Daily reminder that net neutrality is state-sanctioned censorship. It's the institutionalized cucking of the internet by radical leftists.
>muh monopoliez
ISPs are NOT monopolies. There are literally hundreds of them in the United States.
Daily reminder that net neutrality is state-sanctioned censorship. It's the institutionalized cucking of the internet by radical leftists.
>muh monopoliez
ISPs are NOT monopolies. There are literally hundreds of them in the United States.
daily reminder that you're a retard and reeeeeeeing about muh leftist soyboy cucks isn't going to change the fact you're literally offering your asshole to ISPs by supporting net neutrality
Your continued existence is only supported by our benevolent society and the body's automatic responses, since it's evident someone as retarded as you would forget to breathe
daily reminder that op is a faggot
disregard that I suck cocks
>republican pajeet is the one dismantling NN
>republican president is the one allowing it
b-but muh leftist soyboy cucks
Conservatives are fucking idiots. And ludites, not surprisingly.
found the millennial regressives
>this is what Sup Forums has become
No shit, but the same "liberals" who were against the expansion of gov't under Bush and his phony-ass Patriot Act are now for essentially the same "bandaid over a gaping wound" approach to the Internet and have essentially become economic illiterates, which is probably worse than being a Luddite, since you have to be pretty fucking stupid to thing gov't regulation is going to solve a problem created by that very same gov't involving itself with the ISP markets (on the behalf of Verizon and Comcast) and forming monopolies all over the fucking country.
Don't you have a bull to prep?
millenial website
liberal website
anime website
i bet my fucking ass that you're a millenial, too, and don't even know what the word means
We, taxpayers, have funded milions of dollars into this infustrcture via taxation. Why should all of our money and work now just be handed over to private businesses with no return?
Whatever, most republicans are poor retards who think they're temporary broke milionaires, maybe we'll be able actually have a discussion without retards like OP screaching once Comcast and co. quadruple our internet costs.
Net neutrality is "institutionalized cucking of the internet by radical leftists"?
Oh Sup Forums, where did you lose your way...
Its actually memelenial
>There are literally hundreds of them in the United States.
There are hundreds of cities and towns in the United States, too.
Is that fag sharky still even alive?
dumb frogposter
>mfw op is a proud republicuck not realizing he is living his last days posting whatever he wants on the internet
Don't forget who most internet companies wanted in the white house.
It's like Trump is building a golden road for the next democrat president.
Oh for fuck sake you fascist shill fuck the fuck off!
>net neutrality is state-sanctioned censorship
Literally how? How does a law stating that ISPs can't censor the internet give the government power to censor the internet? You realize that regulating an ISP isn't the same as regulating the internet, right?
>you have to be pretty fucking stupid to thing gov't regulation is going to solve a problem created by that very same gov't involving itself with the ISP markets
You have to be pretty fucking stupid to think that net neutrality has anything to do with the totally different set of regulations that caused there to be monopolies, which must first be removed BEFORE stripping away a valuable consumer protection?
Do you think that getting rid of NN is going to magically get rid of all the monopolies? Of course it won't. These two things have nothing to do with each other.
Man that's so weird. I've got only two options, and only one of them offers cable broadband speeds. They've been players in my area for decades, have since put their utility wires underground, and my city doesn't have utility poles anymore (at least not in my neighborhood).
I cannot wait to see the surge of grassroots ISPs that pop up against these incredibly powerful giants after net neutrality is repealed. After all, that's what this is all about and everything will be amazing. The corporate cock will finally be removed from my anus. Thank you Ajit! and thank you OP!
But Comcast is going to BTFO Google! They're totally /ourguys/ now! BASED!!
>offering your asshole to Google
botnet neutrality shills in a nutshell
this, also curious
Trips of truth.
>Daily reminder that net neutrality is state-sanctioned censorship. It's the institutionalized cucking of the internet by radical leftists.
But it's also the awful kludge obama came up with to keep the american internet from going completely to shit
>ISPs are NOT monopolies. There are literally hundreds of them in the United States.
Just get your browser and check out google fiber.
When not even fucking google can compete, who can?
If obama was actually any good, he would had instated a law that forbids the local monopolistic laws verizon/AT&T/Comcast live off.
If Trump was actually any good, he would had instated a law that forbids the local monopolistic laws verizon/AT&T/Comcast live off.
And i can repeat the string above to at least 5 other presidents.
All recent presidents were shit, but we're suppose to believe something their lobbyists from Google came up with is going to be good for the internet? I don't follow your logic.
I literally, LITERALLY cannot wait until amerifats cuck themselves off of the internet. I'll go buy some fine whiskey on the day of to celebrate.
It's not good for the internet, but without it the shit is even worse.
What need to be done, and NOW is a law that forbids local monopolistic laws on ISPs.
>ISPs are NOT monopolies
Yes they are, and Title II is not censorship.
If you actually belonged here instead of being paid to troll you'd understand.
If using a different ISP was as easy as switching to a different search engine then none of this would be an issue. Stop using Google you fucking normalfag cuck
Doubt it. We basically saw in the last election that corporate sponsorship doesn't win you elections anymore compared to actual charisma and putting yourself out there and advertising yourself, regardless of your message. No matter how big a corporation is and how much it funds a politician, it can't compete with self-marketing.
>The Internet is a right
We already hit the bottom of the barrel I guess
>forbid monopolies
Google is a vastly larger monopoly. If NN were about monopolies it would include anti-trust against Google.
Google is still a larger monopoly than any ISP though.
The government has literally never been able to keep it's kikey hands away from our freedoms.
Giving them the power to """regulate ISPs""" is just a stepping stone to full blown nanny state internet lockdown.
Are you so naive as to trust the gov't when they pass things like the Patriot Act, which was only passed because it sounded patriotic (and who wants to not be a patriot) and created the surveillance state we live in now? The gov't does shit like this all the time: make something that sounds nice on the surface but ultimately adds a bunch of bullshit which is either unconstitutional or deepens the ties of gov't and big industry in the US.
low tier bait
net neutrality is a step toward making internet access a utility
as it should be
enjoy your 1929 you libertarian cunts
>mommy why can't internet be free and unlimited!
Because you're a degenerate and you ruin society.
Sup Forums was never liberal and no amount of trying to rewrite history will change that, you shilling faggot.
Knowing that the commies are pissed that communist neutrality is getting repealed tells me that I am on the right side of history by being anti NN
NN is about putting a cork on the cracking dam that is the monopolies, not about fixing em.
And just pulling the cork out and saying "work's done" is not very productive.
Do you know what actually fixes the dam? forbid laws that enforce local ISP monopolies.
>spiderman poster is a leftist autist
Checks out, should've known all along.
since you're not a poor retard an increase in costs shouldn't matter to you.
Sup Forums is still liberal.
It's the exact reason why everyone hates the left on most of the site.
>i have to use utterly retarded metaphors because i don't know what NN actually entails
How loudly will you howl about the end of the world when it's finally killed?
>what is Yandex
>what is DDG
>what is searx
>what is YaCy
You have plenty of options for a search engine, making it NOT a monopoly. There are also alternatives to every Google service that are accessible to everyone. A company being big doesn't make them a monopoly.
>Giving them the power to """regulate ISPs"""
They already have, and still will, have that power.
The FCC has nothing to do with the patriot act. Just because government does bad stuff like the spying doesn't mean I want them to quit regulating my restaurants or my running water or what have you.
Net neutrality does not give the government power to censor the internet. "B-buh," you say, "they might just ignore those laws or expand them in the future to allow for censorship!" Yeah, but at that point you're talking about a government that can just ignore any law or pass laws in a clandestine way at any given moment for any reason, in which case, we're already fucked, aren't we? What does taking net neutrality away do except giving you some superficial comfort of "making government smaller" when it fails to do so in any meaningful way whatsoever? How will they have any less PRACTICAL ability to just go "welp we're changing the law so we can regulate the internet and there's nothing you plebs can do to stop it" than they do now?
Stop this misconception. The reason most of the US is under monopolies is because the country is too big and most of it is under financial stress/economic recession. To put it simply it's not worth it to compete for welfare checks and walmart wages in bumfuck Arizona. You are never going to get real competition outside large urban areas no matter how many regulations you scrap because it has more to do with infrastructure costs, logistics and subsidies.
Taking net neutrality away is only going to make things worse for these people.
hello newfag
Well, i'm not in the US, and with something as retarded as NN and local government enforced monopolies, only a retarded metaphor would fit.
>Whatever, most republicans are poor retards who think they're temporary broke milionaires
And most liberals are the brown permanent underclass.
> Sup Forums was never liberal
t. gaymergate transplant
I always figured Sup Forums was ancap
Are you even trying?
"Being against Net neutrality is bad because the left wants it" - what kind of shit logic is that. You don't support or dissaprove of policies because the other political camp wants it. The argument for censorship can be made, but to be fair, net neutrality stops censorship within the net, by regulating ISPs. Frankly I don't see how regulation is censorship in this special instance.
"ISPs are not monopolies" - well they aren't always, but often they are. if there's little to no choice in rural places then they ARE monoplies.
Anti Net is anti consumer. If you want to make a argument that anti consumer is the right descision, go ahead, you are free to do so, just don't hide behind these shit pseudo argumentrs.
There are more ISPs than their are search engines with any kind of market share. Every major population center has half a dozen or more. If you live out in the countryside, you live with the tradeoff. NN wouldn't make comcast run fibre to your trailer in bumfuck cletus.
Sup Forums mostly don't like bullshit.
>enjoy your 1929 you libertarian cunts
>A Nobel Laureate in Economics disagrees with your sentiment
What did he mean by this?
>elects a pedophile president
>what kind of shit logic is that
It's the new Republishit. Govern by undoing everything the brown president did.
>le drumph
Sup Forums never was liberal or conservative in the first place. Why do you think that "GIGGANIGA" and "Nigger stole my bike" were memes here if it were liberal, not to mention the shit that happened after the FOX "expose" on Anonymous?
Or maybe NN is actually anti-consumer as the paper in demonstrates in a succinct manner.
Well seeing as how half the country is under an ISP monopoly, it's not really fair to pretend like it's comparable to the case of search engines, where literally everyone has dozens of options at their disposal. I've been using searx and DDG for years. I have no trouble finding what I need to find on those sites. Not a monopoly.
Oh boy this is just going to be another fancy "we should let companies get away with providing worse service because everyone will be better off in the long run" hogwash isn't it? Just the list of think tank pundits signing that crap makes me shrug.
Yeah it's not comparable due to the fact that ISPs have to run line to your trailer and the search engine doesn't. But owed to the fact that non-trailer-trash have access to more ISPs than they do search engines with non-trivial market share, the point stands. Google has to be broken up before NN can be taken seriously.
Daily reminder that the entire debate is picking between getting assfucked by the government, or assfucked by corporations, and there is no good choice
Wow, you really showed me with your reasoning why I was wrong. And here I thought you were actually going to point out flaws of the paper in a rational manner instead of assuming what you don't know and going from there, not to mention pretending you are a expert in the subject of economics
>Mark Jen, the chief technical officer of a small internet provider in California named Common, which was founded last year by a group of former Square employees, said that complying with net neutrality doesn’t require any work.
>“The default configuration of all of the [networking] equipment is to [follow net neutrality],” Jen says. “While net neutrality sounds like rules and regulations, it’s actually just saying everybody has to run stuff in the default mode, which is as fast as possible and great for everybody.”
>Rudy Rucker, co-founder of another small wireless internet provider in California, named Monkeybrains, said his company hadn’t encountered any difficulties either. “Maybe there’s something I’m missing,” he said, “but it’s not bogging us down.”
>Small ISPs haven’t received the never-ending complaints some have feared.
>Peggy Dolgenos, the co-founder and co-CEO of an ISP named Cruzio that’s located in Santa Cruz, California, said her company has been rapidly improving its equipment. “We’ve been upgrading our infrastructure as fast as we can,” she says. Her company currently has 35 employees and serves about 9,000 customers. “We’ve been investing like crazy. We’re about to invest in a really big local project to install fiber optic cable in our downtown.” She hopes to start offering the new fiber service sometime this fall.
>Many smaller ISPs said they saw net neutrality as an advantage for their business, too. “If you’re looking at what companies will get paid by big providers like Netflix, it’s not smaller ISPs, it’s large ISPs who already have practically a monopoly position,” Dolgenos says. “They’ll just cement their position, and it’ll just crush competition.”
>Over 40 small ISPs wrote their own letter to the FCC last month requesting that net neutrality stay in place.
Sup Forums was libertarian, since american leftists destroyed what it means to be liberal in the US, and as a lot of the internet shifted further left, Sup Forums shifted further right.
one of the earliest memes was the exploding vans segment on fox and how Sup Forums was called a far left website.
t. tumblr transplants
>NN: Get assfucked by Google, one of the largest and most powerful corporations in the world, nowhere to run
>anti-NN: Get fucked by your local ISP and move somewhere else
The only pro-NN arguments come from impoverished white trash living in trailers with their parents.
What does market share have to do with your ability to use a website? Are you unable to find the results you need on anything but Google? You know that a search engine doesn't need billions of people using it to be good, right?
One company being way bigger than all the others DOES NOT make it a monopoly. Period. A monopoly means that no other equivalent services exist and are accessible. That's not the case for Google's services, no matter how big of a market share they have.
nigger posting was always ironic until stormcucks took over newfag
>pedophile president
please go back to watching CNN's drivel dogma, thanks newfag :)
There is nothing rational on that paper. No actual studies, no empyrical data, it's just ideological punditry. Don't be swayed by things that only look superficially sophisticated.
>Having to pick up and move because your ISP is bad
This is incredibly stupid and expensive
>a search engine is just a website
No sorry, I can't take that argument seriously mr. pro-monopoly Google shill.
>being totally owned by Google is preferable to the inconvenience of moving
This is what white trash actually believe.
Explain what it is that you get from Google that you can't get from other similar services.
More specifically:
>there is no good choice
There's very little ideological masturbation here, seeing that it was presented in front of the FCC back in 2010 as a study on the subject on net neutrality.
>The only pro-NN arguments come from impoverished white trash living in trailers with their parents.
You mean the 48% of the US that doesn't live in an urban shithole?
>North Dakota
what is going on there
t. reddit transplant that has been here since summer
injuns (tree niggers) don't take kindly to no white man monopolies.
I'm sure many other researches saying other opposite things were presented to the FCC board as well. It doesn't single this one out as special. A good debate requires both sides to be heard.
white trash are the ones who voted to repeal NN sweetie : ^)
also how exactly would you be "totally owned by google"