Imagine working so hard, relentlessly, so hard against the botnet

Imagine working so hard, relentlessly, so hard against the botnet.

Only to find out you were the botnet all along.

I'm off to kill myself

Other urls found in this thread:


Imaging having to spend hours and hours inside about:config toggling botnet settings off to have a browser that barely respects your privacy

And those aren't even all of them. ghacks-user.js has more

Pale Moon doesn't have this problem. Seriously,
>using a browser made by fags, trannies, women, PoCs, etc.

Can confirm, OP is a faggot

For a technology board you guys sure arent very knowledgeable

>using a browser made by a furfag who alone decides what addons to allow

Pale meme is even worse by default. Check the cookies and connections that it makes on first run (Google, Amazon, Cloudflare, Godaddy, Openx, Twitter, Fastly etc etc)

Brave users don't have this problem

Relevant tweet

Brave has many other problems
That shit is garbage on desktop

o shit

Is that unique to Pale Moon or was it like in the Firefox version it forked from?

Yes, it's mostly because of Pale Moon's ridiculous start page which uses a 3rd party platform

Get out of my computer, guys.

Nice dnsmasq there nigger

Kek, best one

fuck, how do I unbot myself?

How did you get into the botnet to begin with?

Do you have some dns based ad blocker?

no lol, just add "" to hosts file

This is why I will never take Sup Forums seriuos. Getting trolled by the most basic shit.

How do people really not know what a hosts file is?
