/wm4/ - the Sup Forumsreatest mpv coder


Stable: mpv.io/manual/stable/
Git: mpv.io/manual/master/

User Scripts & Shaders:

High quality video output profile (goes into mpv.conf):

Stable: profile=opengl-hq

Git: profile=gpu-hq

Configuration Files:


Post your system specs and config if you're asking performance related questions.

Windows Builds:
Vapoursynth: jenkins.maeyanie.com/job/mpv/

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Why is lumasharpen to bad compare to adaptive-sharpen?

How can I drag-and-drop an DVDISO file and let mpv give me proper DVD navigation?

Anyone have much higher cpu usage after the latest commit?

>after the latest commit
>implying you can compile mpv without cutting your ballsack open

sourceforge is down

not for me

Yeah it's back up now, whole site was down earlier.

After a recent release, mpv no longer autoload my lua scripts in the 'scripts' folder. What gives?

recompiling is easy, but boy is it a ballache catching all the dependencies

check log

Decided to add an explicit "script=" option, got this error.

It's /mpv/, retard. :(
Being sad doesn't mean you have the right to mess Sup Forums.

weird, i would also try load-scripts=yes . also are you sure script support is compiled?

Fuck me this is weird.
And it has worked for over a year now. Last I checked, lua support is on by default.

Also: Just re-instaled mpv from --HEAD. Still nothing.

mpv works only with lua 5.2, maybe your system lua switched to a higher version?

Is built-in osc and stats working?

The stdshit is broken.


Just another pleb broken commit

Isn't he busy lashing out to nvidia? We are nvidia proprietary users here his muh mesa antics are not welcome.

Well shit, didn't know about that.
I have both lua 5.3.4 and [email protected] installed.
Meh, I'll wait a few days for that PR to come through.

Share your term colors please

>We are nvidia proprietary users
No, thanks.

>Nvidia is trying its hardest to screw up Wayland and people actually defend them
Fuck you, buddy.

>Haasntards going insane.

Unsurprising drama going on with homebrew, fucking mactards.

>Tone matters more than content
The absolute state of github

built in miner in mpv.

t. cuckterpillow.

Deleted comments, courtesy of jobzniak dude

homebrew is run by faggots that literally fail google interviews because they cannot invert a binary tree on a whiteboard.

I wondered this a while ago even before using mpv, why don't video players ship with a benchmarking tool that just configures the player to have rendering settings as good as they can be for the machine given some template?

like mpv -bench=cartoon; mpv -bench=film, etc.

Is that too complicated in favor of manual testing?

>Is that too complicated
Probably, there are dozens of factors when it comes to performance so it's a lot simpler to offload that work on the user interested in the "best" configuration.

wasn't me, I was afk at the time

MPV is using 50% CPU running one stream at 1080p60, that can't be normal right? My config is completely barebone except for profile=opengl-hq.

Jesus christ, I want to die. Why is this allowed, why is this encouraged.

Some shit related to terminal output from a few commits ago.

>wm4 rejects change
>SirCmpwn throws a hissyfit, stalks him across channels
>fast-forward a few months
>wm4 steps down
>PR gets merged
>turns out it's broken as fuck
Always trust in wm4.

Just remux it to mkv. DVD is insane garbage.


I'm waiting for this exact situation to repeat itself with libplacebo.

haasn is pure! He is guaranteed to have no side-effects!

>everybody sided with SirCmpwm on the issue because it's the proper way to do terminal input
>wm4 knew the patch was broken for a long time
>didn't say anything so he could be snarky when it gets merged
Petty as fuck.

That's one way to teach egoistic people

What are you refering to?

Gee, I wonder.

that dog looks sad :(

Never trust dog people.

Now that haasn, bjin and haasn left, it's maybe the madshi's showtime. Linretards will probably have to use videolan though, but they are used to use shitware.

Practice more on your bait you repeated same name twice.

So, is Jeeb the new wm4?

This is done on purpose to give importance to the fact that haasn, yes haasn, will never come back! ;)

Just embarrassing, go in shame.

Haasn was the only way for mpv to compete with madvr. :(

Has wm4 started working on mpv again yet or has he left for real?

He does commit, he's just no longer the benevolent leader.

Not working but it's still his favorite video player so he is still contributing.

So who is?

Also, wasn't wm4 getting paid to work on mpv? what happened to that?

>So who is?

>Also, wasn't wm4 getting paid to work on mpv? what happened to that?
PLEX laid him off from one day to the next for "company restructuring ;) ;)"

Fired by Plex corp. some days ago. :(

Well that kind of sucks. I hope mpv doesn't die as a result.
As long as haa-chan is still working on it, it should be fine right?

Haasn is not going to come back... :(

Wait what. What happened to him?

There's no wm4 to stop him anymore, hard to image haasn not coming back.

Why are you listening to a retard?

I don't browse these threads often anymore, so how am I supposed to know if he's being retarded or not?

He became addicted to video games and began a treatment of several months without technology.

Only retards use smileys here.

It's use of emoticons through the whole thread should have made it quite clear.

I wish people would just stop replying to foozoor.
Just ignore any post that makes use of ellipsis, exclamation marks and smiley faces

mpv existed before PLEX hired wm4.

I know, but wm4 was still working on it then.

Wm4 wasn't that kind of bloody tyrant.
But haasn doesn't use tests or advanced debuggers and some or his commits were pure trash.

and he's still working on mpv now. He still codes, he just doesn't want to deal with the politics.

>and some of his commits were pure trash.

Hakuna matata.

sure seems like a great success judging by #mpv-devel

It doesn't help that he became a bit full of himself with time, also thanks to the braindead following he earned in these threads.

I worked with that moron a few years ago at my first tech job. He eventually got fired for being a cocky moron.

If you followed #mpv-devel, you should know. He acted like he knows everything before wm4

SirCmpwn being a fucking cunt is knowledge so widely known they probably teach it in schools these days.

The first instance of him getting involved in with #mpv-devel was the wayland backend shitshow earlier this year, and I'd argue that wm4 was already an asshole there.

previous employer didn't know it and hired him. it was a disaster

story time

Shitposter on Sup Forums makes everything up, what a great story.

if you're going to continually post this you should elaborate. are you another mpv dev who is salty?

There was one instance where he leaked the password of one his user for some reason, let me look it up.

ask SirCmpwn about his time at LINODE

macOS is closed source
no it's not
well they don't accept patches at least
did you try?

I like the current surge of activity in PRs _and_ in dev IRC and I like even more that wm4 is part of it as well.
On the other hand, there are currently quite a few user-facing bugs in the code.

How about you expand on it.

enable that in your config user-kun.

This project seems to be in a very bad state without someone like wm4

How the fuck do you conclude that in ~5 days?

seems to be going fine, actually. Nice troll though.

Meme config for threadripper? I don't have anything fancy with my config now. Just FSRCNNX r2 8

>SirCmpwn uses fish as his shell
what a bro

It is?

>(((Not the first post from this IP)))