What is the best browser to use in 2017? I use Pale Moon

What is the best browser to use in 2017? I use Pale Moon.

Mah nigga

Why should I use Pale Moon? Would I be able to watch my Netflix or steamed videos that use DRM?



>No netflix support
No thanks.

I know you guys are gonna bust my balls about it but I really love the new Firefox

Enjoy your botnet

Why would people be upset about that? If you said Chrome there might be an issue, but FF Quantum isn't that bad.

Well for me I use waterfox. It's a good firefox fork for me that doesn't keep breaking theme compatibility.

Chromium or bust

is this desktop only?
Or is this mobile too?

>FF Quantum isn't that bad
Can I move them tabs below the address bar?

If you have the autism to want it then you should have the autism to do it through UserChrome.css

Why would you want to move the address bar outside the element it belongs to?

yesss mee tooo

mozilla aren't play around. i've migrated and i havent had any issues except rewriting my extension

BTW does anyone know how i can make the gtk header bar disappear in firefox ? (i've found a small python fix for it but its not perfect)

>not using Safari in Africa

I use IE (not even edge!)


Don't want to move no address bars, friendo.

Why do Africans love Opera?

Chrome is better for netflix.
You can use more than one browser

My guess is mobile phone

>I just love Jewish cartoon propaganda so much I can't live without it! Please spy on me in exchange for letting me watch Big Mouth and Amy Schumer standup!

Hi Sup Forums

Not an argument

>Mom come look, I did the meme!

Still not an argument. Meanwhile, the fact that Netflix doesn't respect your freedoms is an argument. Additionally, Netflix is a propaganda machine, just look at the garbage they peddle. The Amy Schumer special got such bad ratings that they completely removed the user rating system. Just keep paying and watching that recommended content goy!


I only use Netflix for Breaking Bad and a few other shows like ones about Auschwitz.

>I only pay a monthly fee to watch a TV show everyone with a brain watched for free on AMC years ago

Your best bet is to use Chrome or some of it's derivatives (Vivaldi, Iridium, etc). Because it's mainstream - you can be sure that all your pages render properly and work as intended.

Pale Moon is a great choice for a toaster. I would actually prefer it to the latest Firefox.

>pale moon
so you're a furry?

The (((new))) Firefox

Waterfox is all i need

So if you use the Linux kernel you're a Finn?


>I use Pale Moon.
Enjoy your vulnerabilities because a furfag can't do anything right

>tfw using Pale Meme with the best Firefuck add-ons
>gets a lot of updates even on Debian stable
Furfags are alright, sometimes.

Edge is pretty good senpai

chad uses opera

virgin chrome users BFTO


>using netflix

Pirate your cartoons and anime you faggot. You get all your cartoons and anime, completely free.

Why use Opera over Vivaldi?

WTF I hate Switzerland now