsciously to remember passwords via muscle memory

Why not just use an encrypted database behind a really strong password?

Someone takes the jpg ur fucked

>not having a urine-based biometric lock on all your accounts
I hope you enjoy Ivan and his pedo uncle having access to all your data, dumbass

You mean passwords you can't change?

>he doesn't wear a password-protected chastity belt
Enjoy having your urine samples stolen every time you take a piss

>jpg file on your desktop

That's dumb

Make it your wallpaper so it's easier to type over.

>use paint to create jpg
>write password
>save image as jpg
>rename to some stupid extension ie: ini32.dll
>change metadata
>put in some random game's root folder or system32 or wherever

Literally safe from anything

I keep mine in a plain text notepad file
but store it deeper in a location nobody would ever look like c:/program files/7zip/data/lang/

Sound like the way I used to hide my porn when I was a teenager.

I used to hide mine in Neverwinter nights mod archives.
It should still be on one of my backup CDs. I should go see what I got off too as a kid.

You can simply use a notebook or a piece of paper that you're sure to never lose. However, if you want to keep the passwords accessible on your computer, your idea of using a JPG file is pretty clever. Just don't put it on your desktop. You can use steganography (remember sinkposting?) to hide your passwords in a random file.

I'm really paranoid concerning passwords, that's why I put them on a notebook with all letters and numbers scrambled. I can't trust a password storing software, no matter how safe it is.

>Keep all passwords on file
>Have system that's only detailed in my head on how to decode the passwords as copying them outright won't work

It could be as simple as using another word that you attach to the end of your passwords which are typed down. That particular word is never revealed anywhere but in your mind. Therefore you only need one word/string/algorithm to remember for all your passwords.

Obviously this only works against people finding/hacking your password file. A keylogger would reveal your secret ingredient coupled with the file but I think it's rare someone gets both.

>he only has 1000

>not doing this but also having dummy accounts with realistic looking inboxes set up with the information on your desktop

I did this with my grandfather as well so I can tell if someone/something is poking around.

>not using KeePassx

Is there a script somewhere that does this? I cbf to write this but I want it

buttnets have a lack of human oversight

Why does everyone come up with these elaborate ways of writing down their passwords instead of just memorizing them?
Realistically you need like 5 secure passwords for Amazon, Gmail etc. . Generate and memorize some random ~20 characters strings for those and use your pet's name or something for everything else that is unimportant.

Passwords have been debunked, use pass phrases.

could try opening a jpeg in notepad and hiding it in there. some photo where it would look normal having Greg stripoo and shit

>mfw i'm in your toilet with a scuba set

>implying I use the sewage-system botnet

this is what i do, just to make it easier for my parents to reach my bank account if i die in an accident

it's a pain, I only log in to my bank account like a couple times a month (I have a text notification on transfers/bills .etc just in case already), and it's a ~20 character password that's just slightly varied from my other passwords. I do occasionally forget it because I made the password too elaborate, and I don't use it or care enough to commit to memory

This is a good thread


Your jpg file will degrade every time you edit it to add a password and save it.

At the very least, use png format.

is that creo???? lmao


If you can't remember something like passwords, why not write it down on a piece of paper?
I personally just remember the passwords or request a new one every time, but I know some people keep a book around with all that stuff written down.
This method is safe from online attackers, you need to get the physical book and it works even if your computer is broken, which is typically the case when you need to remember the wifi password.
It is still a single point of failure though.

... and all I see is Keep Ass.


Write your info on a notecard. Keep nearby computer.

>Not finding your password via a jpg containing the filename of a txt file containing the filename of a jpg containing the filename of a txt ... ad infinitum

>not storeing your passwords in the directory structure
Nobody will care about empty directories so user/password/service is the best way