/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread

Search the web before asking here.

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How do I initialize the members of each sub struct?

Question about the "Now Playing" status of Discord.

If you're logged into it from two devices, and one is playing something while the other isn't, what happens? I see that on the Playing PC it shows what you're playing, but on the Standby PC it shows nothing. So how does it look to others?

Best not-so-bloated version of Windows 10? And is there a better cracking tool than kmspico? I'm using it for my TV box, and I plan on disabling explorer.exe and launching Steam Big Picture immidiately. I have a Win10 Home disk but ehhh... LTSB or something I've heard of, is that good?

If I have 2 gmail accounts on my android phone, one is japan. How would apps update? Do I need to switch the accounts first on the playstore?

I was given a new computer as a gift, it came with 2 disks, 1 for CPU drivers and 1 for GPU drivers. How do I make sure that all of that is already installed so I don't have to bother?

I have 7.1 audio on my mobo. Is it possible to connect a 3.5 input to one of the ports and have it play through my normal audio output? I want to connect my monitor, which I also use for my playstaion as well as pc, to my audio card so that I can hear both my pc and playstation through the earphones.

I'm using 4chanX with Tampermonkey (because Greasemonkey had a shitfit with the new firefox, or the new firefox had a shitfit with Greasemonkey, one of the two)
Sometimes when i load a page the links (and all the page stuff) gets "doubled" with the normal Sup Forums one.
Two sets of backquote links (one Sup Forums vanilla, another 4chanX), trying to reply opens two QR (again, one normal Sup Forums and one 4chanX) and opening images opens them twice.
Reloading the pages fixes the issue, 99% of the time (and the other 1% i just refresh twice) but i'm looking for a more permanent fix.
I'll post a pic next time it happens

I bought a desktop from germany meaning everything is in german. I tried changing it to english, installed the language pack but there's still a few things in german. How do I make it so EVERYTHING is in english?

Nigga it's not windows 10's fault you can't operate a computer stupid

Just moved into a new place and my new ISP doesn't offer static IPs, is there a way to request my internet facing IP when I'm not at home?

Very stupid question:
Can it damage an external HDD if I read stuff directly from it instead of copying it to my laptop first?
I have a 2TB HDD with movies on it, should I copy the movies I want to watch or can I just play them directly from the drive?

>should i read the file and send the data to a application or read the file and copy the data?
Either way you are going to read that file so they are exactly the same as far as HDD damage goes

Makes sense, so I can just read all my files directly from the HDD then

That's what dynamic DNS services are for. If you don't want to spend the $5/year to do that, write a script to check your external IP periodically and email you if it changes.

>i'm looking for a more permanent fix.
Don't use stupid extensions that fuck with rendering.

Don't use stupid extensions that fuck with rendering.
Like what?
Assume i have a IQ of 60

>thunderbolt with speeds up to 10gbps
Yet it takes seven minutes to copy a 55GB folder, what's up with that?

>see YouTube link
>click it
>"This video is not available in your country"
>try free proxies
>none of them work
>buy $3 proxy
>download fails because anti-virus thinks its malware
>turn off anti-virus
>try to download it again
>installation successful
>VPN program says it sent a verification code to my email
>it actually didn't
>have to go through customer service to get my email verified
>start the VPN and try accessing the YouTube link again
>YouTube asks me to solve a captcha because it *thinks* I'm using a proxy
>spend some 20 minutes solving one captcha
>excited to finally watch the god damn video
>"The content of this video is age restricted, please log-in to view it"
>try creating a Google account
>asks for a normphone number
>don't have one

Why is technology so fucking useless?

cable, controller, disk write speed,... could be anything

How can I pinpoint where the problem comes from?

7.1 has a "normal" front speaker output. it's usually green.

I got my dads old s7 edge and I tried to factory reset but you gotta log into an old Google account. Problem is he's technologically incompetent and doesn't know his password or that he ever had to log in. Is there a way to fix this or would it just look like I stole a phone if I try to get it fixed?

Boot into recovery mode, factory reset there, if it doesn't work install TRWP and factory reset with it.

lol put nsfw in front of youtube.com to skip logging in

I have a laptop that dual-boots Windows and Debian. On Windows everything works fine, but on Debian the Ralink RT3290 WiFi adapter has no firmware/drivers. I have no USB to USB-C cable or Bluetooth either so I can’t tether it to my phone for Internet connection, I have no Ethernet, so what can I do to get the driver on my laptop? If I place the firmware file in /lib/firmware will it still work on Windows?

I wanna add my RSS-URL of my Flicker stream to a website via widget, but I can't find the URL anywher.e I tried several different tutorials i found online but none of them apply.
Now I found this and now I want to know where and how I insert these parameters. behind the URL? do I go id:[USER_NAME] or what?

Someone managed remotely to access my torrents through the qBittorrent's Web UI funcionality.
All he did was move and delete a few of my files.
I guess the way he managed to do that was because the login page of the Web UI is HTTP (not secure) and I'm connected through a VPN so maybe someone was snooping, I don't know.
What kind of data other than my torrents might had he come across?
I wanted to ask if I am safe and what can I do.
I'm using Linux Mint. It is a fresh install, I just downloaded qBittorrent and was downloading some anime.

my piece of shit tp-link wifi dongles (2 of them) freeze half my system regdardless what i do (using USB 2.0 which they should be compatible with):
The drivers install fine in safe mode (but they still don't work on normal mode), but in anything above safemode+networking, they just stop responding: driver install/uninstall hangs, cant disable/enable them (also hangs) from device manager (and it says they are working fine, can even set wifi-realted stuff from there), cant even shut down the computer with them plugged in.

I tried diffrenet drivers, installing manually and witth the exe, through windows update, in virign and on updated windows install, all of the above in safe, safe+networking, normal install, tried using their tp-link utility (if driver was installed in safemode it says "failed to switch apadapter" or somehting like that when trying to pick an adapter), through the windows wifi autoconfig, with old and new motehrboard drivers...

I tried them on an another newer computer installed form the same win7 disk as this one, in both of its usb 2.0/3.0 slots and the dongles themselfs are working fine.
One of them worked before the reinstall too, but after adding an ssd and reinstalling, this happened.

I am out of ideas, please for the love of god someone help me

Cannot open a _local_ html file with firefox on android, the app itself has no "open" option and it doesn't come up as an app registered to open html files.
what do?

Is there a code-autocomplete/suggestion for vim?

What? Can't you just mount your NTFS partition in debian after downloading the drivers in windows?

What's MEGA daily allowed download bandwidth?
For non registered users.

It wasn't me who installed the operating systems, so I had no control over that.

It's not really a homework, I'm just doing exercises for my upcoming final.
I need to make a program that reads a string and returns a substring where the letters are the most in alphabetical order. An example is azcbobobegghakl and the substring is "beggh".
Any tips on how to approach the problem?
My only problem is with making the machine recognize an alphabetical order, or to impose an order on the letters.

>Search the web before asking here.

You could assign each letter a number.
"A" (and/or "a") is 1, b is 2, etc. And try to shimmy in some check to see which substring has less "jumps"
You could also try to convert the characters to their numerical ASCII value, though it will become case sensitive since A and a are encoded with two different values

>You could assign each letter a number.
>"A" (and/or "a") is 1, b is 2, etc. And try to shimmy in some check to see which substring has less "jumps"
Thank you.

Is AV a placebo?

What's the alternative of WebM for baka for linux?

How safe are you if you run Sandboxie on a virtual machine?



pls respond

What? I mean, the tool for converting videos to webm.


>have external hdd
>put it inside case with sata 3, doubles the speed of usb 3, made some things easier
>pull it out and re attach usb3 cables/enclosure
>invalid disk, disk offline etc
the fuck? this never happened before what do

>What kind of data other than my torrents might had he come across?
Theoretically, anything.

I was assuming you wanted an alternative to WebM. If you want a tool that encodes videos to WebM you should use ffmpeg. There are plenty of tutorials on the internet on how to use it.

Does anyone know when the next generation of GPUs are coming out?

I don't want to invest into a 1060/1070 right now if there is a new generation around the corner.

What's the easiest way to make money with programming knowledge? As a student I could really use a bit of side income

I'm looking for a laptop. I'm not rich, but I just can't focus on shit when I'm at my home. I want to leave my phone and be able to go somewhere. Blah blah blog, sorry, but I'd like to at least be able to run UE4 on it, so I can fuck around with some devving shit.

Any suggestions? I'm not rich

What's your naming scheme for bibtexkeys?

I'm really autistic about naming conventions, so I want to have a good short, yet precise one I'll hopefully not have to change for a decade or so.

authorYear (e.g. "serralini1953") is short and sweet, but has problems with multiple citations per year and with ancient citations (e.g. citing someone from 200 B.C.).
authorYear_# (e.g. "serralini1951_0001" is a bit long and feels redundant. Maybe just three paddings ("001")?

Isn't it infinite?


safe as a muslim in sweden

Where? And I only have personal projects to show
No experience with real projects

Pick one

Dunno if this is a stupid question or not, Sup Forums, but I'm currently looking for a replacement keyboard because my current bargain bin one is about to fall apart after a few years of use and a not-so-smart period of letting my little brother use it while he waited for a new one.

Do you guys have any recommendations?


Is WINE secure?
I read it's better to install Windows on a VB.

Also are all tech guys soyboys or nu-males?
Because too many I know are

> iwconfig says "wlp6s0: no wireless extentions"
> wlp6s0 is my wifi adapter and I'm using it right now
Is there something about NetworkManager I don't know?

Arduino Nano, Pro Mini or Micro? It's for a small project, let's call it a toy car with motors and a few sensors

We know it's a sexbot already. Stop hiding it.
Also, for your actual question: check how many sensors and stuff you'll need, if you use a shield for the motors then that will eat up some pins from the arduino too

How to write
for i in *.jpg; do
new=$(printf "%04d.jpg" "$a") #04 pad to length of 4
mv -i -- "$i" "$new"
let a=a+1

to single bash line?
Do I add ';' for every line, or do I put brackets after 'do' ?

What is the best language to create a informative site like logicalincrements?

Can I build it myself without any programming knowledge? Maybe using a template?

How much will it cost if I pay a pajeet?

Are shield boards a necessity? Because I was using the Nano directly and it was working fine, until that day I didn't realize the 6 pins on the top of the board were all bent and clustered together and plugged the thing into a USB port and fried a capacitor.
Also, is there another way to upload data to it without the miniUSB port on board? It's still alive and all, but the miniUSB connection won't work anymore since one of the caps is fried. I've read something about the TX and RX pins on the board, but I'm not sure how to use them.

What do you need an amp for?

When it comes to wifi router placement in a house is it actually better for it to be on the 2nd instead of the first floor? but still around the center?

save it as shell script and run the script?

Add semicolon to every line except after do

If an SD Card has printed class of U3 but has reported speed 90MB/s (3x faster), which is more likely: the producer lies with the speed, or do they not want to spend money to get the needed certificates and shit to get a better class logo?

Looks like ; between every line except between do and new.
Everything on one line is ignored after #
JUST open terminal emulator.
press ctrl x e
paste multilines of code

I have inherited an old laptop (Core 2 Duo T6570, 2GB), in perfect condition but I don't have a HDD.
What do I do with it?

What is linuxrc? Why do I have a linuxrc symlink that points to /bin/busybox in / on my host Gentoo machine but not my virtual Gentoo machine? Is it the initrd?

>Download failed. Not enough permissions
How do I fucking stop this shit, it happens in every browser even though I'm a fucking administrator
I've tried fucking everything; disabled antivirus, ran browsers in admin mode, made myself the owner of the .exe
What the fuck am I missing? Please, somebody

I’m building a new computer and I’m Planning on putting my old SSD (with Windows 10 on it) into the new computer which. I know that simply installing it won’t work, but what should I do?

As in
> how do I completely wipe windows from my SSD so that I can put the SSD into my new computer?
> Is there a way to remove hardware specific drivers from Windows 10 so that I could just plug in my SSD into my new computer and use it that way?

Thanks in advance

I want to do it in terminal like the cool kids.

Alright, thanks.

Buy an SSD. What model is it?

Well, it worked only when I put it on the sdcard and only when I put in the URI.

I don’t think I was clear enough there, what I’m asking is it would be OK to simply plug in my old SSD and then somehow reinstall Windows on it, but I do not know if that is even possible and I would like to know how to go about doing that if it is.

If I were to plug in the SSD would Windows 10 just do an automatic system repair or something or would the bootable USB be able to uninstall my SSDs windows and then reinstall it right then and there?

Nevermind, I tried "iw dev wlp6s0 link" and it works.
I've just wasted 2 hours trying to get a deprecated command to work. Should've done my homework instead.

Thanks, I found the program and played with it a bit, but now I have a new problem.
I want to convert a vp9 webm with sound, to vp8 webm without sound, because Sup Forums only accepts that type.
I tried to cut the audio first by using this code:
ffmpeg -i input.webm -an -vcodec copy output.webm
Which worked flawlessly, but Sup Forums still can't accept vp9 webm, so I did this to the results of the first code files:
ffmpeg -i input.webm -c:v libvpx output.webm
But now the resulted video has less quality than the source. It has more jaggies.
Is there any command to convert vp9 to vp8 without losing quality?
I remember WebMConverter for baka had option to convert videos to Sup Forums webms.


Yeah, I saw that already. That's how I know codec for vp8 is libvpx.
What I want is to use the input file's bitrate configuration, which can be done by -c:v copy, but also converts it to vp8.
Since libvpx is a parameter in -c:v, I couldn't exactly write -c:v libvpx copy, or could I?


What's a good place for uploading small data that I will be using for a tutorial? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Meaning it has to stay and it should be quick to download.

mixtape dot moe

You must specify a bitrate or quality target or both unless you want shit

Anyone have that greentext story about an user who worked as tech support for a company. From what I remember, he never did any work, installed bitcoin miners on their computers, and fucked with them in various ways.

really dumb question... If i burn an iso to a usb, will i lose the rest of the storage on the usb? I burn 300mb iso on 64gb, do i lose 63.7gb permanently?

I don't think so. Isn't burning just copying the iso's data to usb and make it bootable/recognized by other device?
At least, I've tried making a liveusb by burning a linux iso to a usb using rufus, and I could still make new folders and put files into it after it done.

what happens if i put my computer in the oven

Why do some people make the case of saying their questions are stupid even though the OP clearly says this is a stupid questions thread

if I buy a GPU, say GTX 1050 Ti 4GB, will it consume power even when I'm not gaming? I'm kinda worried bout my power bill


Pls respond

It is overkill user. A VM is probably harder to fuck up than sandboxie if you want isolation so stick with just a VM

this looks good?

As usual things dont fucking work like they should
I got a dualshock 4 today and downloaded ds4windows to my thinkpad. I use the onboard lenovo bluetooth drivers and shit. Its a t420s.
I installed the drivers the software asked me to. Plugging the controller in works but the usb cable i have is 2 inches long, i just have it for charging.
So for bluetooth setup I did what it asked. Set the controller to sync, went to bluetooth settings and connected to it.
But then it tries installing drivers, the controller connects to ds4wjndows, then disappears, and its unconnected from bluetooth.
I don't understand this. My guess would be it's trying to install the onboard drivers over the ds4windows one, and when it does connect it switches to xbox 360 deivers, which makes the pc think it disconnected.
What do? I google it but most people it "just works"