/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

AB autism edition

Previous thread >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
FAQ pastebin.com/hrXxMHs9
WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only. Don't offer or ask for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.


I still can't tell if pic is sarcasm or not. The guy has no posting history in the forums so it's not like he has a reputation for this so I'm thinking he just has autism.

AB is not cabal

How do I know if a release is "scene"?

fuck you faggot. I was just about to post that.


Ahaha, I was just reading that post. That's something else if he's serious.

AB opening up applications again when?


It's open now, just clear your cookies + cache.

Excuse me, where is the news?


They'll reopen them once you stop paying attention. Also, they'll close them once you go to check

Why bother censoring the names?



lying sack of shit

is this real??

would explain why id have such a hard time cross seeding on tehc when curry cucks did shit like this

Is AB even going to reopen applications today?

They auto close when full. When they finish review some applications they open again till they are full again. You just have to refresh and have the answer to the questions ready.

>open BTN present
>10 gbs!

prepare to /marked/

anime BITES

>open BTN present
>2500 bonus points

go away

Hey guys, I want to get back into private trackers and torrenting but I'm not sure what to do.

I used to have accounts at all the big private trackers but some have been shut down. All my accounts are disabled due to inactivity on the ones that still remain and I can't remember my account information on some.
Should I try and regain these accounts back or should I just start fresh?

would someone be so nice as to invite me to one? I have a fast internet connection and if you want to check out my ratios I can provide you my old accounts that I still remember.

Reminder if you get in AB it is your moral duty to put every yen you earn in the freeleech pool.

I don't want to sound rude here but did you and the other staff overlook my pumpkin, or all you all just blind?

I would definitely like to appeal this very poor judging.
Firstly, I'll admit Vigne's pumpkin, while not superior to mine on a technical level, did end up being more creative and looking better simply do to better lighting and a superior camera.

However, 1. Raphiel did not follow the rules of the competition and submitted multiple pumpkins in an albeit quiet aesthetic autumn showpiece, but not one that adheres to the judging conditions, therefore her entry should be disqualified.

And 2. C'mon, how in God's names could you possibly consider Gabriel's better than mine? I don't want to sound mean or hurtful, but no one could possibly consider her superior on an objective level in terms of technical carving ability. The only possible explanation here is either a steep favorable bias towards Sakamoto as a character, which I can see, or just a staunch disdain or otherwise aversion to loli, which is also believable.

I just simply want an explanation here. I worked my fucking ass off trying to win this competition. I put 100% of my heart and soul into this and get fucking nothing? Though I was aiming for and only for 1st place so anything but would have been the same as nothing to me, but regardless, I without question deserve minimum second place.

Was it because I entered 2 pumpkins? I clearly labeled the one I was entering for judgement so that shouldn't have been it. Other than the character I carved, I can't imagine anything else.

However this came to be, I was absolutely robbed. I know I sound like a petty, dickish, sore loser here, but I am simply trying to right a very obvious wrong here.

tl;dr your (the staff's) pumpkin carving judgment sucks and is wrong

- Satania

>open BTN present
>custom title

join phd

I looked it up and to apply I need screenshots of my ratio.
I'm not able to get screenshots of my ratio on other websites though because of my accounts being disabled :\.

fuck btn and hdb

AB staff your judging of pumpkins sucks, and needless to say I will not be forgetting this slight, ever.

They're too busy judging pumpkins, is this why invites are taking so long?

>Tfw getting aroused by browsing porn screenshots on HDB.

I don't even like anime but have long felt compelled to request and invite to AB and become a power user there. What is this sickness?

I just put 400k into my 10TB buffer.

Is pressing F5 the only way to know for sure when AB reopens?

I don't want to sound rude here but did you and the other staff overlook my pumpkin, or all you all just blind?

I would definitely like to appeal this very poor judging.
Firstly, I'll admit Vigne's pumpkin, while not superior to mine on a technical level, did end up being more creative and looking better simply do to better lighting and a superior camera.

However, 1. Raphiel did not follow the rules of the competition and submitted multiple pumpkins in an albeit quiet aesthetic autumn showpiece, but not one that adheres to the judging conditions, therefore her entry should be disqualified.

And 2. C'mon, how in God's names could you possibly consider Gabriel's better than mine? I don't want to sound mean or hurtful, but no one could possibly consider her superior on an objective level in terms of technical carving ability. The only possible explanation here is either a steep favorable bias towards Sakamoto as a character, which I can see, or just a staunch disdain or otherwise aversion to loli, which is also believable.

I just simply want an explanation here. I worked my fucking ass off trying to win this competition. I put 100% of my heart and soul into this and get fucking nothing? Though I was aiming for and only for 1st place so anything but would have been the same as nothing to me, but regardless, I without question deserve minimum second place.

Was it because I entered 2 pumpkins? I clearly labeled the one I was entering for judgement so that shouldn't have been it. Other than the character I carved, I can't imagine anything else.

However this came to be, I was absolutely robbed. I know I sound like a petty, dickish, sore loser here, but I am simply trying to right a very obvious wrong here.

tl;dr your (the staff's) pumpkin carving judgment sucks and is wrong

you're addicted to playing the tracker rpg ladder

I don't want to sound rude here but did you and the other staff overlook my pumpkin, or all you all just blind?

I would definitely like to appeal this very poor judging.

Firstly, I'll admit yoshigeriko's pumpkin, while not superior to mine on a technical level, did end up being more creative and looking better simply do to better lighting and a superior camera.

However, 1. LiVeR did not follow the rules of the competition and submitted multiple pumpkins in an albeit quiet aesthetic autumn showpiece, but not one that adheres to the judging conditions, therefore his entry should be disqualified.

And 2. C'mon, how in God's names could you possibly consider gandalfthewhite327's better than mine? I don't want to sound mean or hurtful, but no one could possibly consider his superior on an objective level in terms of technical carving ability. The only possible explanation here is either a steep favorable bias towards Sakamoto as a character, which I can see, or just a staunch disdain or otherwise aversion to loli, which is also believable.

I just simply want an explanation here. I worked my fucking ass off trying to win this competition. I put 100% of my heart and soul into this and get fucking nothing? Though I was aiming for and only for 1st place so anything but would have been the same as nothing to me, but regardless, I without question deserve minimum second place.

Was it because I entered 2 pumpkins? I clearly labeled the one I was entering for judgement so that shouldn't have been it. Other than the character I carved, I can't imagine anything else.

However this came to be, I was absolutely robbed. I know I sound like a petty, dickish, sore loser here, but I am simply trying to right a very obvious wrong here.

tl;dr your (the staff's) pumpkin carving judgment sucks and is wrong

Please for the love of god just give me an approximate ETA on when will they reopen.

well this is fucking disappointing... anybody want my ab account?

I would but that's against the rules user-kun.

>well this is fucking disappointing
what is

animebytes. it's full of weeb garbage.

I don't need your shitty bait account, fuck you, Naoko

Actual advice: refresh every 5 minutes and hope they're open.

>giving a shit about that gay ass nigga tracker
I got in AB as a stepping stone and nothing else. I still have 50 shitty transcodes seeding permanently, I have millions of yen, and I just let it sit there doing fucking nothing. Dumb nip worshipping cunts deserve to die.

>millions of yen from seeding transcodes

It's just a piece of fruit, dude

>Actual advice: refresh every 5 minutes and hope they're open.
>Been refreshing every half hour since 5 hours after AB posted on twitter that applications were open
>For the past two hours, been refreshing every 5 minutes on my phone while watching anime
I'm never going to get an open window, am I?

He was absolutely robbed, show some respect.

Would it be wise to ask on their IRC if and when they'll reopen?

Absolutely possible if you seed 50 torrents that have barely been downloaded by anyone else for over a year.

No you'll be seen as annoying.

That sucks. The only time I actually saw it open was when it went live about 12 hours ago and then 2 or 3 hours later, but I'm already in, so it didn't matter for me.

>full of weeb garbage
Did...did you expect something other than anime?


I think I can keep this up for at least six more hours before I'll need to go to sleep -- maybe it's better to go to sleep now and try and wake up early if most of the people review applications are in Europe.

>being this pathetic

For transcodes I uploaded 2 years ago I'm averaging 5-6 yen per day per torrent. 50 gets you 250-300 yen per day. That's only 90,000 to 110,000 yen per year. If under the old system where yen growth was exponential it probably would've been possible after a couple of years and more torrents.

>posting in Sup Forums Sup Forums and /wsr/... jesus fuck.

>says the guy shitposting on a gook mackerel slapping plank

I would rather do this than grind my way up the private tracker ladder.
Hey -- we're all in this together.

I didn't post on /wsr/.

I know you didn't, I was wondering if you'd be stupid as fuck to respond to that.

You sure showed me.

Speaking of idiots on /wsr/, the amount of people that make threads asking for private tracker invites is just too funny. And AnimeBytes is the most popular one.

>Implying you could carve anything remotely that good

I would be butthurt too if I put that much time and effort only to be placed behind normie ghibli trash carvings.

Stay classy Sup Forums

Faggots do this on shitty sites
It's a bannable offense everywhere

Would you be so butthurt you'd write in the forums insulting everyone else's pumpkins?


where do you think you are

I got my AB invite on /wsr/, all I had to do was send the guy $20 on paypal.

>ywn get to troll pooploop again

Hey now calm down, it wasn't for nothing - you got 50k yen! Besides, there's always next year! If it makes you feel any better, I appreciate your entry and found it good looking. :Kiss:

Honestly, he can be upset, but it's just hilarious how angry he got and actually posted it when private trackers are known for banning people that do stuff like that.

That's something. I hope you're happy with your purchase, if anything.


The fact that so many books still name the yoshigeriko's pumpkin as “the greatest or most significant or most influential” pumpkin ever only tells you how far pumpkin carving still is from becoming a serious art. Pumpkin critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Fattoxthegreat and elderELES, who were not the most famous or richest or best carvers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Wrr276 over classical carvers who were highly popular in threads around Europe. Squash critics are still blinded by commercial success. yoshigeriko made a better pumpkin than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Pumpkin critics grow up looking a lot of carvings of the past, classical critics grow up looking at a lot of classical carvings of the past. Squash critics are often totally ignorant of the squash carvings of the past, they barely know the best artists. No wonder they will think that the yoshigeriko did anything worthy of being saved.

I wouldn't mind giving AB $50 for an account.

>tfw too socially inept to even do an interview through iirc

whew after you get power user on like one site it's like a flood of sites open up for you.

Why are there so many people having a panic attack over AB today
Did something happen to Nyaa again?


there's minimal interaction. they just run a bot script with the questions

I almost passed out during the RED interview, my heart was beating so fast I genuinely thought I was going to have a heart attack

>want to watch anime on my release calendar
>too busy waiting for an invite to open on animebytes
There's irony in this.

No, it's just that applications are open, but they aren't open.
When we're sleeping ;_;

Serious question, if you've always wanted to get into AB, why didn't you join RED through interviews, or GGn through applications
Both lead to AB

My IP used to be static, checking OppaiTime it isn't anymore. Is this a problem?

jesus christ do you understand how marked you are now?

Not that user, but the above comment.

A little bit?

I installed an extension that auto refreshes tabs and set it refresh the AB applications page every 30 seconds.
I hope they don't ban my IP or something.

What are some pretty good public tracker websites?

>public tracker

How come there's no alternative to AB?



I was so charming on my whatcd interview that the interviewer fleshed out my answers and corrected them for me.