Torx Screws

Fuck these things. Why do they exist? They expect me to buy another screwdriver just for this proprietary bullshit? Torx screw? More like jew screw.

Torx is a standard bit you whiny nigger, not "proprietary".

Torx is designed to not cam out. Ie not strip them. Its so robots in Michigan can use screws and torque them without cam out while making cars. Over time it has become a thing to control the screw market and super stupid though

You should learn to at least appreciate the fact that it's a superior bit in all aspects except convenience. That way you won't rage as hard when you encounter it.

yeah i much rather using screws that are designed to strip

>better bit replace shittier ones
>hurr it's a conspiracy

>Torx is designed to not cam out.
camming out is only a problem because we as a society decided to be fucking retards and put phillips-head screws everywhere. flatheads don't have this problem.

>flatheads don't have this problem
Correct. Instead, they have half as much contact area as phillips and aren't self-centering, making them even easier to strip.

torx are great, torx security are a bitch

get some of these

ive taken those off with a flathead screwdriver. back when my old ps3 died and i wanted to use the oversized cooling fan in i for a pc build i was making i used a flathead to fit in between the spokes of the torx screw.


That's what happens when you use a Phillips bit on a Frearson screw. They may look similar, and a Frearson bit will work on Phillips screws, but going the other way will just strip it out.

That looks beautiful though

Torx are actually really good.

its so jews can spread more hexagons around everywhere

so what are teh best screw then?

if you could magically replace all phillips head screws with another type what would it be?



Chad : Robertson Screw
Virgin : Phillips
Weird annoying shit : Torx

You'd have to be a retarded ape to strip a Robertson, and it does that have any of that can out bullshit which is like trainingwheels.

You missed a chance to call it the "dork's screw".

flathead. simple, functional.

>it's a reverse torx

>have screwdriver
>try to undo one that the other guy used an impact on

stop shilling flathead
it's THE worst screw

nothing is worse than phillips user

needing to screw in blind a flathead is the worst, cannot align it can keep shit in place, and having any ability to keep the shit centered is not happening, would take damn near anything over this.

someone explain to me why a rivet or a nail might be superior to a screw or a bolt

>Turn flathead twice
>The head has now slid off the screw out the side of the head
> turn
> recenter
> turn
> recenter
> turn
> recenter
> turn
> recenter
> turn
> recenter
> turn
> recenter
> turn
> recenter
> turn
> recenter
> turn
> recenter
> turn
> recenter

Fuck flathead screws and fuck you

That looks fucking cool, how well do they work?

Flathead should be abolished
They are useless if you aren't some fucking hyper autist who can line up his screwdriver perfectly

designed to do that so brainlets like you don't over torque everything and break shit

>yeah man fuck flatheads amirite?
>let me just bear down with all my fucking weight on this reamed-out flathead screw so I can undo it

If you have clear access and aren't retarded, it self aligns good enough to work, its when you don't have easy access that its a problem.

I wonder how hard those screws are to make, nothing can easily machine a square.

And if that was a shot at Phillips then consider the possibility that there are more than two types of screws.

No one uses Phillips for anything anymore grandpa, and people stopped using flat heads decades ago, for a fucking good reason.

what the fuck is the point of that?

Press formed.

Looks like it would distribute force over many points of contact, also no cam out and you could use any size but for it.

Got a bit one size up? No problem, it just won't seat into the bottom contact level, you still got plenty of contact. Even at the top level you'd still have torx level of contact.

You could have like 4 bit sizes and they would be practically universal with any screw. Just make the bit size increment a standard and there you go.

>its when you don't have easy access that its a problem
crouched over, in an attic crawlspace
stale air, dust choking you
too dark
fluffy pink pillows
no escape

>No one uses Phillips for anything anymore grandpa
literally every screw in every computer case you can buy is a phillips head. last time I saw flatheads in a computer was an IBM from the 80s.

> it self aligns
No it fucking doesn't

its by people with an electric screwdriver.
It provieds a good grip and holds longer and an x screw.

i like it.
in fact i only use torx.
don't buy any other srew anymore. never have to change bit normaly..

Do you even know what "self-aligning" means or are you this much of a retard?

they are not proprietary dumbass

how are gnu-males this stupid?

Screws and unscrews like a dream

That's great, now I can unscrew it with any size allen key.

Post source then faggot

>Chad : Robertson Screw
>After badly cutting his hand while using a slot-headed screwdriver, Peter Lymburner Robertson invented the square-headed screwdriver and screw in 1908
swap torx with the square autism screw and your post is accurate

Last year I got a Performance Tool 38 Piece Ratcheting Screwdriver Set for $4 at a Fry's Electronics (regional chain, mainly in the western U.S.), with a promo code (reg. $8). Comes with these bits:
phillips #0, #1, #2 (two), #3
slotted 3mm, 4mm, 5mm, 6mm, 7mm
hex 2mm, 3mm, 4mm, 5mm, 6mm
1/8", 5/32", 3/16", 7/32", 1/4"
star T10, T15, T20, T25, T27, T30, T40
pozi #0, #1, #2 (two), #3
square S0, S1, S2, S3

do work vfor Fry's as a shill?

>torx security
>less secure
What did they mean by this?

You can just drill out the security peg

it's so you can tighten it tighter than a 2 or 4

torx are mathematically the perfect screw fitting

>I don't have a torx bit and therefore torx is shit

A rivet can't be loosened by vibration like a bolt can. Nails are cheaper and easier.

i wish all screws were torx

all screws are fancy jew nails

or just get a security torx set
no reason not to, as security torx bits work with regular torx screws as well

Newfag here but good God I'm thankful I'm not the only one who hates flatheads with a passion. I thought I was just a retard

>if you aren't some fucking hyper autist who can line up his screwdriver perfectly
Literally everyone can.

*slides out of groove*

If you stopped injecting cannabis, your hands wouldn't shake so much.

*limits the amount of torque transferred by sliding sideways*

You can buy a bitset and a screw driver that supports bits for next to nothing.
You can get a screw driver set for a bit more if you use it regularly.
You can get a full screwdriver of high quality set for $40.
Spring a bit more if you want an electric one as well.


Screws are just as much tech as Ubuntu nigga

>he's confusing Torx standard with Apple proprietary pentalobe
>he doesn't have a torx driver
Or how we know you're a fucking retard who never repaired a piece of hardware before...

Canada pls go

Use hex like a normal person

see second requirement

You can buy cheap tools and then curse as the pot metal they're made out of strips right as you need to open something that's stuck and go buy quality tools. Or you could just buy the quality tools the first time.

If it was up to me, we’d use a modified version of Robertson. Seanic did a good job designing their class IV torque tool bits for subsea robotic applications, it would be nice to mimick the bit on screws that we use day to day. Since it’s not a perfect square, it’s a lot easier to line up if you’re trying to put the bit into the screw if you’re drilling something in at an awkward angle 1 handed.

lets see here, I don't get close, it slips out
I get close, it goes the path of least resistance and that's tard the center.

don't be retarded and the shit works.

granted, you don't have easy access they are a motherfucker

Ubuntu is a clusterfuck, not worth mentioning in a technology board. Ubuntu's place is /mlp/, far away where we don't need to remember it exists.

I never had the tool strip.
Even the cheaper ones are made of much harder metal than the usual screws.

yeah, just uncommon

Reminder that a flathead screwdriver screws literally every other screw but gamebit if just used right.

Now how about these motherfuckers? Pure satan spawn.

>being this poor
Invest in a proper screwdriver kit
You can't undo everything with that rusty flat head you found under a bridge

together with a hammer I can

>I am a faggot and I have never tried removing decades old 4" deck screws

torx is objectively better for construction applications. Theoretically, you can reuse them indefinitely, because they should never strip.

Also, they keep shithead kids from voiding warranties

Torx. Absolutely fucking torx. The only fucking screw type that doesn't get stripped just by looking at it wrong.

Fuck hex sockets, especially those small ones.

That was the murder weapon

My dad likes to buy shitty tools because they're cheaper than good tools. I've stripped so many hex, torx, and socket wrench heads on stuck screws or bolts I've lost count. Then I go and buy a quality version of that particular size tool and never have problems with that particular size again.

Find a flaw.

90 degrees between wrench engagement

hello nvidia

If you're stripping it so much, you're not holding it correctly. Put more force into it and make sure it's all the way in.

Uncommon? Do you handle screwdrivers at all.

Protip: You can't.

Doesn't it need to have «vis de fixation» written on it?

>Fuck hex sockets
fuck you

You missed a chance to call it the dorx screw.

This. Only a canadian neonazi could shill Robertsons when it's literally a hex but 50% worse. Go eat a pakistani 9 inch long, 2 pound heavy and 100°F warm dick you special snowflake.

Only if it had "Screw" written on it and it was sold in the province of Québec. Their language law requires every commercial product with non-French writing on it to be accompanied by a French translation.

There was a resturant that was fined because it had plastic disposable spoons with some english text like "recyclable" imprinted on them. There was also an Italian resturant that was fined for having italian names for their dishes on their menus (without translating the dish names into french). KFC was also forced to brand themselves as PFK in and only in Québec. It is still KFC even in Paris, France.

This. Hex strips-- it's common because it's better than phillips but still pretty cheap to make the allen wrench.

Torx for everything IMO. It's really that simple. Though ideally they'd make the sizes such that you can't use a smaller size bit for the wrong head (IE it would spin freely rather than kind of catching the bit). Most times people fuck up with torx it's either that they overtighten because they're used to other bit types that you can't tighten easily, or because they use the wrong size bit.

>hex but 50% worse
yeah fuck right off
nothing worse than a fucking hex
i'd rather remove with my dick
than hexes

Fuck off you retarded nigger (not even capitalized out of disrespect). Just because you use only trash equipment that doesn't use high quality screws doesn't make Torx proprietary in any way.
Screwdrivers and bits for Torx are readily available everywhere.
It's also objectively one of the best designs out there. If anything, fuck Philips and those Hex trash screws that wear out and break the second you apply any kind of torque. Torx can sustain way higher torque for a given screw size than virtually all other common designs out there.

t. somebody who actually works with screws

>t. retards who mixes metric with imperial sizes

>Want to be a tech
>Dont have the right tools for the job
I bet you use the wrong size Philips bit and strip everything out too.

that user was probably providing that information to demonstrate the fact that any self respecting gentooman should have at least 12 TX10 bits embedded into the cum-crust on their T420.