Open source Hexadecimal Editor for Windows

what's the best? or what editor you usually use?

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If you care about it being open source, it's probably becaues you can write code. Seriously something like this shouldn't take more than an hour or so to code.

I don't write code

just use linux damn; `hexdump -C`



>I don't write code
The why do you need it to be open source?

so you can compile it yourself without botnet

run the app without restrictions, there are already closed source editors, but being open source may be a differential



not him, but can hexdump put a dump back into a binary file? I prefer to use "xxd", because I can get the hex data with "xxd -p", make edits, and put it back together with "xxd -r -p"

cheat engine!

you can manually insert a dump back into a binary file by editing in hex.

I was going to suggest HxD. It's the notepad++ of hex editors, something simple that just works.

But i am surprised to discover today that it's only freeware, not FLOSS.

On Linux i have wxhexeditor which is pretty okay.

Just learn to use Linux, Jesus, why do people force themselves to program in Windows unless they work for some retarded company.

thanks for the suggestion but OpenCandy made me step back

Yes I used HxD some time ago
I am using wxHexEditor

Hex Editor Neo

Why do people force themselves to program in linux unless they want the approval of some retarded neets?

seems to be useful and looks solid, good suggestion, free, but not open source, thanks anyway.



i wish emacs hexl mode didn't suck ass

Secundei tanto que virei aquele corno do seu pai.



pirate hex works

If you just need a basic hex editor, try Catch22 HexEdit.
It seems to crash on newer versions of Windows though.
I think the code that handles drag-and-drop has a bug.

>Secundei tanto que virei aquele corno do seu pai
what did you by this you fucking macaco?

Couldn't say it better myself

I seconded that so hard that I will become the cuckold of your father is.

(I used some artistic freedom to translate it.)

I did not find


I could download the Github project files, and then compile it on Visual C++ 2010, but... I would need to download the entire Visual C++ 2010 which is kinda unnecessary,

but I thank you for helping, I will test it sometime later

forgot to put a picture of what I said

Also, looks like the version on github is 2.x. I always preferred the original version because it was real basic. Like the Notepad of hex editors.
Here's a working link to the source for 1.x:

bvi in WSL or Cygwin is great for simple edits if you already know vi. If you're doing complex stuff in a hex editor you really should be asking yourself if there's a better way.