what laptop does Sup Forums use?
What laptop does Sup Forums use?
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first post for undervolt your cpu
bought x230 with IPS panel 1 month ago for 150€
its great
i was using this thing, it's pretty nice, but i somehow killed the hard drive fml
x220. rate my autism
good user
you are not even using a librebooted thinkpad
pls dont tell mum ;_;
2014 mbp
looking to sell it, and looking at other laptops atm.
honestly, i don't do that much on my laptops, but just sometimes it's comfy to get away from your desk you know? im getting a bit caught up in specs, but i only really need the bare mininum, desu. nice screen, keyboard, and battery life, and build quality are my main wants. older thinkpads are nice, but i just feel weird buying such old hard ware. though the prospect of getting one of those convertible thinkpads is tempting, so i can fold it up and read books on it.
wish I had 1080p instead of 1600x900 and wish mine had clit/buttons
keyboard also isn't as perfect as older thinkpads but it's still pretty good
otherwise it's pretty great
poorfag so it's my only machine
mac book air
12gb ram
256gb msata ssd + 500gb hdd
1600x900 screen (i have the 1080p screen, just too lazy to replace it)
love it
Chinkpads: X61 & T420
what's a laptop?
Sent from my iPad Pro
I like bad dragon too
I own a surface book
At least it looks nice and has backlit keys
x220 IPS unironically running michaelsoft bindows 10 enterprise lgbt
>middle school chemistry
HP Stream 13
Mine is good too but the panel has some severe burn-in issues, and also the palmrest cracked above the expresscard slot.
>16:10, 1440x900
>so many status indicator leds
>muh model rarity
>what the fuck is a touchpad
>2 cool 4 librebutt
>what the fuck is a webcam?
>x220/30 dorks jelly of my one piece lid
>serious latches on the serious laptop for serious business
Lenovo Yoga 720
Mostly my x230 with classic keyboard and IPS screen. Also have a x61, elitebook 8560w and x201
great price, great laptop.
i've corebooted and me_cleaned mine for maximum freedom
>using a laptop with HDDs
the absolute madman
macbook pro 2015
t440s w/
i7 4600U @ 3.3Ghz
Samsung 850 SSD
It's pretty nice.
Pretty sure I used that exact same book in first year Chem. Petrucci?
That triggers my autism
dude t420 lmao
ideapad s10. it's shit.
>first year intro to chemistry
yeah, some custom edition for my uni
x220. Its fine but i wishI bought t430 instead desu. Still x220 is unironically a good computer.
>Uses Memebook pro
>Has steam on it
do they still make these with the red mouse thing? kek
T60... previous laptop was a 600e... :)
T420 with 1600x900 screen. Doesn't seem like much compared to the poorfag-standard 1366x768 but when you actually use it it's much better.
>no pepes
>no obvious memes
Barely moves the needle.
>NHK on the radio
Nice. How's the reception?
Most of those LEDs have been moved onto the keyboard in later models which imo is a better location. Power and standby LEDs on the outside is better because you can actually see them when they matter.
r60 here
same year woo
anytime I see some asshole on the street in a coffee shop with stickers on the back of laptop screen I immediately assume he also has 2-3 solid black dildos rammed deep up his anal cavity.
and I think its fair to assume that since I'm willing to bet anything I own he does.
T420 I bought 2 years ago.
Thinking about upgrading RAM to 16 gb and maybe upgrading the CPU. I have the i5.
Has anyone done the i7 upgrade? How does it compare?
Xiaomi Notebook Pro & Air 13.3" Models
Highly rate but I can say don't get the 13.3". Either get the 12.5" for portability reasons or get the Pro
Dell XPS 15 9560
Best laptop I've ever owned
what is the point of putting stickers on cool laptops? Why do gay guys always want to show the world how proud they are of being gay?
>intro to chemistry is after middle school
Used to use a S10e. It's horrible.
I used to run Blender on it and it isn't even 720p.
Now I have a T420 with a 900p screen.
but that isn't a sticker
lol that only makes it worse.
you wouldn't happen to know how those specs handle Qubes OS would you user? I'm eyeballing one on amazon but I need to run my main os on it and its very fucking picky about hardware specs so I need to be careful.
have you ran anything other than windows on that machine?
Just recently got it. I've only ran win10 on it. The things a beast so I would think you could run Qubes fine. I think you can upgrade to 32GB of RAM too.
I dont question the specs of it; looks beefy in that regard; I mean 16gigs should do just fine running a native hypervisor just fine. I just want to know if the specs are not going to be compatible. I wish returning shit on amazon was much more simple. where did you buy it at?
post your dildos
2014 13' macbook air
But it makes me slightly sad, and I am planning to buy a generic laptop...
Link to the verbal abuse sticker?
I have one as well. I've had to replace the fan twice over the course of 4-5 years but it's still kickin. Ubuntu runs real nicely on it
Yeah not sure on compatibility
I got it directly from Dell
>The red mouse thing
Back to Sup Forums.
I have this stupid thing.
Dell Inspiron 15-3521
Celeron 1017U
Shitty Intel integrated graphics
This sucks. But I got it for free so I can't complain.
This is /comfy/ asf
>t. CS "codemonkey" student
Can't be that bad
On linux with a lighter DE/WM you can probably have a great experience
I mean, this thing here is my main PC and it works just fine
>On linux with a lighter DE/WM you can probably have a great experience
I run Arch, with Openbox as my WM, and a super simple tint2 bar.
Super lightweight. But I enjoy gaming (especially PC gaming) and can't do much past a couple emulators on here.
Thanks, copping up a few from that site
good man. waifusquad is one of /ourguys/
check /osg/ on for more stickers
samsung notebook 9 & love it
Awesome, I've been collecting stickers recently so that'll be a great resource
A thinkpad T510, got it for like $200 4 or 5 years ago and put Ubuntu on it. I couldn't be happier with it
upgrade the screen to fhd and be even happier
Mid-2012 MBP 13" with 12gb RAM
Got my disk drive caddy ordered along with some new bottom feet and an SSD
w520 w/ i7 2960xm and a x220t with i7 something.
both have docks.
both running loonix.
Mum has an X1 carbon.
>mum librebooted the x220
>tfw libreboot was supposed to be available on the x220 by the end of 2017
Chinkpad T430
sauce on wallpaper?
I am so, so sorry, user.
wut ereader
It's not like he's gonna go outside with it.
Thinkpad X60s, Advent Roma and an iBook G4
People had Chemistry in middle school?
you might be able to upgrade the cpu if it was released around 2014 desu i had a similar inspiron with a pentium and i got an i3 on ebay for like £5
Asus Zenbook UX305FA
X301 with an ancient 128 GB SSD. Thinking about upgrading the storage.
Acer Chromebook 14" running gallium OS
that has an AMD sticker in the picture...
Two ThinkPad X220s, one as a normal laptop and the other exclusively as a faptop.
>not disabling titlebars
But i go outside with it :^)
t440s with all the gimmicks running debian 9.