/sitg/ - Startup Idea Thread General..Build it and they will come edition


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Is that 80s James Hetfield?

Is this real?

there should be more services for harm reduction in drug usage (like information about safe dosage and testing)

User tailored AI porn generation.
Discord here: discord.gg/2MV6zx

startup that helps others start up their startups

get a job ya bum

Yeah she got too thiccc

how u make taytay fatty?

she's a tall chick, even if she got fuck she couldnt be short anf fat like in the picture.

Is this Miley Cyrus?

An idea for a startup pales in importance to the ability/drive/determination to execute the idea.

And if you want to know more you will have to sign my NDA first.

I would fuck Taylor Swift, thick or thin.

lol this

retards try to do startups all the time but their execution is such utter shit it doesnt matter how good their idea is

A bit too podgy, but still nice thighs

that's the spirit

But would she fuck you?
No. The answer is no.


People in these threads often post product ideas instead of startup ideas anyway.

Tinder, but for people with down syndrome (like OP)

Who would ask her?

guise listen

ok guise we


we build a cryptocoin

wait guise

we build a cryptocoin, right, that lets you make cats on the blockchain