>People say that RAM memories are getting expensive due to smartphones starting to use DDR4 RAM
>I don't remember you putting a DIMM RAM (aka Desktop RAM) fitting on a phone
>I don't see any console or any other device with RAM raising price
>Smartphone RAM = lamest excuse
Desktop RAM thread
>I don't see any console or any other device with RAM raising price
DIMM RAMs are raising price more likely due to AMD entering into the desktop's DDR4 market with their Ryzen CPUs.
the chip manufacturers are screwing over their
customers, the dimm manufacturers, because
new tech is about to be released mainstream
the hbm stuff, whatever it is, so the chip manufacturers
are milking every cent possible from the dimm
manufacturers, who are raising prices on their
sticks, which means you are paying premium
double plus
every RAM is a stick with a bunch of chips, and the manufacturers of those chips are now inclined more for snartphone memory chip production. it's sad but it's true, in 2 years you'll have a DIMM RAM as expensive as a GPU at the point of you deciding to buy a 4GB RAM for $150 and then buying an RX Vega 64 with 16GB RAM to compensate the lack of internal RAM
what if Intel and AMD start making their own chips like Intel does with Optane SSD?
I guess the only reasonable thing to do is to steal RAM
or downgrade to DDR3
$40 isn't much, if you can't pay for it, just pirate it and stop being a faggot.
and pay the same prices for worse performance?
And also downgrade all other components because the DDR3 motherboard doesn't support the newest hardware...
I don't see how hard it is for you Bern outs to understand artificial scarcity. They're not running a charity. If the world really NEEDED difficult-to-produce DDR4 RAM then it would be more profitable to make and sell it at a reasonable price. While Rizen IS starting to drive up demand and production again, it's still very much a specialty item with specialty a price.
Just steal from your job like a normal person.
you can get th gen intel prebuilts with ddr4 you dumb fuck
>ryzen driving up demand
Wow, we got a genius over here.
The point is you CAN'T get a Rizen PC with DDR3 RAM.
>letting brand zealotism get in the way of basic economic understanding
Sup Forums - consumer electronics truly has fallen
you wouldn't DOWNLOAD a RAM
try closer to 350$
Huh? My DDR3 board has SATA III and USB 3 so how's that obsolete? Hell hdd don't really use all sata II (3GB) bandwidth yet to say nothing of sata III. Most limitation anymore is your 1GB Ethernet connection. Which for most normal shit is plenty but when you try to transfer several TB over GB Ethernet is when that limitation smacks you in the face, Sata 1 is capped at 1.5GB so even a 1st gen 2004 era board is limited by GB Ethernet assuming the drive itself isn't a factor.
I have an FX-8350 and yes it does.
Is there even any real benefit to DDR4 anyway?
Who here /ddr3/?
Ddr4 posters please leave
Me, got 32GB paired with a Phenom II x4 955. Board has SATA II/III & USB 2/3 ports.Solid as a rock. Got the ram back when most were running 4GB. At the time people thought I was crazy. Now I'm the one who's laughing.
>implying GPUs won't continue to skyrocket in price thanks to crypto miners
cryptominers only buy mid end GPUs like these
>GTX 1060
>RX 470
>RX 480
>RX 570
>RX 580
they don't waste too much money on a GPU that they are ready to discard once it gets fried after 2 months of mining nonstop
It's the same thing as when hard disk price increased: producers forming a cartel and price fixing. But watch 14 year olds fall for billion dollars corporations excuses.
>tfw have a z170 mobo that only accepts ddr3
>thought this was retarded but it might be godsend
>tfw bought 32GBs just before the hynix factory fire in 2013 and the price gouging
That's it?
video ram is irrelevant to those guys.
well, yh. what else is more important for consumers who can't afford $100 on a 4GB DDR4 RAM? Also 1866MHz DDR3 is better than 2100MHz DDR4 cuz the DDR4 has a higher CAS Latency (the former has 11~8 and the latter has 17~15), which is bad
Like who even buys 2100/2400MHz DDR4?
For optimal DDR4 performance, it is required at least 3000MHz.
Few years ago ram speed almost didn't matter for anything, you had to go to 800mhz DDR3 before performance started suffering and cheaping out on 1333mhz ddr3 didn't matter. Now you have to shell out for expensive 3000mhz+ DDR4 to get good performance, I smell a conspiracy
So what RAM would I get then?