Just installed arch-anywhere with i3. what's some neat stuff i can do on this?

just installed arch-anywhere with i3. what's some neat stuff i can do on this?

i honestly wanna configure the terminal to not hurt my eyes. should i go into .Xresources to adjust that? or is there a secret technique you gurus know about?

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=Dakimakura shop

>not i3-gaps

install termite and fish


chose your colors and put them(.Xresources) in the root of your home folder

"exec xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources" ,on the bottom of your i3 config.

start by changing the terminal entirely, my personal suggestion would be rxvt-unicode or terminator, but do your own research and decide for yourself. I never bothered trying to make xterm look good because I hate it, but try that if you want. to answer your real question though, lets say you went with urxvt, you can manage all of its settings in .Xresources like you said

i wrote xrdb -load. am i going to die?

forgot to mention this, but that terminal is in fact urxvt.

what should i do to increase the resolution?

Why gaps?

I'm not exactly sure what you mean about the resolution, but I think tweaking the font size might get you the results you're looking for. go ahead and read through this and alter the settings as you see fit and get back to us


So you can participate in the new desktop thread without having to be ashamed

Cant i just put gaps in i3?

Now you need to furnish your basement in style of real pro achlinux user lair.
First... start here lmgtfy.com/?q=Dakimakura shop

Why would there be an entire fork of i3 to allow you to use gaps if you could just use them already

I mean, why are there forks with anime butts as terminal tiles?

Because you're a retard, of course. Don't use gaps.

how do you install fonts?

i just added URxvt.font: 9x15 to Xresources to try it out

now the terminal won't even open. was i supposed to actually write the font name?

everything seems to be in order

now for fonts

Guys i cant configure fonts...halp

hello here is my xresources

that looks like your desktop, also nice animu damsels.

just install infinality

>forgot to mention this, but that terminal is in fact urxvt.

Use urxvt +sb to get rid of that ugly scroll bar

but i just wanna be able to set it in Xresources. like this:

!! InconsolataDz
URxvt.font: xft:Inconsolata-dz for Powerline:size=9:hinting=True;antialias:True,xft:PowerlineSymbols,xft:Font Awesome:size=9,xft:WenQuanYi Bitmap Song-12:medium;antialias=False,xft:WenQuanYi Zen Hei-12:medium;antialias=True,xft:HanaMinA-12:medium;antialias:True,xft:HanaMinB-12:medium;antialias:True,xft:HanaMinPlus-12:medium;antialias:True
URxvt.boldFont: xft:Inconsolata-dz for Powerline:size=9:bold;hinting=True;antialias:True,xft:Font Awesome:size=9,xft:WenQuanYi Bitmap Song-12:bold;antialias=False,xft:WenQuanYi Zen Hei-12:bold;antialias=True,xft:HanaMinA-12:bold;antialias:True,xft:HanaMinB-12:bold;antialias:True,xft:HanaMinPlus-12:bold;antialias:True

but i have no clue what this shit actually means, and the wiki doesn't seem to cover xresources lingo for font specifically.

You can use xfontsel to choose from available font options

what's xfontsel? it sounds familiar but i've never looked into it. is it an X11 extension?


i rebooted this and apparently this is not valid; i have to type out xrdb load and all that again to show the color layout again. why doesn't it automatically configure my terminal when i type startx?

got the font to work man i thought this would look different. i thought wrong.

Just use one and powerline one if you use powerline
What the fuck user

Sorrybfir the late reply. It a font selector program from the Xorg X11 suite.

Jesus. You have to work to get font rendering that bad.

Postan my .Xresources