Reviving your shitty laptop?

Acer aspireOne A0751H
>intel atom
>now has linux mint cinnamon 18.2 on it

Runs like ass its so slow, any suggestions?

Other urls found in this thread:,2817,2347366,00.asp?tab=Specs

Use as FTP/PLEX/GAME server. If you use Plex/Kodi make sure to stream at original quality or at least make sure you have x264 encoding supported by the iGPU.

Newer Atoms can be used for normal tasks, but not those.

install an ssd and watch yuru yuri

install gentoo

clean fan and heatsink, reapply thermal paste.

Fall for the minimalism meme and stop using Gnome.

Lubuntu, or anything Openbox/LXDE

I may have used a 16GB ssd in this laptop

Ubuntu based distributions aren't a good choice for low powered computers, even with LXDE. OP should try Windows 7 or at least Puppy Linux. There is no way he could use it as a regular laptop anymore so there is no point anyway.

Is the screen IPS? Throw a big hard drive in there and put a ton of movies on it.

I had windows XP on it before (default) and it also ran terribly slow. Factory restored and everything it was still ass.

with 1.33GHz and 1 GB Ram

I think i will try puppy linux

>recommends puppy
>more bloated than openbox

someone really hasn't done their homework and is spitting lies over the internet

I just want to be able to go on the internet, and use a program called Netbeans on the laptop for my lecture, so the simplest thing that will run those the smoothest is all I want, doesnt really matter what it is :/

Do you have spare Pentium 4's and Athlons laying around that you test Linux distributions on? The Atom is arguably weaker than a late Pentium 4 and Lubuntu runs like absolute shit on it, even with an Athlon 64 with 2GB of RAM.

How about you do your homework before opening your mouth you loonix jackass.

Tired as fuck

You wont be able to do much on the internet, maybe watch YouTube at 480P in a browser. Sell that piece of shit and grab a Thinkpad for 40 dollars and you will be able to surf the internet and enjoy HD youtube videos

Haha thanks, i got this for free anyways.

My bigger plan was to sell my current laptop (Acer Aspire V15 Nitro black edition) for $800CAD and build a gaming desktop and then use a paycheck to use a shitty laptop for class, this little shit mightve been a good alternative but i guess its just too terrible

I mean it's great for word and maybe powerpoint but you wont be doing much else on it. What iGPU does it have? Cause it might have x264 acceleration

Graphics Card: Intel GMA 500

I just installed puppy linux on it (xenial)

>GMA 500
The Linux community reports that it does not have proper drivers for Linux, but that was said in 2009. Good news is that it's much better than a GMA 950 so maybe you can watch YouTube, just try it.

Its working alright for now, except i cant get the god damn wifi to be recognized *sigh.

My Eee 901 ran Mint MATE right up until the day she died on me, was always a damn sight faster than Cinnamon, that DE seems to really take the life out of the GMA 950.

I revived my 2011 Acer 5755g and put a third-party battery into it because my main one couldn't hold a charge.
Now the specs don't sound too bad on paper: 2670QM with 8GB Ram and a GT630m and a 1tb HDD.
But it's a terrible laptop to use these days, both on Windows 10 and Linux. (It was also awful on Windows 8. And just ok on Windows 7 it came with)
The battery only lasts like 1 hour and 20 mins, takes ages to charge, (at best all I ever got was like 2-3 hours of battery life anyway), it overheats so you have to downclock it (funny thing is it IS clean inside and had thermal paste applied, when I put in a new keyboard, it still just overheats and the fan basically does nothing, even at full blast. It was just poorly designed from the get go), It's heavy, and the screen was always pretty bad on it. A poor man's 1366x768 TN Panel with bad color range.

My experience with it was so bad I bought a Chuwi Hi13 tablet with a keyboard dock instead and so far I love that. Much slimmer, easier to hold, maybe a little lighter, Full RGB 3k IPS screen, 6-7 hours of battery life for just browsing the net, (also charges really quickly when it's off via a Power Delivery charger and type C cable), never goes over 60 degrees celcius even when pushed to the max performance and no longer burns my lap to use, and native 4k decoder in the chip. Sure it lags a little loading youtube videos on Firefox (and a little less on Edge), but that's better than having something that lags literally all the time.

But that 5755g? That cost me 700 quid back in the day, it was a pretty premium model. Getting a GTX GPU cost so much more and were quite rare so usually that was the best you could get for under 1000 pounds. This new lappy cost me 300 quid and feels like a much better experience.
Just goes to show how much times have changed, and how much better things are already.

You could argue that I could have got a bigger battery for that 5755g, but imagine how much bulk it would add.

And that was £700 heavily discounted as well.

Install linux mint xfce 32 bit.

I installed it on PC so old he has even problems with wangblows xp. Now it runs very fast.

You just need an SSD and a lightweight WM/DE

Atom is shit and has especially shitty integrated GPU. First of all if you want to stick with mint, install mate, it runs fine on atom even though it's gtk3. Don't even try unity - it's too bloated and most likely will be a slideshow.
Well the most appropriate action would be putting it into trash can where it belongs.

I tried mint mate on a shitty old-atom powered terminal and it ran just fine.

>intel atom
Rip the Atom off

Solder a pentium or i7 onto the motherboard

More like retarded as fuck if you think CPU is relevant here.

Plex is for faggots.

PBGA441 is only for Atoms

These cute early Atoms are fun to get working somewhat decently. They can actually still perform the basic computing tasks normally, you just need lightweight software. No DE, no Chrom*/Firefox browser. Someone already mentioned the GMA500 chip which should have hardware h264 decoding.

I revived my Acer emachines 525 with void Linux and i3wm and it is smoooooth

Firefox is fine even on my Atom N270

It's fine once the page has loaded. I'd say Firefox has the best rendering engine in terms of smoothness. Yes, even on an N270 it's the best experience. However the time it takes to get the page finish loading is just too long, plus the whole computer slows down during this time. A lightweight browser like Qupzilla puts Firefox to shame on the loading speed. Netsurf is another option but it's not as compatible. Dillo is one of the fastest ones I've used but the selection of websites you can visit will be narrowed a lot.

Install arch-Linux and only what you need! Many distributions provide many useful applications and configurations but with a low compatibility with the hardwares of the pc.

OP's CPU is 32 bit, Arch has officially dropped support for those.

Atoms were so shit, I didn't even bother installing X to my two Atom computers. I did everything in the terminal. Screen is pretty useful if you go that route, it's a non-GUI window manager.

Fuck screen, tmux is the best terminal multiplexer.

go for 4gb

I run a core-2 with 4gb of ram, and in my case, the chokepoint is the CPU, so it's kinda slow from time to time (especially when a browser is involved), but overall, it works, and it does work good

> linux mint cinnamon 18.2
It's probably bloated. Install Gentoo and build a kernel which supports every CPU instruction. Actually, you don't even have to install Gentoo, just rebuild your kernel and throw out all the useless stuff but include the useful stuff.

>intel atom
>want to watch porn
>open chrome
>mfw you just did the 30 days nofap challenge

Poorfag here who used a 1.7 GHz EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE PC as my only computer for years. That thing struggled back in ~2010 so I can only imagine how painful it would be to use one now. Play around for a few days by doing weird shit to it and then dumpster that shit. Not even worth your time.

>as a side effect you are no longer fat due to 30 day fasting

>you are no longer fat
no reason to come back to Sup Forums then

It's comfy tho.

install lubuntu

So should i replace puppy linux on it with linux MATE?
If this thread is still looked at

I am not too knowledgeable when it comes to OS things if you guys haven't noticed, slowly learning

Had the same Netbook when I was 14ish. Fuck that 1.33ghz single core it can't so dick. Windows xp & 7 was usable but the Linux drivers for the gma graphics sucked. I don't even know if it's usable now, it was abandond back then.

it might be less awfully slow if you use a cut down linux set up with unnecessary services disabled, and a light windowmanager setup like openbox or icewm, or at least lxde or something.

because atoms are slow af. you need to customize it yourself and replace de with light wm

you're dumb, if you want me to help at least prove you have some intellect user
>>mint on an atom

you dont need hd on a low res display. anyone trying to view 1080p videos on their 1024x768 thinkpads is retarded.

Do NOT listen to these fuckos, I can watch 720p youtube and multitask on an Atom N550, you just have to work around it.
You have to install mesa-utils or glxinfo depending on your distro to get the card accurately reported.
This, currently postan from a Latitude 2120 on FF Nightly with no issues whatsoever. x264 HW accel and I'm able to emulate everything before PS1 3D


Puppy linux isn't a secure distribution for normal use. The last time I checked one of the recommended variants of it forced you to log in as root only. My preferred solution would be taking a popular 32 bit distro, like something Debian based, and doing a minimal installation (no desktop environment). It's not hard but will require some reading. The Arch Wiki is a decent resource, in addition to your distro's own documentation of course.

Alright, i'll probably do that later at some point thanks!

has anyone tried an ssd on these shitty netbooks? does it make it any faster than the shitty 4-5k hdd that they came with or is it slow because the cpu is so shitty?

A lot of people except me. A small SSD used to be a standard component in these.

I have an SSD in it right now, i put in a 16GB Kingdian SSD, to be honest doesnt seem to have helped much but thats probably because im not partitioning the drive correctly or some shit.

>full of testosterone
you wont even remember the URL for Sup Forums

install xfce

I've successfully used Lubuntu on an N570 and 1 GB of RAM as my daily driver for a month while my main laptop wasn't available. I browsed the web (Chromium was better, I found), torrented with Transmission, and watched 720p movies with mplayer. I single-tasked most of the time. It was quite fine.

I double that. Xubuntu takes slightly more RAM compared to Lubuntu but is much more pleasant to use.

I have an Acer Aspire One D255e that I'd like to revive. It has a problem when after a couple of days on line power it suddenly stops charging and blinks with pink LEDs, which are not even regular color for that model. Has anyone had that issue?

I have KDE Neon on a fucking intel 1007U and it runs like butter.

Either the charger or the battery is about to shit the bed. These netbooks were notorious for having frequent battery problems, I have the blue model D270 Aspire and an HP Mini 110 and both of their batteries are shot. The Aspire charges but then after about 30 minutes the estimated percentage goes from 95 to 3%.

I’m surprised they got away with such shit quality batteries.

So many have you guys have suggested many other OS's so im still not sure what to use O: So is linux puppy abad idea? it runs smooth but i cant get my wifi to work on it, not sure how to go about that

I hope it's not the motherboard.

Im no computer expert but im just gonna guess it is indeed the battery is fucked, the led is probably just worn out and dying too. The battery in mine needs to stay plugged in all the time otherwise itll die instantly


Have an old ass PC. Even with a Wlan adapter it still can't connect to the internet. Ran it in a VM recently and it worked but still would recommend Debian.

I agree, while it's not MIND BLOWING PERFORMANCE it's still mildly adequate. Though word processing is a bit hard on linux where I personally use Google Docs.

You can try Anarchy (an arch installer, formerly arch-anywhere). I did it and have just under 700 packages with wifi and everything working properly.

all these suggestions which do i choose from lol
I still havent heard anyones suggestion on Puppy so that would be useful.
if that is too shit then i will use lubuntu next

the battery is buggered user
finding one barttery for a acer aspire One happy would be very very hard to find.

Puppy is meant for ancient pre-c2d computers, what Atom are you running specifically? If it has 4 threads like mine, you're good for anything else that isn't a shit-cobbled mini ubuntu. If you're still new to linux and are scared of Arch because of the memes then try the ubuntu-mini.iso which lets you install just what you want/need.

btw acer aspire One happy supports 2 GB of ram all hynix type of ram.

Intel Atom Z520

So i think thats 2 threads? I dont know if links are allowed but this is the laptop-->,2817,2347366,00.asp?tab=Specs

You've been cucked, you have 1 thread and no others to offload to, I recommend setting this up as a headless router or VPN, you're not getting any joy outta this one without breaking your neck. Trust me.

Haha fuck, truly one of the shittiest laptops ever seen apparently

No, the Z520 has SMT. I don't think there is a single core Atom without it. Even the N270 does, and I believe that was the first gen bargain basement model.

I had one of those, pure trash and the last time I ever bought anything with Intel.

While that may be true, it wont be a decent computing machine without effort. Which I doubt OP wants to put into a half-broken netbook

If you do want to pursue a GUI I recommend i3 and LXPanel. On whatever Distro you end up installing.

Intel Poulsbo GMA500 is the most cucked graphics chipset ever. Fuck intel.

Ya im too lazy plus i have two exams in the next two days so spending my time on this is probably the worst thing i could do right now.

Try another distro/DE and overall check the BIOS cpu power settings, particularly
I have this Archos branded Intel classmate (1.6Ghz 512k Atom N270, 1GB ram, dead zif hdd, 1024x600, came with xp) Basically a 2007 kid/scholar netbook, fugly but sturdy ^^ with a small but very good waterproof keyboard)

Putted a small 16GB zif ssd, upgraded the ram to 2GB then installed Peppermint on it. Frankly it runs great :)
For linux I just had to deactivate cpu's speedstep into the bios otherwise it was stuck on the lowest fsb setting. Now I should just put new 18650s into the battery pack, I guess

SSD + 2GB Max ram with fresh windows 7 but slipstreamed updates so it doesn't take so much space fully updated.

>not just dropping GUIs of any kind and running terminal only with terminal media player and terminal web browser

What do threads do in CPUs? It can't be one process per thread

That's too complicated for me, there's like 20 new terms.

it makes one core act like two or more cores

Install Q4os Faggot

The LEDs aren't dying, they're like new.

It shuts off after two days on power if the battery is taken out. With battery in it starts blinking pink and works until the battery is depleted. Taking out the power cord, saving work and rebooting device with the battery only doesn't make blinking go away. I have to take out both the cord and the battery and let that thing sit for two hours so I can use it again. Anything else (shutting off, taking everything out and holding the power button for two minutes, supposedly resetting the circuits and other phone-support-tier voodoo) has literally zero effect.

I just bought an alienware 17 r4. 24gb ram. i7-3840QM @ 2.80GHz processor, and an ati radeon hd 7970m gpu. which can I upgrade, and what should I upgrade to?

have you tried to update its bios if its not already the latest version? a laptop should run fine without a battery as long as the cable is not disconnected but some laptops have shitty connectors so that might happen accidentally when using it.

Not that user you replied to but.

nah some of the old laptop woun't turn on without its battery its acer thing.
Its suppose to protect you from the faulty battery and exposed circuits it was dumb idea and i don't think many laptop where effected.

the acer travel mate 2004 edition for example wouldn't even post if there was no battery it would just blink lights at you.

But yeah the bios update would be a good call.
also i would do reserch on what the bios update does for your laptop before upgrades etc.