Sup Forums here

Sup Forums here.
can you nerds find a solution to block the new twitch ads already. ublock, adblock plus, noscript, all useless. it's been 2 days and streamers shove twitch ads up my ass at an alarming rate. me no like

Other urls found in this thread:

Not your tech support

YouTube-dl - > mpv


have you tried installing gentoo?


>Not having Amazon prime

>implying this isn't an issue that affects all of Sup Forums

yes, still ads

still ads

It's funny how defensive you guys get when you can't find a soltuion.

(((amazon))). Not in the EU so they cuck me hard.

>Sup Forums
Get out, redditor

I've never even used Twitch. Works on my machine.

if you subscribe you get no ads

if they don't serve you ads through the site they'll just shill to you directly in their stream. why do you even watch trash entertainment like second hand video games?

no, they updated their system. subs and pro users still have no ads but normal people get ads that are inbound the stream and circumvent the ad blockers
> why do you even watch trash entertainment like second hand video games?
fun things are fun

do you get ads with youtube-dl as well ?

Works for me with uBlock Origin and uMatrix.

No, but op is too much of a moron to ever figure out how to watch streams without browser. In fact there are better solutions that youtube-dl, dedicated for twitch streams.
But I'm not spoonfeeding this retard.

>there are better ways
no there aren't, you mouth breathing Sup Forums autist nerd
this isn't your shitty weeb anime or whatever, chat interaction is a part of it and you shitty vlc/mpc script is not superior in any way
so go kys

Livestreamer with GUI of choice, another shit for chat IF YOU want

>install preferred media player
>install streamlink
>install streamlink twitch gui
>setup streamlink twitch gui to use preferred media player

>using Twitch in the first place

>no chat

Use an add-on named Twitch 5. It's out for all the common browsers. The result won't be the default Twitch UI, however, you will still have access to twitch chat and actually have more options for stream settings without the ads. Hope it works for you.

The solution has been posted in the thread, but not only are you a brainlet, you are entitled too.
work your neurons off, faggot.

install chatty

>he doesnt use streamlink + chatterino

Then don't watch twitch garbage you mong

There's a GUI for livestreamer?

OP, if you already have all this nonfree bullshit so far up your ass and want chat, then you might as well guzzle their cum too and pay the subscription fee.

>hurr durr I'm le gentoo man I need 6 bazillion programs to make everything more complex than it should be

will try, thanks.

>m-m-uh chat
Literally nobody gives a shit about you. People like you ruin playthroughs like LobosJr's dark souls with your incessant and infantile drivel.
Saged and reported.

>too dumb to install programs on windows
how do you even play games then?

ublock works for me, maybe your retarded