How do I succesfully fuck my 10/10 boss

>Be me
>Just got my PhD in CS
>Get job at country's biggest university
>Pretty good job. All colleagues are nice and I like to be seen as a god by the students.
>Meet principal
>She treats me like trash because I am pure white
>Humiliated me on the spot and tells me that I am white trash because of her being a chink loving BBC
>Suddenly feel the need to abuse her
What do I do Sup Forums?

I needs an alpha male in her life. Give it to her.

just keep chiseling away at her like you are doing now you race mixing degenerate

Pay a group of niggers to rape her and film it. Send the film to everyone she knows.

Assert your white superiority subtly. Deep down she knows white dick is superior and white genes are superior.

Nigga do you read doujins? This is just gonna get her hooked on bbc, craving it every second.

OP just be the man, assume your reality, assume she wants it and just provode the SPACE for her to just pounce on you like you know she wants to.

>because of her being a chink loving BBC
What the fuck did he even mean by this?
There must come a point when you need to stop memeing and actually look at what you write, you fucking mongoloid. You can write retarded drivel in your personal diary, but when you post shit on a public forum, why not try to make some sense?

She was a BBC? What?

>got a PhD in CS
>post like a retard

Yep, totally straight and real.

>chink loving BBC
why in the world would you want anything to do with her?????
ignore that slut and find someone of your own kind to love

are you retarded?

>Being a grammar nazi in 2017
>ON FUCKING Sup Forums


let me explain it for you, child
she's a chink who loves big black cock

Eyes were opened. Thank you.

>he thinks the only way a post can be retarded is by the spelling and grammar

>phd in CS
doesn't everyone have that now a days.

Assert dominance by installing Gentoo on her laptop

>chick loving BBC
why would you want to fuck a black dick that has an Asian fetish, you retarded fag?

Don't try and act all high and mighty when you struggle to string a sentence together.

So you are telling me to rape her?
Alright, I'll do it for fellow user.

Don't bother. Basic grammar seems to escape this idiot. PhD my ass. More like the new janitor.

i got mine in a box of Cracker Jack

Maybe have a tab open for Urban dictionary next time retard.

Not them but that is a common abbreviation. Fucking new fags.

>Lesbian boss
>Double f***.

>What do I do Sup Forums?
You post a picture of her or gtfo

Before she immigrated

after BBC

sex =/= love

hello new friend :^)

> principal

at a university? Calling bullshit.