Why wont companies talk with me? how am i supposed to get ajob

why wont companies talk with me? how am i supposed to get ajob

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You gotta know people in the company or nobody will even send you a letter of acknowledgement.

It's like every other industry.

>You gotta know people in the company or nobody will even send you a letter of acknowledgement.
Unfortunately it's like this. Otherwise try harder until you eventually land a job.

This isnt fair. I dont know what to do anymore.

did you go irl?
give it a shot.

show initiative visit the company in person talk with people thats how I got my first job

I dont know how to do that

no one local wants me i dont even know how to find local people

This is the natural selection process.
If you're too socially awkward to network in order to gain access to income and a stable job, you deserve to get weeded from the gene pool.

Its not that im socially awkward. I have no issues socially. its just that I didnt like anyone at my school enough to pursue a friendship

Probably because your cv is shit

Asking worked for me. Now I'm a wageslave, which sucks.

whats a cv? how do i have a good one


Several years of WORK experience in your industry. This is a REQUIREMENT for getting your first job, user. Please try to apply yourself. ;^)

>I dont know how to do that
Look for companies that are on the area that you live. Look for youtube videos about how do interviews work and what you should do and should't do.
>i dont even know how to find local people
Internet. google.

someone just tell me what im supposed to put down on paper and send becuase evidently i dont know

I want to hear from you guys ok?
I need some help I dont know how t o get a job.


>just tell me what im supposed to put down on paper
Your previous employment experience. Do NOT forget to include the 7 internships and 3 jobs you had before graduating top of your class at a top university in your preferred field. This work experience is going to come in handy at your first job!

I dont have anything aside from a lot of volunteer hours doing manual labor and being a TA for math classes

just b urself dude :)

You need to have 2-3 years of work experience in the field and at least several certs.

Also THIS, very good advice!

whats on your CV/resume?

On a serious note, are you catering your resume to the position or just shotgunning a name and address to everywhere

I dont know how to do anything

>whats on it

that stuff
the schools i've been to
my degree
classes i took
languages i know
my name
where i live

i basically just followed a template from my school

give us a general run down of whats on there

One way to get a job is that you look up a company you like the sound of. Find out a bit about them. Then get your ass up to their HQ, go to the receptionist and ask if it's possible to see someone from staff recruitment. If they say no try and persist a little more but be more polite. If still no then ask the recptionist if it's OK to hand in your CV and make a point of asking them to let the person they pass the CV to knows you were really keen.

If you do however get to see someone let them know you would really love to come workj for them and if there are any positions available. If not then ask them politely if you can give them your CV and they if anything does come up then please can they contact you. Make a big deal of how you came to them in person because you really want to work there.

It sounds like ass licking but that's how it goes. Be presentable and at all times polite and enthusiastic.

NEVER ask about pay and benefits. At least not initially.

user anony
user state of America
college of user
Computer Science
Computer Architecture, Operating Systems, Theory of Computation, Independent Study in Automata Theory

English, Spanish, Hebrew, Python 2, Scheme

volunteered for xyz chuch
xyz warehouse
helped coordinate church events that gave free food to the homeless

TA'd for Discrete Mathematics and Basic Set Theory corse

Seriously tho, the only way to get a job in 2017 is to already have a job.

Or lie about it.
That's what most people do.

just python and scheme? fuck me youre in a bad place for employment if thats all you know

You either went to a completely garbage school, were a lazy fuck and never even tried, or you are just lying (probably the case)

>Computer Science
>No actual portfolio of code
Oh no he's cursed to apply at IT jobs

What are you talking about?

I never went in to computer science for code or coding

Because you post wrong moonrunes. While that *technically* means unemployed, it implies you lost your job. Doesn't suit a neet like you who has never earned a shekel in her (his) life.

Anime posted BTFO


so you went in without actually having a plan on how to get employed afterwards?

get learning the big languages, you want as broad an appeal as possible. you need public work in something like java, C++, or C# if you actually want a job.

is that all you peopel care about? fucking money and that shit? Why did you even study comptuer science? what a soulles fuckign existence

Yes, good goy.

>using the smiley with the carat nose

some of us are concerned with our material existance, having grown up around people who chased nothing but their passions and wound up borderline destitute as a result.

Post an image of yours with personal info removed.

More like Sup Forums broke your brain and you now thing you need a way bigger salary than you think

no, i dont need much in life, but some day ill have kids, and raising kids on minimum wage is a fucking shite experience for all involved.

I dont know man. I come from a total $20k a year family and we lived very comfortably. Maybe you should just instill good values in your kids.
I'd be happy with a similar salary to be honest.

Split languages and computer languages into different sections.

Don't say church, just say you volanteered and did what you did.

Expand on the specifics of your ta, etc, what you did, how you did it.

why cant i say church

also should i include sanskrit

oh i guess i should have found hot local singles in my area when i had the chance

Apply literally everywhere. Also try your local Disney park restaurant, they're always looking for people and the pay is insane (I averaged $300 a day with ~$650 on my best day and I barely put in any effort).

>I never went in to computer science for code or coding
Real question. What did you plan to do for a job in comp Sci that didn't involve coding? Or are you one of those "went to collage to find myself" types?

nah I was computer science since day 1

I thought i'd be ok with coding but really the math part is way better and thats what i focused in . (dropped a lot of pure coding and software engineering classes and negotiated my degree to be able to do more math)

also, have you actually tried working a minimum wage job? ive worked in local factories and shops, and its shite work which leaves you with nothing more than what you need to simply exist, and when things eventually go tits up or they decide to shitcan you for whatever reason, you are fucking fucked. now imagine that with kids in the mix.

poverty doesnt inspire good values in general, and it makes for generally miserable people. like it or not, if you cant turn your education to a trade of some kind thats your future.

apply for an internship.

>not keeping up with the latest in tech propaganda

fuck me, this is like reading my own thoughts put to paper

Learn java.
Read crack the coding interview.
Read that algorithm book.
Congrats, you can now work at google or Amazon.

Why else would one participate in 4+ years of expensive work training?

Being poor is shit. I don't see why anyone would willingly subject themselves to it.

>Congrats, you can now work at google or Amazon.
No, you don't.

The thread is bait, the responses are bait.

>have you actyually worked minimum wage

Yes? What kind of spoiled brat hasnt? I enjoyed my minimum wage more than any tech industry thing I've gotten

>the thread is b8

Its not
I never considered college work training and wished all the people in the CS program who just wanted money would fuck off and do a trade

same, but its only fun while youre there and arent worrying about how youre going to pay your bills this month.

the cofounder of stackoverflow is a good writer

don't forget leetcode

i mean the emails hes been getting

I think you just need to fundamentally admit that we're different people and I have no issue working min wage and depending on it.

As a general rule, knowing extra languages is only a plus if the job you're applying to would really benefit from you knowing the other language(s).

Your average job isn't going to care much about Hebrew and Sanskrit. But if they do a lot of business with China , let's say, then someone listing that they are fluent in Chinese might be something they'd care about.

As to why you shouldn't't specify church, it can color the impression HR has of you. Some people might like it, others might not like it, or in absence of other I do about you, they might develop certain assumptions about you (More conservative? More focused? Less logical? Might put religious needs before work needs? etc.). Just leaving it at having volunteered and helped to organize food drives and outreach gives them just enough info to show various positive traits, without giving them any additional info to color their perception of you. This is why you are't supposed to list age, religion race, nationality, ethnicity, etc. You just want stuff that gives you a chance to meet the requirements, and to avoid possibly giving info that might let them knowingly/unknowingly profile you in some way.

let me rephrase that, i cant meet my bills on minimum wage. if im on minimum wage, i either have to rely on my partners income, or become homeless.

haha how

0 hour contract with an average of 20 hours work a week, £7.60/hr, £400/m rent, £80/m tax, £130/m utility bills, £50/m telecom bills. then theres food and the general necessities of life to come after that. then one day your landlord gives you notice, and you realise it costs 1k to move house, at which point if youre on your own youre fucked.

these are cheap prices for the area too.

yeah ok
how about you just not? have you tried that

not what?

Continue living.

is it you that comments this every time someone uses that smiley literally see this reply any time some uses one

well, i kind of like living. there are things i want to learn about you see, and i need money to learn about them.

how about you, how do you go on? sounds to me like you would want to be in academia. why arent you pursuing a PhD if you love comp sci that much and dont want to learn the things that people actually want to pay money for?