Decided to start learning more about C. What's a good IDE besides Visual Studio's 40gb of bloat

Decided to start learning more about C. What's a good IDE besides Visual Studio's 40gb of bloat.

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Don't use an IDE faggot

gee see see dot ee ex ee

b-but my auto-complete
If I ever get wrapped up in a huge project, a text editor would be a huge pain in the ass wouldn't it?

GNU Emacs

>notepad++ for editing
>ming32-make or cmake to create a project
>gcc to compile and link
Either use this or don't pretend that you are not a poo-in-loo and use VS

Learn the language. Absorb all the knowledge you can from The C Programming Language 2nd Edition. Then you'll realise how silly and useless auto-complete is.

Like everyone else is saying, don't use an IDE. Also, get off of Windows because writing C for windows is pointless.


If you're using anything but for a C IDE you're a fucking moron.

msys2/mingw-w64/cmake with atom

Notepad++, and just use a batch script to compile it on the command line, so that you can hook it up to n++ and press f5 to quickly compile. It's super optimal for learning a language, but obviously once your done learning and want to start making projects, you would use a full fledged IDE


neck urself footpet

Vim, gcc, make, and linux.

Codeblocks if you're not autistic enough, but you are a programmer and thus autistic

Emacs you fucking faggot.

IDEs are for pussies who like convenience.

Vim is the best

vim or emacs + gcc compiler via command line. Not even joking.

auto complete is mostly for libraries, not specifically the main language

It's nice but it's one of those things that when you get used to it, then move to an environment where you don't have it you can really stumble over yourself. that said, it is nice to have auto complete for things you reference frequently but i try to shy away

sublime text :^)

just keep your .emacs.d withh you everywhere
always be prepared

yea I haven't quite been turned onto emacs, I gave it a spin for a bit, but never got the hang well enough to keep at it. I'll probably stick to vim

vim (for manly men)

far manager +


vim and gcc
why use anything else?

> If I ever get wrapped up in a huge project, a text editor would be a huge pain in the ass wouldn't it?
Yes. Although it's more inline errors than autocomplete you'll find yourself needing.

Not-an-idiot tier = vim, gcc, make
Idiot tier, but fine = Sublime/Atom/VSCode, gcc, make
Cancer tier = Code::Blocks
Just stop = Visual Studio 201X

Emacs is great if you want to be taken seriously. Ubuntu, Google software, and Emacs is all you need.

>Pelles C's compiler is a heavily modified version of LCC providing C11 support, amd64 support, and additional optimisation techniques such as inline expansion.
Why not just use that?

sublime text is okay desu

this (or codelite)



I didn't know Stallman posted on Sup Forums...

you might wanna give clion a try.

it is also free for students (i.e. you have a .edu e-mail address).

40 Gb! That can't be true.



> notepad++
what meme is this