Why is Google Chrome popular?

Why is this the most popular browser by a large margin again??

What does it have to offer that other browsers do not? Features? hahahaha. It has no features or icons on the taskbar. Customization? I don't think so, Tim.

Sometimes I simply can't understand what mainstream is thinking. There's nothing to Chrome that makes it special. Is it because they own Google search?

> Mah extensions
Other blink-engine browsers can run Chrome store too.
> Mah speed
Honestly not a big difference anymore.

They ran a really heavy marketing campaign that was largely successful.

>become the world's largest search engine
>buy the world's largest video streaming website
>create one of the largest mail providers
>shill your browser on all your platforms
>create an open source phone OS so manufacturers will use it instead of wasting time and money making their own
>make your browser default on all of them

Normies and android defaults.

it just werks
last time I used firefox a few years ago I had big problems
so I had switched to chrome
and didn't have any problem since then

More stable
More screen real-estate
More secure

It was a browser for the future when Firefox was stuck in the 90's. Firefox has copied some of Chrome's features in the last several years, but being "almost Chrome" isn't Chrome.
There is no other browser that shuts up and simply does its job day after day as well as Chrome.

>more screen real estate
What does this mean?

Go look at Firefox's old UI compared to Chrome. Firefox took up 1/3rd of the screen with toolbars.

Firefox is shit some chrome took over

I used to use chrome. Tried firefox quantum and havent used chrome since. Now that its just as fast while offering more features it was an obvious choice for me.

Do you not know you can customize it? Unlike chrome firefox lets you.

>hey guis if you rewrite it and recompile Firefox can be anything you want! It's the power of open source!
Not an excuse.

Thats not what I said

>> Mah speed
>Honestly not a big difference anymore.

Sure, except Chrome/Chromium was the fastest browser by a large margin for like 6-7 years. People aren't going to switch again for a browser that's "just as fast" as Chrome.

It had no option to put tabs on top like Chrome. No matter what you did it had a title bar disadvantage.

Because it just werks

Because it runs smooth as fuck on my PC and phone. Because before I started using it, I was already committed to Google's botnet.

It's just convenient.

This tbqphf

because when I'm using Windows and can't be assed installing Flash separately, I just pile another botnet on top of the botnet

Same reason Internet Explorer used to be the most popular browser. The majority of devices simply came with it. Chrome comes with the majority of android phones, which far outnumber any other type of device. I wouldn't be surprised if India alone would have more devices running Chrome than the competition in the rest of the world.

>Honestly not a big difference anymore.
What do you mean by "anymore" when did this anymore started?
Firefox still doesn't have a decent way of translating pages like chrome has, and eats ram like a motherfucker.

donĀ“t forget trojan horse you browser in many "free" software

>Honestly not a big difference anymore.
It used to be a thing back then and it got them a lot of momentum. Are you retarded?

Virtually everyone uses Google to search, and Google advertises Chrome there
Chrome is also included with a lot of installations

>Why is this the most popular browser by a large margin again??
Same reason facebook messenger is more popular than Signal, and Skype is more popular than Wire, and gmail is more popular than tutanota or protonmail. Most people are technologically ignorant, and are very slow to change.

The only browser that is worth a shit at the moment is Waterfox, and I'm betting you don't use that, either.

Has this ever worked for you before?

*blocks flash 3 years earlier*

Has what ever worked for me?

i used mozilla my whole life, but now it's too damn slow, even that new mozilla. I'm a poorfag with n2920 processor laptop an 2gb ram, and Chrome loads everything instantly, especially Yt and Fb and anything with flash player (it has built-in one) and also it automatically hibernates unused tabs.

I hate google as a company, but Chrome is unbeatable

Calling everyone stupid for not using your fork and suddenly everyone sees your point and proceeds to suck your dick and install your favorite shitty software.


Quantum uses too much CPU. Trash.

I don't care whether anyone installs it or not. Just like I don't care if you install Signal, or Wire, or start using Tutanota or Protonmail.

I'm not looking to convince you of anything. Enjoy Chromium, Quantum, or Edge.

Fair enough.

Learn to read and not smash the next button when you install shit, retard.

While being very simple, it is well made. It looks polished and smooth. It has the stability and speed which most people are looking for. Google's reputation has increased the last years. They are doing marketing aggressively and smart, so they are getting what they want. As a plus, they have the best extension support.

the cia faggots

Google shilled it on their own services (YouTube and Google) where all the normies are.
Some normies actually tried it and were impressed - I mean, that's just how you feel when you try a real browser after using IE all your life.

So they stuck to using it.

Because security "experts" keep recommending it.
