Previous thread Not quite travelling salesman edition >Advent of Code is a series of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill levels. They are self-contained and are just as appropriate for an expert who wants to stay sharp as they are for a beginner who is just learning to code. Each puzzle calls upon different skills and has two parts that build on a theme. You need to register with an account but you can appear as anonymous.
The new leaderboard with empty space is join-code: 43046-941b8011
The old (full) leaderboard is join-code: 194764-c554ff91
getGroup :: [[Int]] -> Set Int -> Int -> Set Int getGroup reflist stored n = let newstored = Set.union (Set.fromList $ reflist!!n) stored in if (stored == newstored) then stored else Prelude.foldl (\acc n -> getGroup reflist acc n) newstored (Set.toList newstored)
getPartitions :: [[Int]] -> Set Int -> [Set Int] getPartitions reflist stored = Prelude.foldl (\acc i -> h reflist acc i) [stored] [0..(length reflist - 1)] where h reflist stlist n = let existing = or ( (\stored -> elem n (Set.toList stored) ) stlist ) in if existing then stlist else (getGroup reflist (Set.fromList []) n):stlist
Gonna solve day 7 by generating a set of all nodes and descendant nodes. Then set differencing them.
Benjamin Green
these examples are fucking joke, I don't care anymore. I've stolen code from reddit
Juan Watson
routes = {} for line in PUZZLE_INPUT.split("\n"): route = line.split("") program = int(route[0].strip()) pipes = [int(x.strip()) for x in route[1].split(",")] routes[program] = pipes
def get_group(root): search = set(routes[root]) searched = set() while search: for program in search: search = search.union(routes[program]) searched.add(program) search = search.difference(searched) return searched
def count_groups(): count = 0 found = set() for program in routes: if program not in found: found = found.union(get_group(program)) count += 1 return count
print(len(get_group(0))) # Part 1 print(count_groups()) # Part 2
I strive for conciseness with readability. Here's what I got.
Tyler Wood
holy shit you are brainlet. Did you try to think about it for at least 20 minutes?
>cheating in anonymous contest with no real prizes ok, you are retarded
Colton Miller
def search(start,ggg,seen): seen.add(start) [search(j,graph,seen) for j in graph[start] if j not in seen] return
left = set(graph) groups = set() while left: seen = set() search(left.pop(),graph,seen) [left.remove(j) for j in seen if j in left] groups.add(tuple(sorted(seen))) if 0 in seen: print(len(seen)) print(len(groups))
sub min ($$) { $_[$_[0] > $_[1]] } sub dist() { sum values %directions }
while(1){ my $starting=dist;
for(@reductions){ my($ca,$cb,$cc)=@$_; my $value=min($directions{$ca},$directions{$cb});
if($value>0){ $directions{$ca}-=$value; $directions{$cb}-=$value; $directions{$cc}+=$value if $cc; } }
last if $starting==dist; }
print dist;
Aaron White
Simplified further (now with recursion!) routes = {} for line in PUZZLE_INPUT.split("\n"): route = line.split("") routes[int(route[0])] = {int(x) for x in route[1].split(",")}
def get_group(root, found=set([])): new = routes[root].difference(found) found = found.union(new) for i in new: found = found.union(get_group(i, found)) return found
while queue: prog_from = queue.pop() for prog_to in routes.get(prog_from, set()): if prog_to not in visited: visited.add(prog_to) queue.append(prog_to)
return visited
def get_groups(routes): groups = 0 visited = set()
for prog_from in routes.keys(): if prog_from not in visited: visited |= get_programs(prog_from, routes) groups += 1
return groups
def solve(input, fun): routes = defaultdict(set)
for row in input: (prog_from, progs_to, ) = row.split(' ') for dst in progs_to.split(', '): routes[prog_from].add(dst) routes[dst].add(prog_from)
ABSOLUTELY MUTABLE version, since I'm autisming on minimizing line length, at the cost of immutability and readability: import collection.{mutable => mu} val a = mu.Map[Int, Set[Int]]() for(l
Usually I'd try and learn the theory behind graph searches and such. This time I decided to use the exercise to learn a bit more about graph theory, and specifically the ruby 'rgl' library. The result is a pretty small solution - the bulk of which is parsing the input file.
require 'rgl/adjacency' require 'rgl/traversal' require 'rgl/condensation' nodes ='input-12-1.txt').each do |l| node, neighbours = l.match(/^(\d+) (.*)$/).captures neighbours.split(', ').each do |n| nodes.add_edge(node,n) end end
Day 12 input seems to be 2k for nodes and 2k for unique edges: val e = collection.mutable.Set[Set[Int]]() for(l
Alexander Wood
s/var/val for all places but cnt
Ryan Hughes
I get up 4-5 hours after the puzzles are released.
Gabriel Smith
IUIC might behave incorrectly in some cases when the input is minimal instead of exhaustive (e.g. if we have 4 5 but no 5 4), given an unlucky traversal order, since we don't add the opposite edge in the adjacency list. Worked on my input tho. Adjusted input handler: def add(s: Int, d: Int) = a(s) = a.getOrElse(s, Set.empty) + d for(l
Lucas Reyes
But why have you not done day 3 part 2?
Because clearly, as anyone with a non-negligible level of reading comprehension can tell, the post you replied to was directed at anonymous user #226179, and since you replied to it, you must be anonymous user #226179.
Kayden Lewis
I thought you were asking what's (anyone's) excuse for not being in top 20, not why hasn't he done D3P2.
Aaron James
Chase Morris
lol so fahny ecks deee
Logan Flores
small theory input for day 11: efficient way to detect and track (dis)jointed sets in graph is ```Union-find'''. Naive way is coloring (when each disjointed set gets its color and when you connect 2 sets with new edge, those sets change to same color). When joining big sets it can take a while to rewrite values on many nodes. Assuming each node is identified by unique number - Union-find keeps supporting array. Number on index of the node's number represents it's parent in hypothetical subtree (includes same nodes as joined set). Starting with all nodes pointing on itself. New edge to graph can either be nodes in same or different set. Take the ending nodes and find their root in subtree [O(log n) complexity]. If roots are the same, edge is inside the same set and you do nothing with supporting array. If roots are different, you only join the roots. This joins the sets with single integer change. At the end you can count the disjointed sets by counting nodes that point to itself and tell if 2 nodes belong to same set by comparing their roots. It doesn't make the set size efficient though.
This was good because it filters out people who don't know what a graph is
Carter Sanders
>storing edge(v1,v2) as set(v1,v2) obviously misbehaves on edge(v1,v2)
Elijah Carter
The assignment literally tells you how to run BFS. You can do part 1 without even knowing the definition of a graph if you pick/define the right data structure.
Henry Parker
london would have been +2 hours
Joshua Adams
>edge(v1,v1) FTFM
Camden Parker
Finally, got some time to solve day 12 from re import match from collections import defaultdict
nodes = defaultdict(list)
with open("day12input.txt") as inputData: for row in inputData: m = match("^(\d+) () (.*)$", row) n = int( nodes[n] = [int(el) for el in", ")]
Surprised how long I took there, considering how simple the actual solution ended up being.
Asher Kelly
- via DFS. Give it a big enough N and hello stack overflow! This ain't directly tail call optimizable - also keeping only local mutability def reachableFrom(root: Int) = { var visited = mu.Set(root)
def walk(n: Int): Unit = { visited add n a(n) filterNot {visited(_)} foreach {walk(_)} } walk(root)
visited.toSet }
Jaxson Taylor
Blame Twain (or whoever twat actually said it): “I didn't have time to write a short [thingum], so I wrote a long one instead.”
captcha: turistics mexico
Christopher Barnes
- via DFS. Give it a big enough N and hello stack overflow! This ain't directly tail call optimizable - also keeping only local mutability def reachableFrom(root: Int) = { var visited = mu.Set(root)
def walk(n: Int): Unit = { visited add n a(n) filterNot(visited) foreach(walk) } walk(root)
visited.toSet }
Luke Mitchell
package main
import ( "bufio" "fmt" "os" "strings" "unicode" )
var graph = make(map[string]string)
func subtreeRoot(n string) string { for graph[n] != n { n = graph[n] } return n }
func subtreeSize(node string) int { root := subtreeRoot(node) c := 0 for n, _ := range graph { if subtreeRoot(n) == root { c++ } } return c }
func countSubtrees() int { c := 0 for n, p := range graph { if n == p { c++ } } return c }
func main() { scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin) for scanner.Scan() { fld := strings.FieldsFunc( scanner.Text(), func(c rune) bool { return !unicode.IsNumber(c) }, ) for _, n := range fld { if _, ok := graph[n]; !ok { graph[n] = n } if subtreeRoot(fld[0]) != subtreeRoot(n) { graph[subtreeRoot(n)] = subtreeRoot(fld[0]) } } } fmt.Println(subtreeSize("0")) fmt.Println(countSubtrees()) }
Sebastian Gomez
>no generics
Daniel Rivera
I was afraid part two would involve finding some minimum distance.
Mason Butler
You would just need a BFS if it did
Isaiah Richardson
Yes, but that would be ugly.
Christian Harris
Day12 in Nim import strutils, sequtils, tables, sets
var input = readFile("input.txt").strip().splitLines() pipes = initTable[int, seq[int]]() maxid = 0 groups = 1
proc add(s: var HashSet[int], x: int) = s.incl x for y in pipes[x]: if y notin s: add s, y pipes.del x
for line in input: let items = map(split(replace(replace(line, ","), " ")), parseInt) pipes[items[0]] = items[1..^1] maxid = max(maxid, max(items))
var s = initSet[int]() add s, 0 echo s.len for i in 1..maxid: if i in pipes: groups += 1 var s = initSet[int]() add s, i
echo groups
Landon Morales
Not really, it is standard pathfinding in a graph
Nicholas White
c# Dictionary map = File.ReadAllLines(@"N:\input.txt").Select((kv) => new { kv }).ToDictionary(pair => int.Parse(pair.kv.Replace(" ", "|").Split('|').First()), pair => pair.kv.Replace(" ", "|").Split('|').Last().Split(',').Select(x => int.Parse(x)).ToArray()); ; HashSet chain = new HashSet(); chain.Clear(); List groups = new List(); groups.Clear(); foreach (int id in map.Keys) if (!groupExist(id)) groups.Add(groupByID(id)); Console.WriteLine(groups.Count); // helpers int[] groupByID(int groupID) { int c = 0; chain.Clear(); chain.Add(groupID); while (c < chain.Count) { foreach (int z in map[chain.ElementAt(c)]) { chain.Add(z); } c++; } return chain.ToArray(); } bool groupExist(int ID) { for (int i = 0; i < groups.Count; i++) { if (groups[i].Contains(ID)) { return true; } } return false; }
Levi Reed
Why is BFS better than DFS for day 12?
Thomas Walker
Is it?
Blake Gonzalez
the fuck is this supposed to mean
Jacob Hernandez
I mean ugly in the sense that it wouldn't be efficient.
Adrian Ward
There is no difference, you are not looking for a path, you are just crawling through all elements.
Zachary Brooks
That's what I thought...
Landon Gomez
>linear solution is inefficient in immutable pure functional language I see.............
Grayson Harris
>281 char long line >sloppy copy-paste 12 char useless indentation >uses hardcoded absolute file path >uses file instead of stdin >no mention of which day and parts this is for >not even a single line comment to mention the approach taken (muh self-documenting code) >generally shitty readability
I pity the sad fucks who'll have to work with your code if the world is unlucky enough to employ you as a code monkey somewhere
Grayson Perry
You could do A* if you had an idea for an heuristic, but I can't see any for this problem
Jason Flores
Neat! I've been considering doing a few of these in Crystal, but I keep getting hung up on the thought that it would be more worthwhile to put that effort into a language with higher rising adoption.
But then I get hung up on all the drawbacks people bring up about such languages, like Go and Rust.
Christopher Myers
DFS is perfectly fine for a problem as small and non-demanding as d12 - e.g. just werks No pragmatic difference in this case. But in the general case: - possible stack overflow depending on stack limits and input size - some overhead due to the function calls, compared to a loop
Jackson Bennett
Oh fuck, I though BFS stood for "brute force search", and not breadth-first search. Tbh I didn't really consider how I would actually find the smallest distance, so I just though the naive algorithm would be O(n^2) or even worse.
Connor Gutierrez
you can implement DFS with a loop and a stack
Joseph Turner
>I though BFS stood for "brute force search" Lmao I'm going to do that to someone one day
Lincoln Kelly
>281 char long line And? It is collection population, nobody cares what happens there.
>sloppy copy-paste 12 char useless indentation The fuck is this supposed to mean?
>uses hardcoded absolute file path And? With the same success you could accuse me of not doing verification of the input data and exception handling. Or for not implementing user interface where he submits ID or data. Sure, I could write it and make it bloated 1000 lines in the end but why in the fuck would I do that if the task is pretty specific? Are you genuinely autistic or just plain bored and want to fuck my brains out?
>uses file instead of stdin AND?
>no mention of which day and parts this is for WHY DOES IT MATTER MOTHERFROGGER
>not even a single line comment to mention the approach taken (muh self-documenting code) WHO THE FUCK WOULD CARE ABOUT SOME RANDOM CODE ON Sup Forums THAT WILL DIE IN NEXT 1-2 HRS ALONG WITH THIS SHITTY THREAD
>I pity the sad fucks who'll have to work with your code if the world is unlucky enough to employ you as a code monkey somewhere IT'S A FUCKING HOBBY YOU MONGOLOID I'M A PROFESSIONAL 10 YEARS EXPERIENCED JANITOR AT NASA WHO CARES
(chill m8)
David Nguyen
memo = [-1 for x in input] def f(x): if memo[x] > 0: return True if memo[x] == 1 else False if x == 0: return True if input[x] == []: memo[x] = 0 return False for y in input[x]: if f(y) is True: memo[y] = 1 return True memo[y] = 0 return False total = 0 for i in range(len(input)): if f(i) is True: total+=1 print total
What's wrong with my memoization? Recursive pipes have been filtered, yet still I hit maximum recursion
Nathaniel Allen
never improve™
Alexander Lopez
Wew lads look at this dropoff. I was just wondering when the next Malthusian drop would happen, but it doesn't look like there's much to weed out anymore.
Josiah Kelly
def AOC12(string): d = dict() for line in string.splitlines(): numbers = {int(n) for n in re.findall(r'\d+', line)} for n in list(numbers): if n in d: numbers.update(d[n]) for n in numbers: d[n] = numbers yield len(d[0]) yield len(set(id(x) for x in d.values()))
Sebastian Wright
Man, 2015 day 21 was fucking tedious
Xavier Smith
>rages because he gets called out on being poojet >tells the user to chill ???
Luis Peterson
holy shit user
Daniel Smith
>someone genuinely rages or being upset >on Sup Forums you really should go back
Cooper Hall
I really just deep searched all the stats combo that can win and counted items by hand with their value/price ratio.
Owen Nelson
thanks for using the mario hat user
Juan Cox
damage control
Adam Smith
didnt really see the reason it just some quickly put together code solution to a random programming taks on the interwebs across other thousands of similar tasks nobody really gives shit about. Unless you genuinely believe that on job talk if you mentioned that you have solved some AoC puzzles in X lines they will be in awe kek
I might pretty it up after dinner cooking is done tho
Dominic Fisher
shit you've got me how will I ever recover now
Josiah Butler
And my shitty code for it: from itertools import * from collections import * from math import ceil bhp = 103 bdm = 9 bar = 2 hp = 100 dm = 0 ar = 0 weapons = [[8,4,0],[10,5,0],[25,6,0],[40,7,0],[74,8,0]] armors = [[13,0,1],[31,0,2],[53,0,3],[75,0,4],[102,0,5]] rings = [[25,1,0],[50,2,0],[100,3,0],[20,0,1],[40,0,2],[80,0,3]] goldw = dict() goldl = dict() cr = count() for numweapons in [1]: for numarmors in [0,1]: for numrings in [0,1,2]: for weapon_list in combinations(weapons,numweapons): for armor_list in combinations(armors,numarmors): for ring_list in combinations(rings,numrings): indic = next(cr) gd = 0 dm = 0 ar = 0 for weapon in weapon_list: gd += weapon[0] dm += weapon[1] ar += weapon[2] for armor in armor_list: gd += armor[0] dm += armor[1] ar += armor[2] for ring in ring_list: gd += ring[0] dm += ring[1] ar += ring[2]
infl = dm-bar infl = infl if infl > 0 else 0 taken = bdm-ar taken = taken if taken > 0 else 0 turns_kill = ceil(bhp/infl) if infl else float('+inf') turns_die = ceil(hp/taken) if taken else float('+inf') if turns_kill turns_kill > turns_die: goldl[indic] = gd print(min(goldw.values())) print(max(goldl.values()))
Landon Harris
daily reminder that this is just a wholesome annual event, its okay to ask for help.
also shitting on somebody else's work in a passive aggressive fashion on a japanese anonymous crossdresser forum with no intention to offer any improvements outs you as the angsty loser that you are.
Wyatt Green
It might be "just" that for you, but I don't know how to do what you described, or at least what the terminology "deep searched" actually refers to.