Why aren't you using the best Lisp, Sup Forums?
Why aren't you using the best Lisp, Sup Forums?
>dead language
I'm not a fool
Because I use Haskell and C++.
Clojure is not even lisp.
Why wouldn't it be a Lisp?
>running on JVM
>bad performance
>good async
would probably still take haskell
JVM really sucks at dynamic languages.
One of the Jython founders tried to prove that CLR was worse at dynamic languages than JVM, so he made IronPython.
The hilarious thing is that IronPython performs twice as well as Jython.
I am, canpicker.com is written in it.
i am using it.
the syntax is retarded compared to other lisps
how so? I find it more concise and quicker to write
I'd just use Elixir to get a better VM desu
Why aren't you using the best lisp, OP?
CLR actually has support for dynamic typing though.
because haskell is better than lisps
This desu senpai
>worst lisp
Step aside.
>dynamic typing
>full of workarounds to deal with dynamic typing like "specs" and unit testing like a retarded
Just use a real language.
racket is not lisp. It's literally sepples in lisp clothing
Fun to fuck around with and having the java libs is nice.
yeah and having clojurescript and being able to interop with javascript. and being able to have cljc files and write code once and use both places.
schemes are just algol in lisp clothing really
that's a good schlogo
Exactly. Which is why I'm wondering how much of a moron the Jython guy is.
s-expressions != Lisp
try programming with common lisp to understand why
primary thing is macros and symbolic manipulation
this is so retarded and shows why people who say they use Lisp have no idea what Lisp really is
Lisp macros and symbols are useless in Lisp without s-expressions
I guess the HL3 meme isn't dead yet