Get CPU with vt-d support

>get CPU with vt-d support
>install arch, setup VM with gpu passthrough
>it werks
>realize I like windows10 desktop experience more than linux trash (kde, gnome, bungie, all trash)
>anyways I'll need Office for work and wine sucks
>format linux partition and install windows10 on drive
anyone else in the same boat

I'm sure you think this story sounds believable in your own mind.

Things that didn't happen: The Post

Fuck off before I run you down

like it or not, it's 100% true. my biggest issue is all file manager look like dogshit compared to windows explorer. then I install keepass (keepassx doesn't support the latest keepass database format) and it looks like shit, then you have some apps who use gnome-keyring, some other the kde wallet and so on, it's just a clusterfuck and it triggers me. the notification tray icons look like mostly like trash. so why bother with linux if I'm going to be in the windows VM at all times.

lmao brainlet
Check my 5

>Choosing what OS you use based on looks
>Being too much of a brainlet to know how to rice

>install Arch
>realize I have to do small workarounds to get anything to work
>realize I can't play my Japanese VNs
>install Windows again


>office for work
kek, everyone uses Gdocs for that now Pajeet

>I'm dumbfuck
>Better tell Sup Forums

come back when gdocs supports vba macros

says the retard who couldn't even install arch

>his job tightly coupled with windows

kek, you cucked yourself

>vba macros
The Pajeet cries out in pain as his job is obviated by a single Python script.

this except replace arch with gentoo

Nobody got time for this shit you neet faggot

ranger is great

>actually believing people will fall for this

went that way years ago, fucking hipster kids

>I don't have time to rice
>But I have time to setup a PCI passthrough

setting up a gpu passthrough with virt-manager is literally baby tier, the only "tricky" part is if you have a nvidia gpu you have to add some vendor_id and hide it's a virtual machine with virsh edit that's it. on the other hand ricing sucks, is boring as fuck and won't fix the shit tier loonix apps

>and wine sucks

>my biggest issue is all file manager look like dogshit compared to windows explorer.
i find this hard to believe for dolphin and even nautilus LOOKS fine and is great in usability BUT sucks at thumbnailing, the rest of what you describe is just a theme

and please explain about office and wine even thou i know it's bait

>sucks at thumbnailin
already enough to make it dogshit
doesn't even support the latest version of office

i just took the mac pill
aqua is objectively superior
native MS office & adobe programs (but i prefer iWork and alternatives like pixelmator or final cut pro)
hackintosh is really easy

>but i prefer iWork
Said nobody remotely sane, ever.

>windows10 desktop experience

>anyone else
Nope. You're alone. 4evahalone.

google docs has limited functionality compared to word, but it is good for group collaborations.

>butthurt about Шin10
>still use it

you are degenerate

>still use it
I don't.

>Install Linux
>Spend most of your time in Wine or a Windows Virtual Machine

>Windows explorer isn't dogshit

Eat a bag of dicks, no tabs, no previews, horrible controls. It's fucking disgusting that I need to have 5 windows open at work to do my goddman job.

Use a proper file explorer, use Finder.

so why i butthurt so much?

I'm not (:

>no butthurt
>post dat GIF


You keep posting the same ancient GIF. Nobody has that problem anymore.

What ancient? It's quite new actually.

>I'll need Office for work
Do you use your home computer for work? They don't have their own computers or what?

I use Windows/.NET/C# at work but at home I use a Mac and I do my personal projects in other languages. Nobody is going to force me to alter my home computing.