When do you wish to update windows? :^)

When do you wish to update windows? :^)

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never. my windows install has had update service disabled for about a year coz i got sick of it fucking with my shit and making the already shitty os even worse

>uding the smiley with the carat nose

whenever i want :^)

But that's the best smiley????+ ??/

Windows users on security everybody.

Why don't you patch your shit?

>using the smiley with the carat nose

>on Sup Forums
>cant turn off the updates
how did you even get here

When do you want to activate windows?

Because Windows likes resetting my security settings, telemetry settings, advertising settings etv whenever I update.

So does anyone actually know what this update is? I've yet to see any button that I can click for info.

>being this retarded

Imagine coming to a site dedicated to computer tech, and being more brain dead about computers than a normie.

Why would you want to know what is being installed and changed on your computer?

Windows 7 doesn't have this problem.

Why do you want to know it? You don't need to know it. Don't worry, Microsoft will take care of your worries. Be a good goy and just click that install button and play some more games, goy!

Just updated. The first thing I noticed is that I can no longer remove cortana from linux.

winfags got cucked by updates again, not even surprising

Fixed with temporarily installing ntfs-3g-2017.3.23 and this plugin github.com/ebiggers/ntfs-3g-system-compression if someone needs to do this too.

I want it to update immediately, but to do so in the background without resetting the computer.

Most Linux distributions have perfected updates. Why hasn't Windows?

I haven't had a single minute of lost work or time due to Windows update. I'm on the very latest updates right now. Maybe you're just autistic?

my win7 did like to chang some system setting at random without updating, including enabling the update service for some reason.

NT can't do in-place upgrades

Update finished. Afterwards I got this link
I have no fucking clue why this shit took 4 hours. Also there's something off why my fonts, pic related. Hyperlinks on Google.com shouldn't be this shade of blue.

oops windows made a stinky :(

I haven't had the faintest clue last time I had an update, it happens so fast during shutdown and startup I barely notice them. last update that actually took time was the 1709 creators update which took like 15 min with a few restarts.

If you shutdown your PC like a normal person every night when your done using it, windows update doesn't bother you much. It's just the autists that don't shutdown there PCs or put it in sleep all the time are the only ones that have issues with updates bothering them