What does Sup Forums think of Alienware laptops?

What does Sup Forums think of Alienware laptops?

expensive, sucks

All gaming laptops are trash no matter what.

not exist laptop good for gaming, gaming laptops are memes, after few games played you can to leave laptop in trash.

You’re overpaying for a bunch of LEDs when you buy an Alienware. Worse than Apple. With Apple you at least get a nice trackpad and an entire OS. With Alienware you get blinking lights.

sour grapes

Why even ask if you don't want an honest answer?

Post your alienware

i'm not the op
i dont have an alienware laptop but i have a lenovo y700-17isk

ayy lmao


the one with the oled screen is great

Very good t bh

You live in 2013

>7 pound laptop
Completely fucking retarded.

No joke, I actually went to school with her.

only acceptable awnser

Who is that Saemon Daemon?



Me too, she totally blew me in the bathroom at lunch, shit was so cash

Proper hardware, horrible design. I wish dell would have a non alienware line with same specs.

Nvidia Optimus did them in for me, the third implementation is shit.

[spoiler]They turn you gay.[/spoiler]

they and those who use them should stay on

They introduced OLED to gaming so they are GOAT no contest.

Top tier laptops, pretty much zero issues.
Too bad their weight makes them a pain in the ass to move around.
Imo you're better off with a desktop and a small laptop.

Predator laptops destroy alienware.

Only fags buy alien

Notebookcheck.com for laptop reviews