I have a final for a c++ class due in the next few days where I have to use OpenGl to make a 2d game but I honestly have no idea what I'm doing with this shit. Any help out there for a user in need?
OpenGL with C++
sure i'll make your game for you just give me your credit card number
Dude it takes like 500 lines to just draw a damn triangle.
Use Curses or SDL instead.
What's the game?
Steal the source code for Tux Racer and replace the assets. It should earn you at least a C.
my hobby is literally making shitty 2d game engines with opengl (not games, but im ok at that) i'd do it for a small amount of bitcoin... but it's Sup Forums
see tripcode lel
>it takes like 500 lines to just draw a damn triangle.
So? Once you have the code to properly draw a triangle, making it render a full mesh is 3 lines more (4 with backface culling).
i'll do the logo
i'll do the CMakeLists.txt
I don't know why people like you join at Sup Forums.
Forget Sup Forums new Sup Forums
Weren't really any requirements, can be anything simple really. I wanted to do snake but quickly learned how much of a fuck-fest that is with putting in a linked list.
That's cool, but not really looking to have anyone do anything, just looking for help on how to do shit, I'm fairly new to the whole OpenGl world, don't even know how to use GLUT (or freeGlut).
I feel like /v is more for people just talking about playing, not creating.
Can you use a library? Just make Asteroids with SFML.
Not great at it, haven't even made a sprite yet. All I have accomplished is making text boxes, toolbars, and color changing pallets.
>linked lists
>2 days to learn and implement OpenGL in a game
You're fucked. Next time you have to do this paper spend less time playing video gaymes and watching anime.
If you can't make Asteroids with SFML you should probably just fail the class.
>how much of a fuck-fest that is with putting in a linked list
if you can't implement a linked list in under 10 min, you don't deserve to pass
and why did you wait until today to do your homework?
Had food poisoning and missed 2 of my classes because of it, which sucks when it's 1 class a week. Oh well, thanks anyways anons
And I have no problem with making linked lists, its just making work with constantly adding sprites for the snake that had me confused
I guess 1993+24 would be more accurate, because that's when Pentiums started going superscalar
Study those until you get to texture mapping, then learn how to alpha blending, get some texture loading library, setup a 2D matrix (if you're lazy, do an identity, then glscalef(640,480)) and bob's your uncle, the triangle vertices should just work well enough.
Hey thanks, these actually look useful
Ya, but you might want to look how to use SDL+Open GL instead of the way nehe goes all raw windows because raw windows sucks.
Also you get easier access to the keyboard/mouse/joystick/audio
How much do you need to know?
Do the following:
>open a window on the platforms your support
>create the OpenGL context you want and use it with that window
>draw a quad
>draw a quad with an image
>write your game logic and hook up a bunch of quads with images to it to represent it
Now you'll have to answer what platforms and what opengl context you want to use for any concrete answers. The rest is also the rest of the fucking game, so what game are you making? Do you need audio?
OpenGL is literally used for one aspect of a game, get the bare minimum up to render something and then make the game.