/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player


Stable: mpv.io/manual/stable/
Git: mpv.io/manual/master/

User Scripts & Shaders:

High quality video output profile (goes into mpv.conf):




Configuration Files:


Post your system specs and config if you're asking performance related questions.

Windows Builds:
Vapoursynth: jenkins.maeyanie.com/job/mpv/

Previous (I think) >>

Other urls found in this thread:


Ah fuck I forgot to fix the formatting

Noticed 0.27.0 changed --loop semantics

If I pass in a list of files 1.mp4, 2.mp4, 3.mp4 to mpv via the command line, how do I now make it play

1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, etc?

Previously --loop worked.

Too much bloated OP...


Mouahaha, doom9 is down and madshi was not able to make ngu + free rca.

Yeah I copied the last OP, I intended to fix it I was going to delete it, but I went to make a coffee and by the time I got back another user had already posted

Do you have any others hobby foozoor?

Is there a way to make mpv append dropped files\URLs to the internal playlist, instead of overwriting it with them?

Any build like Bomi but not dead?

There's also 2 or 3 guis you can install over the top of mpv


Drop them while holding shift.

I used to think that you guys support this player as a meme, because the performance on windows is terrible. I installed arch and it took a 180, it's functioning better than VLC. I guess I owe you guys an apology :^)

Foozoor is a stupid bot do not waste your time.

>madVR v0.92.10
>algo "remove compression artifacts" can now be run as part of NGU
>reverted NGU Sharp back to gamma light -> slightly better anti-aliasing
Igv is on suicide watch!

What makes MPV better than MPCHC+Madvr
Anime watcher here.


So nothing?
I mean, I'm all for the philosophy, but if you can't compete on the free market (since both players are "free as in free beer"), then your shit is useless.

Also, I just remembered: wasn't MPC-HC created after Microsoft open-sourced their media player? So it's basically well-coded free software vs. some fucktards who couldn't even slap together a GUI in the modern age? Something that a 4-year-old can learn how to code?

FOSS and philosophy are more than that, dude.
You probably underaged to understand.

>still having a computer with windows

It's a fucking buzzword if you get no results. Much like other market philosophies like, let's say, "capitalism", FOSS is supposed to be used because it clearly out-competes other ways of doing things. People should naturally gravitate to software that is coded through a much more efficient pipeline.
If your code is a pile of spaghetti, much like Tox and a bunch of other useless g-tier shit, and you guys STILL push it, then you're harming the movement you claim to support. You're pushing FOSS underwater.
Oh, I guess I forgot about that. Still, this kind of ties into the point I'm making. The reason "the year of the Linux desktop" will never come is because of a lack of great software. Microsoft got this right the first time. They made sure Windows fucking SHIPPED with cornerstone software. And worked hard to provide tons of important utilities in the years that followed.
In this case, the egg comes before the chicken. I'm not gonna jump ship just because "it's the future maaan". MAAAAYBE on my laptop, maybe. If I can track down drivers. But never on my desktop.

So nothing on the user end?

FOSS is all about user.

>They made sure Windows fucking SHIPPED with cornerstone software
Are you talking about candycrush maybe?

market share november 2017
windows 82.74%
linux 1.57%

Linux is not the future but microsoft windows os is clearly end or life. However they are working on netflix like OS for normies, you will have to identify you and use a credit card to do your shits.

Past-tense, retard. I'm talking about the first years of Windows. And the "important utilities" part is talking about shit like Microsoft Office.
Two reasons Windows succeeded: aggressively cutting deals with OEMs, and great software. One of these FOSS can't do, but the other SHOULD be done, but it's just not. No open-source alternative to ANYTHING is better than the closed alternative (or "open-sourced after the fact", in the case of MPC)

The year of linux desktop will never come anyways, smartphone and tablets are going to replace desktop and such by that time

You are on Sup Forums not facebook, retard.

Funny, with ad-hominems like this, it feels a lot like Facebook.

Go back to facebook, you are not able to understand technology.

Don't talk about normies, we are on Sup Forums, not FB.

I didn't say anything about technology, I'm just drawing attention to your terrible posts.
Your name isn't associated with what you write. It has to stand on its own. Don't just spew horseshit; noone'll care.

>people are still eating shits and getting cancers

>foozoor is still posting in this thead
kys my man

Look at your url bar >>> Sup Forumsthread/...
We are not on facebook, Sup Forums threads are categorized.

...I'm sorry, I've reread this five times, and it still looks like a non-sequitur to me. Are you saying that FOSS developers are eating shit for some reason, leading to cancer that makes development hard?

You should read it 10 times at least.

And Sup Forums being organized means... you can shitpost? I think it means the opposite. I think it means that you have to at least TRY to stay on-topic, at the risk of a ban.
Guess what, on Facebook you can just post "all these people I don't like are poopyheads!", and it counts as a legitimate use of the platform. Not so over here.
Nice trips, one of my professors once said "I only read your questions twice, and if I don't get it, you don't get the mark", and I think that's a pretty good rule to live by. I gave faggot the benefit of the doubt with 6 total readings, I'm not scrolling up again.

It's all about context, read associated posts to understand.

Ok, so he's talking about himself, since he hasn't made a decent argument this whole time. He's bent out of shape because of his cancer, and maybe since it's located in his digestive tract, he tastes shit and thus can't think straight long enough to post. Got it.

A question is a sentence with a "?" at the end.
It's a 18+ platform here!

Regarding the FOSS comment, I agree
It means nothing
Other than that, mpv is basically infidelity customizeable if you're into that, I would also argue that it works better out of the box, too.

Are you the "go back to Facebook" guy? Because I might need to think of a name for you. You're starting to fall into a pattern.

Customization is part of FOSS.

Check the IP like any Sup Forums dude...

I'm not here to argue so I won't respond after this
Just because something is closed source doesn't mean it isn't customizable. I'm fully aware that 'FOSS' presents a greater possibility of -potential- customization, however it doesn't guarantee it.

Like a "Sup Forums dude"? Is this like a fucking Geek Squad for shitposters? Do you guys have hats and stuff? That sounds like a cool job. Just shitting up any corner of Sup Forums where someone might be posting anything of significance.

>don't have the right to modify a software
>customization friendly
Please go to your bed, retard.


- mpc-hc is not maintained anymore, will probably not working (properly) with next windows releases
- madshi is fucking busy and don't have time for it, plus it still uses directshow and needs to be installed as administrator

And what makes MPC-HC better than MPV?
- video playback
- audio playback
- a fucking GUI
- proper utilization of hardware (not just relying on the operating system to figure it out, this applies to both video and audio [think surround-sound setups])
- did I already mention VIDEO PLAYBACK, the ONE thing a video player is supposed to be good at?

MPC-HC is just stupid directshow GUI.
Don't compare completely different things.

I WOULD compare them mechanically (where MPC-HC still shit on MPV, since the code is WAY more mature), but the theme of the conversation has been about the end user.
I mean, referring back to the original post, ANIME WATCHER. Not a coder, an end user. To this person, the negatives you provided would apply, and the positives I provided would ALSO apply.

Sup Forums is not to educate normies, read the rules

You are the only one negative and angry dude here.

madshi doesn't maintain mpc-hc, you tard

An anime watcher, using custom software (or hell, even DOWNLOADING your shit at all), doesn't count as a normie to most people. I haven't heard people say "MadVR and chill" to refer to sex.
...what? Do you speak English as a second language? Do you understand how the word "negative" is used in various contexts?

Read the complete conversation, he is talking about mpchc and madvr, this is why there are 2 bullets.

MPC-HC might not be maintained, anymore, but Microsoft has a long history of carefully not breaking stuff, so MPC-HC will probably continue to work fine for the next 20 years. The part that needs the most maintenance is splitting, decoding and rendering, all of which are not done by MPC-HC, but by external DirectShow filters like LAV and madVR, so no need for MPC-HC to be maintained, really.

If you absolutely require a media player which is maintained, you can use MPC-BE, which is an MPC-HC fork with a different skin, and still actively maintained.

Wow you must a super otaku. mpv can use nnedi3 to deinterlace animu dvd's in realtime through vapoursynth. Hope this helps you, elite animu watcher.

>understand how the word "negative" is used in various contexts
I thought you'd understand, but it looks like you didn't.

M$ is an invasive cancer.

Nice try, foozoor.

This. I use MPC-BE 64 bit on like 3 devices and it performs excellently on all of them. Highly recommended. It also has that thumbnail preview on the seekbar which is useful for little other than CPU benchmarking, which is cool.
My GPU is trash tho, I need to use a special sauce cocktail of superres, Jinc, pre-upscaling filters, etc to get shit to look decent.

You can use cpu based ffmpeg filters on mpv for preprocessing. mpv's implementation of Jinc (ewa_lanczos) is the fastest one around because it uses compute shaders.

This thread is utter shit and you all deserve to be banned. Shame on you.

That perked my ears up, since my FX-8320 probably has more cores than my piece-of-shit GPU, so I'll look into it. Might be a good alternative for my desktop. The only issue I can see is just general video... ISSUES I've seen with programs that use CPU, like SVP. Dropped frames, colour shifting, etc. If it works well, I might give it a shot.
Only shitposters who add nothing to discussion get banned.

Stop falling for MPC dude's bait.

>no github activity this december
Is haasn the German Santa?

Isn't he still a student? He may have projects and exams to work on.

He said he was working as sysadmin last year.
Why would you want him to still be in high school? Are you sexually retarded?

I recall he mentioning that was a part-time job?

>high school
Huh? I was more like thinking he was a grad student.

>ywn see Hanna-chan in her high-school uniform

>sysadmin as part-time job
Germany is a weird country. :D

>thinking he was a grad student

He is on vacation!

He probably cares a shit about it.

madshi dont take it this hard boy

Any recommendations for a good config to use with a x220? profile=opengl-hq brings my CPU temps up to +90C and 1080p stutters.

Perhaps it would be best just to have a blank config
Excluding non-video related settings, of course

720p to 4k upscaling?

I just decided to take the plunge to try this out since I heard a lot of recommendations.

Right now I have this config


But I'm only getting 10% CPU and 20% GPU usage. I have some headroom to play with so any suggestions that can make my video quality better? (Mainly anime)

Another question: I tried out video-sync=display-resample and interpolation and it makes my video jitter like mad. Same thing, tried it on a 24~ fps anime on 144hz monitor. Is it not supposed to work because of my high refresh rate monitor compared to the video source?

Thanks, will greatly appreciate any help.


>I tried out video-sync=display-resample and interpolation and it makes my video jitter like mad
Should work, what's your platform, gpu, mpv version?

hm okay weird, i tried it out again and it can't seem to reproduce it. few hours ago as I was setting up I tried turning on/off those 2 settings and I could reproduce the bug 100% of the time. Will see if it happens again.

Anyway slightly unrelated, is these 2 scripts supposed to fix the panning jitter issue commonly found in anime? If not, do you have any user scripts that could help that?

>Anyway slightly unrelated, is these 2 scripts supposed to fix the panning jitter issue commonly found in anime
Are you reffering to my comment here? If so then no, you can use a script to run content at 60fps though, it looks a bit strange

oops no, i meant the 2 options (video-sync=display-resample and interpolation), not 2 scripts. my apologies.

NGU Sharp Medium + Integrated RCA is faster and much better than FSRCNNX_x2_r1_16-0-2-2.glsl!

Interpolation blends frames together to make the video smoother. You can set
to simply stop "judder" or try other values of tscale to make the result even smoother, which is especially noticeable during panning.

Also these are not scripts but rather configuration options. Scripts refer to lua programs designed to extend the player in the context of mpv.

Ah okay, I shall experiment with the values.

Yeah sorry, I corrected my wrong usage of words above.

Hmmmm... Release notes seem to suggest that NGU Sharp "Medium" is changed to "High" when used together with RCA?

Is there a way to make umpv work without python installed? (the script to allow only 1 instance of mpv on windows)

There is probably a way to "compile" python script into a self-contained executable, look into that.

FSRCNNX was updated again, igv is at it!

RCA High looks the same to me as FSRCNNX_24

Is it possible to have the OSD message enabled for volume changes but disabled for the time/duration when seeking? Seems to me both are classified under OSD so I can't choose either or?

Was it? Website says: "Updated 27.11.2017".

@igv, any progress on GAN? ;)

Yes! I download and compare hashes! He should update the update message!

What are you talking about? This is the best performing media player on Windows for me. I'm guessing you didnt configure it properly.

>I download and compare hashes!

Compromised, enjoy your code execution :^)