Plaintext thread

| I M A G E S G E T O U T ! |

ITT: We talk about plaintext
files as well as e-zines, FAQs,
and other plaintext documents.

Also talk about ways of
transferring plaintext files
like usenet and gopher.

Also welcome:
+ markup languages like
org-mode and pandoc.
+ ways of formatting text
files, like nroff.

Not allowed:
+ WYSIWYG editors (unless
they work entirely with
+ colors and graphics (ANSI
is allowed, despite it's
bloated nature).

Other urls found in this thread:

==:=_ -;+Sc=.
> vs;+_-;=Xo

>Generated rather than hand drawn

See me after class.

markdown is bretty good since you can keep all your shit in a plaintext file and just convert it to a pdf with a single command to share if your desire is to not look autistic.



Pandoc markdown is GOAT
You can just write latex math inside $$

I started trying to do various lecture notes using asciimath + markdown, but latex is really juat much more versatile, and it's pretty fast to wrote using good vim macros

You can do that with org-mode as well.


this is my waifu

I wish pandoc could handle groff -ms because I'm halfway through a 200 page report using it (and refer), but LaTeX is so much easier to manage when it starts getting this big.

Maybe it's time to dust off my sed and awk book.

(\__/) This is Bunny. Copy and
(='.'=) paste Bunny to help him
(")_(") gain world domination

Uh... guys....

(\___/) This is Bunny. Copy and
(='.'=) paste Bunny to help him
(")_(") gain world domination

> (\_/) This is Bunny. Copy and
>(='.'=) paste Bunny to help him
>(")_(") gain world domination

(\_/) This is Bunny. Copy and
(='.'=) paste Bunny to help him
(")_(") gain world domination

I want the tech text board back

Are sed and/or awk worth learning in this day and age? Have any of you needed to use them lately and if so, what did you use them for?

install gentoo

____ ____ _ ____ _____
====_ ==== = ==== =====
= = ==== = ==== =
==== ==== ==== ==== =

_____ _ _ _____ _____
===== = = ===== =====
= = = = ==
= ===== = =====
= = = = ==
= = = = =====

Sadly useless. Not entirely, but enough so to be saddened that such powerful tools are now totally beneath modern computing.

Didn't this website get sued for like 2 billion or something?

Yeah by some mentally ill erotic fan-fiction writer who was lying and typing up unofficial fake C&D notices.

Jason Scott, yeah. I wonder if Archive Team is working on

No. I'm fine being an Archbabby, besides
$ pacman -Q sed gawk
sed 4.4-1
gawk 4.2.0-2

Figures. I'll probably check them out anyways (especially sed), but much more briefly than I had intended.

Seems so:

Yeah but to use org-mode you got to use emacs while markdown is platform agnostic. So even if you consider the technical superiority of org-mode over markdown markdown still wins in my book

I would be interested in a writer for other groff macro sets as well. I'm using pandoc right now to convert DocBook (which is converted from a more obscure XML format) to man pages, but I'm curious about alternatives to XSLT/XSL-FO for creating PDFs.

I started an XSLT script to convert to groff -mom but it's obviously a little awkward.

(\_/) This is Bunny. Copy and
(='.'=) paste Bunny to help him
(")_(") gain world domination

I sometimes use sed for running quick regexs on files. Just a quick sed -i 's/foo/bar' file.txt and you're done. Also awk is useful for bash scripts like if you want to only print the first output of a command just pipe it into awk '{ print $1 }'.

are you retarded?

I have no clue how you can get away without either when you're scripting stuff.

groff is far FAR easier to work with if you have a file for every section and cat them together at the end.

The biggest difficulty will always be that groff (and troff,obviously) is entirely linier, so it can get weird when thinking about it in terms of tags.

Though I suppose you can make it so every tag is put in quotation marks,so blah becomes .B "blah" even though convention says that the quotations aren't needed for single words.

What is a good WYSIWYG editor for Markdown??

MS WordPad.

Sorry, forgot to say: for linux!

That's basically what I'm doing. It would be nicer if there was something like TeXML for *roff (commands expressed in XML) so I could just transform to that, though.

I've seen sed used a bit, awk a lot less. Haven't paid too much attention to them though. My own scripts so far have been first-(ba)sh-scripting-tutorial tier so I haven't used them myself.

Thanks for the examples. I could see cut, grep or other simpler options being used instead of awk for your second example though.

I think it's sad how forgotten groff has become. Fine it's not as powerful as LaTeX, but it's also only a 2MB install rather than 2GB, and more than enough for any average user, even in college or university, who doesn't want something as expansive as TeX.

I used LaTeX for everything in school, but now I'd probably use groff.

What I work with now mainly involves XML, so XSL-FO usually seems more naturally suited for PDF creation. But I've had better success with groff than LaTeX as an alternative so far. For quickly getting any kind of PDF, tools like pandoc and TeXML make LaTeX a much easier choice, but I also have a detailed output specification (how the PDF will look) to follow, and trying to subvert LaTeX's built in classes/packages to get what I want seems more difficult than starting from scratch with groff.

I think I'll also be able to take advantage of nroff for plaintext output.

greetings from gopher!

I use awk pretty much just for getting specific columns of output while scripting. Don't use sed much

images were a mistake

I love plaintext, but I hate non-monospaced fonts not laid out using Knuth-Plass Justification Algorithm. Monospaced fonts work because they lay out in a grid, and are always perfectly spaced. Non-monospace fonts flow better or worse (easier/harder to read) depending on all the characters surrounding them, but we're stuck reading them on first-fit layout engines and it's just not pleasing at all.
This is especially apparent when comparing a webpage using something like Arial or Times New Roman compared to a LaTeX PDF with Computer Modern. The spacing is just so different it isn't even comparable.

>greetings from gopher!
It lightens the heart to see Gopher still going.