How does it feel to know in 15-20 years you will all be chinked?

how does it feel to know in 15-20 years you will all be chinked?

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It's already done. At least they have some qt.

>how does it feel to know in 15-20 years you will all be chinked?
It's about time. The whole world is fed up with burgers fuckeries.
While they're too busy fighting for they own right while voting against them, the whole world will advanced 2 or 3 steps ahead of them.
I can't wait to see India, south africa, brazil having more power than the united shitholes of america.

at two billion they better got some qt

>marrying chinese gf who's father is high up in the communist party
Glad I grew up in Vancouver. Bring on the chinese century.

feels bad man

I don't buy commie Lenovo stuff and my m1 rifle disagrees with you.

Nice clips

Besides Asians are too collectivist to accomplish anything worth worrying about. They are ant people

uwu who are these cuties?

I use to fear that it would happen but President Xi has alleviated my fears. Chinkland is becoming a top-down soviet type economy so it will eventually crash and burn within 30 years. The real question is whether America can hang on that long with all the debt we have we may crash before they do.

It's a game of endurance now

Not enough black. Also he will be killed by one of the hourly hurricane attack, so who cares.

Yeah we really need to get our economy and private sector innovating again. Hopefully the next 8 years will work out under president Trump. SO far things are looking positive with the stock market bulling recently. We'll see if things can get back on track.


I doubt he will be still alive in 2024. He is also an isolationist trash who make the same mistakes what Brits dd after the WWI. Good luck building a successful economy with that attitude. The stocks are also full of shit as they can be manipulated as we have seen that countless times already.

>Yfw his character in Law and Order SVU was confirmed gay

Europe is a joke.

Right. Because we should let a bunch of low IQ sandnigger fundamentalists and welfare beaners to really get things moving in the states. You're an idiot. Besides the world is a failure. Europe is a failure and a disgrace, and Asia's only value the last couple decades has been cheap slave tier labor and corporate espionage. Trust me, I'm not exactly worried here.

China's entire economy is a giant paper tiger.
They claim China is having a resurgence, but it's a lie.
It's mainly based on construction.
They build and build homes and structures no one wants or needs. Those buildings then fall apart and the process repeats itself
My roommate (5ft 2in Manlet) teaches English in China. Dude has all sorts of crazy stories

>8 years

And that's bad because...?

You're right. It's more like 7 now.

>move to Hongcouver for a few years
>work for chink slumlord
>meet a bunch of chink qts some fob some 2nd gen chinkleafs
>realize they are all just using me to further their insectoid chinkjew agenda
>move back to east coast
>never happier

nice magazines

>dumb east coaster doesn't know how to play the game
You wouldn't last here anyways.

>7 years

Can you further explain? What was wrong with the qts?

>private sector innovating
he thinks innovation comes from the private sector, how cute

omae wa mou shindeiru

yea enjoy your $150k house "worth" $5 million dollars and the game of selling out your people and country to chinks who don't give a fuck about anything except money

>India, south africa, brazil
>more power than the united shitholes of america.

that looks dope give us quick greentext gestalt

What did you type this on? Who made it?

>My roommate (5ft 2in Manlet) teaches English in China. Dude has all sorts of crazy stories
i think i've watched this youtube channel

I own my own house in the city and am pretty happy. I also do a brisk trade with china and make money.

The government is stepping in to combat foreign buyers, most demand is immigrants and canadians who want to live in the only non-frozen shithole part of the country.

If you don't love vancouver you should probably not be here.

tfw went to uni then happy relationship with le qt programmer chinawoman

ive accelerated the process embrace having to be on time and studious

>i think i've watched this youtube channel
I don't think he has a YT channel.
But he's hilariously small compared to my brother and I. (6ft 6 and 6ft 5 respectively)

His idea of "isolationism" is literally just enforcing illegal immigration laws and more import tariffs. There's nothing special about it

>we wuz'gon'be supah powah N shiet


Those jobs are NEVER coming back.
The only way forwards after cheap chink labor is full automation.

I'd rather deal with soulless robots than soulless chinks.

>China world power by X!

They have been saying this for decades. Too bad the insectoids can only produce copies of other people's innovation.

Well, anyway I'm glad to be alive in such interesting times.

he's a trap in mr robot

I disagree, Aerospace is spiking super hard right now.
Every company is adding hundreds of people.
These jobs are still entry level, but a job nonetheless.
My stupid ass has to manage 7 brand new people and somehow sill deliver F35 parts on time.

Aerospace can't play with radical workspace changes and can't outsource because of federal regulations. It's a different beast altogether, like everything related to government contracting.

Well ya, we can't outsource stealth parts for China.
But even the Boeing or airbuses parts are all made in the USA.
Most countries suck balls at aerospace

It's a surge in labor though.
My area added like 50,000 new jobs this year alone just in aerospace

How can a java monkey get a job for a defense contractor? Asking for a friend

That chink has a massive head for his body.

Nice rifle.

>no religious fundamentalism
>state in power instead of private monopolies
The Chinese deserve to be #1

you can keep your M1 rifle, it will go very well with future america

You conveniently forgot to mention the total lack of empathy, total subservience to the Communist regime, the total lack of morals, and the lying and cheating mentality.

You have to improve your skills, Cheng.


>The government is stepping in to combat foreign buyers

You mean the government led by the guy who takes Chinese bribes, and accepts a "gift" to vacation on a billionaire's private island? Any day now...

You have no experience with Chinese.

No, the provincial government. The feds can fuck right off.

>He says the same shit that people said about Japan in the late 80s and early 90s, except applied to modern day China

>My retarded doomsday scenarios are real/ will become real
I mean, I believe global warming is a thing, but I don't think that it will lead to Armageddon even though it is affecting the climate in a negative manner. Maybe you should take the scientists behind the research more seriously than the Al Gore types, who are out there just to make a quick buck on hysteria.

daily reminder about chinks

you know how people make fun of westerners for saying edgy shit?
Asians are unironically edgy.
poor neko

people make fun of westerners for fucking their animals, treating animals poorly, encouraging animal farms, etc.
but sure, all of that is done "ironically" amiright

thats now what i meant but ok.
you sound like nu-male btw

Oh, the spike is in Shop floor workers.
Code monkeys are useless in this industry.

anything that doesn't immediately agree with you sounds like a nu-male to you
which is pretty pathetic emotionally, so perhaps some reflection is necessary on your part

>fucking their animals
That's why it is generally held as taboo in the vast majority of the Western World of course
>treating their animals poorly
Again, pretty taboo in most Western cultures, especially now that people there associate animal abuse (quite aptly) with the tendencies of serial killers
>encouraging animal farms
Which is what appears in most societies that are based around farming. Who knew?

Some Ching-Chong's wet dream.

Just tenderizing the meat before making dinner.

I-is it OK?

>total lack of empathy, morals, lying and cheating mentality

You just described everything east of Austria, except for the loyalty parts, because we're only loyal to ourselves and our drinking and whoring money.

I hate amerifats but chinks are way worse (which is already an incredible feat), they are literal insects with no empathy or morals whatsoever, like a jew's ultimate form.
Anyone who has dealt with them will tell you to get as far away from them as possible

Chink creations that make you cum

where can i get a hapa sex slave? i already looked on alibaba


Individuals lose to societies. The society knows infinitely more, and is capable of infinitely more than the individual human. We are part of something greater, while you are alone, frightened and fight amongst yourselves.

Now buy this rubber chicken shaped USB keychain, cuck. It's only 40 cents, even you can afford it, can't you? Maybe we won't lose it in the mail this time.

just me, or does she sound and look like one of those japanese robot prototypes?

You took this photo?

>We are part of something greater, while you are alone, frightened and fight amongst yourselves.
no shit, dumbass

He could just be some LARPer 3rd generation guy in Vancouver taking credit for the work of the communist party.

I just thought the girl was cute and want to make hapa with her.

Meme doesn't work. India literally was a "superpower" back during Indus and the mid 1500s. Now they're poo central.

>India literally was a "superpower"
you're reading too much berserk

But he's not wrong. A lot of the greatest Khans ruled over India for over 400 years, turning it into a regional superpower in Asia. Also what does berserk have to do with anything?

how does it feel to know in a couple of hundred years we'll all be clanked?

Kushan in berserk is based on a real indian superpower.

In 15-20 years I'll literally be dead

Race will stop being a thing in a near future, as you will be able to just modify yourself.

This assuming the world will actually handle the impact of every fat soy filled SJW screaming in rage as a bunch of black people just decide to be asian or white.

There should be a war between chinks an pajeets. Otherwise they'll remain secondary masses

What's this got to do with Sup Forums again?