Use cuckcuckgo

>use cuckcuckgo
>always do !g

Need a better search engine that stops me from doing that

Other urls found in this thread:

>use DDG to use Google

Use startpage is the same as using google but with privacy


>but with privacy
Or so they say.

>not using Bing for the rewards

I'd rather be botnetted by startpage than google desu

well that's interesting

You're getting botnetted by startpage and google, who's to say they don't just pass everything through?

Reminder that image is made by a fucking retard who has no idea what an SSL termination proxy or nginx are. The user agent query is a joke.


That's not how it works.


Yeah, sure it isn't.

"duckduckgo? More like duck duck joke!"
Badum tiss

>use duckduckgo
>never have to use !g because I pretty much always find what I want within the first few results anyway

That image is retarded. There's nothing in there that actually suggests any problems with DDG, just its creator.


There are people that unironically believe that if you can trace any Jewish ancestors in at least 3 past generations of your family, you undoubtedly are one of (((((((((((them))))))))))

I only use ddg to find movie streams that were stricked by google.

How is this different to duckduckgo?

it parses google searches, rather trying to search it.

So? They do the google search themselves, stripping personal info from your side. In the end it's all about trust. You have to trust both not leaking your personal data.

if it's about trust, you trust one side or another that's all.
use whatever search engine you like, if not create something and use it.

reminder to use the built in features of your browser instead of "bangs"

why would you route your search requests through ddg's US based servers?

Do you know what code runs on starpage servers?

I use Qwant.

Qwant is the most promising search engine alternative, its still isn't there quite yet but made a lot of progress and is very usable right now. Will eventually sell its soul like google and fuck you over but not for a long time.

The only right answer

it has the most retarded layout ever, why the fuck would I want results on a column that's 1/5 of my screen?

You say this like there aren’t reasons to trust one service over another.

DuckDuckGo is fine

I love you, thanks.