Capitalism drives technological progress

>capitalism drives technological progress
When will this meme finally die?

The only thing capitalism really drives is meaningless bullshit absurd disparities as in pic related.

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Oh no some people are sleepy at work, better change the entire system

Capitalism is not to blame for that.

Go on strike if you don't like your working conditions or go fuck yourself. If you cucks don't fight for your rights, why would the company give a fuck about them?


>b-but muh nanny state

>UK News

Brits are weak unproductive workers. They are incapable of working to US productivity standards without turning into whining little babies.

Yeah yeah, go back to work, goy. People in my country are thankful for getting jobs in which they have to work 12 hours a day.

>The only thing capitalism really drives is meaningless bullshit absurd disparities as in pic related.

Name one thing commies created wich you use daily. You can't.

100% of technology was invented only because free market exists

>Name one thing commies created wich you use daily
Nuclear plantd

This is a result of socialism, not capitalism. Amazon got ahead with Obama care exemptions and and subsidies for shipping. You have socialism to blame.

I absolutely loath anyone who is working free/overtime and fucking up workplaces for everyone. Your duty is to put in the minimal effort required. It is called being a professional.

>Name one thing commies created wich you use daily. You can't.

Of course, people who believe in capitalism are the ones benefiting or enjoying the
pleasures it brings.

Intellectuals are the ones that truly bring progression in this world; not rushed ideas pushed
out there to bring in more and oppress more. It's also funny though seeing today's western kids
claiming they're oppressed and at unfair advantage. Yet their devices and clothes are all manufactured
by actual slaves with no hopes of getting out of that lifestyle. But that isn't you so you won't be complaining
and enjoy what it brings.

Capitalism is a very flawed system, but no one came up with a better system.
And by came up with i mean getting computers, simulators, science and designing it, instead of being an isolated old fart that appeals to feelings and create a system that can't even boot.

>UK news story

>Amazon, a known jewish company, is jewing their employees out hard
Fuck man, we need communism as right fucking now

Why are americans so against welfare and social services when corporations are literally the most 'gibs me dat' of them all?

>Name one thing commies created wich you use daily.
This is a meaningless question when you realize it's all produced by the chinese anyway.
Also tetris and pic related you flying fucknut.

The problem then is the state, not socialism. The real left gets more and more anti capitalist pretty quick after leaving the centre

This is crony capitalism which is a right wing authoritarian type. The state here is operating as anti competition, but not a planned economy so right wing

>Why are americans so against welfare and social services
They were created with intention of helping you get off poverty and back off your feet, not literally live off it. UBI might work, that's if someone can prove you can pay for it

Why is Sup Forums filled with leftist scum?
Amazon/Google/Apple are really not possible with government intervention (tax cuts, special deals, (((bailouts))) with tax money)
>inb4 a a fucking NEET thinks he can solve the economic calculation problem when he can't even take a shower regularly.
And no, you mom giving you Good boy points can't extrapolate to the whole society.
>hurr you can't be against two arbitrary things at the same time so it validates my moronic ideology.

The Chinese aren’t communists ever since taking on market socialism/state capitalism

There are people on Sup Forums who unironically defend stallman saying those who make proprietary software should pick starving to death over making proprietary software. These aren't socialists, these are commies since socialists believe private property should be allowed to exist.

I'm British and I agree some are unproductive, but why are Holland /Germany more productive and have better export quality goods than the USA, its because they have better work /life balances.

There are people on Sup Forums who think that you can't sell libre software.

Gas the kikes

Its the only way to save mankind

>55 hours
Cry me a river.

big if true

>taking socialist as anything but useful idiots
I don't believe in intelectual rights and patents in general since it's detrimental to competition and free market in general but Stallman is clearly against private property, and I've heard him saying he would force his will onto others if he could.
You sell good software, free software fails to meet that requirement.

>I don't believe in intelectual rights and patents in general
You act like you can't have socialist views and agree with the concept that IP and patents and copyright can't be done away with or at the very least, restricted.

If they can't keep up then maybe we should get rid of labor laws that prevent full automation.

Automation will require UBI to be implemented and nobody so far has a means of paying for it

the whole idea of capitalism is agreement
if those workers hate the job, they should quit
it's not like Bezos personally executes all business owners around his warehouses to force people to work for him
it's not Amazon's fault that there are people out there that consider their lives to be worth nothing and are okay with overworking

>being proud of being a cuck
typical burger

Stallman himself isn't even a socialist, let alone a communist. He has said in interviews he has nothing against capitalism, he just hates extreme capitalism where big business gets tax cuts and special privileges. He is just a vanilla progressive, who isn't some 1st year college edgy antifa wannabe, who thinks they are some deep marxist because they support universal healthcare.

Stallman is a registered member of the green party and supported bernie sanders 2016 election

too real, lay off the sense bro

No. You can't fight for software freedom while at the same time be oblivious to the enslavement of the people. Stallman is a socialist because he's a reasonable person.

>if those workers hate the job, they should quit
An overwhelming majority of people can't afford to quit.

>the whole idea of capitalism is agreement
There's no "agreement" when the alternative is homelessness. It's coercion through inaction, which can only be resolved by government.

>You act like you can't have socialist views
But user, I'm not retarded

Okay Sup Forums, how would UBI be implemented without forcibly taking money from those who have it to redistribute the wealth.

It couldn't. Quick maths.

Labour becomes voluntary when eating does.

>Stallman is a socialist because he's a reasonable person.

Food stamps exist.

The real problem is housing, at least in the US.

>hurr let's take everyone's money at gun point so we can redistribute it so we can be "fair"
But hey forced redistribution it's not coercion at all.
Socialist logic, everyone.

I like how the Denmark-Finland-Sweden combination there proves how we're just constantly trying to copy each others' test answers.

don't confuse captialism with one leftist who campaigned for Hillary Clinton

the leftists are always the persons who don't care about other people, only themselves and money

nice Sup Forumsedditor meme

Then ask the real question, why is Amazon and other companies monopolies and a free market doesnt exist to drive competition?
A) Cabitalism :DDD
B) Government regulations in favor of whoever pays the most, aka monopolies
C) Soviet Russia had free healthcare
D) I don't know basic economics

Yes, it is coercion... BUT:
If it's applied to everyone by well-defined rules, it's the very least possible coercion that could exist.
The only alternative is anarchy.

Reminder that the *ONLY* good years communist countries had, was when operating under a capitalist market system. ( eg NEP in Soviet Russia)
The freer that market, the less issues that appeared in people's daily lives

>he thinks Amazon profit is the shop


99% of Amazon profit is AWS i.e. the Cloud

I work as a bouncer, I'm doing 45 hours just in 4 days work. When summer hits I'll be working 6 days. I stand the entire shift and also rove.

It deems like americans are just pussies


>work on a melon farm with my fellow communist coworkers
>have orders of magnitude more melons than we can possibly eat
>implying we wouldn't want to distribute our melons

Only NEETs I see supporting UBI are poorfag NEETs, rich NEETs living off their rich parents know that they'll have to adjust to less lavish way of living or might even lose their richfag status, so they don't support it.

>extreme capitalism
Please read some Rothbard or Adam Smith before spewing uneducated terms like this

Use any chart system you want but just know this, the media’s left right just smashes ideologies together essentially to make the left look better. “Extreme” right wing is either Pinochet’s state enforced free markets or Rothbard’s anarcho-capitalism

According to the left, anything slightly to the right of you is a nazi.

>Reminder that the *ONLY* good years communist countries had, was when operating under a capitalist market system. ( eg NEP in Soviet Russia)
>The freer that market, the less issues that appeared in people's daily lives
My entire extended family would disagree with you on BOTH counts (that is, before and after).

But I'm sure you know better, as an American...

You mean how to the right everything left of them is communism?

According to the right, anything slightly to the left of you is a communist.

Where is your entire extended family from?

Except that's wrong:
>80% of the product is produced by 20% of the working force
In no system ever, will humans be OK with producing more and earning less
Even IF humans could be OK with that, and be morally perfect, you still have problems ( as explained by Mises in human action): You need a price system to find out what good the populace values most, otherwise you are wasting resources making products that the public doesnt want.
Under communism, the products that take longer to make are those that are considered more important. That logic is seriously flawed ( and explains why Ukraine was getting electricity while the populace was starving to death)

>coercion through inaction
>do what I want or it's coercion
>that's not coercion
Statists and their psychopathic attempts to justify putting a gun into somebody's head so they can mold the world.
Go away with your Orwellian nightmare.

Various former USSR countries. Quite a few of them actually.

nvm, I am an idiot.

>Work for leftist company and hold even center-right views at minimal, you get called a nazi and get fired
>Work for right wing company and hold any leftist views, nobody gives a shit unless you make a faggot out of yourself

Im not American though, user

Your own body is putting the gun to your head.

That's why an abstract concept like the government is required to resolve the problem.

Also your family could argue if they lived in a city, where said markets didn't even exist and people were starving for a.shit ton of reasons.
Something that wasn't fixed with collectivisation, btw

>Of course, people who believe in capitalism are the ones benefiting or enjoying the pleasures it brings.
You're describing most systems. Except maybe those that include self-flagellation.

Show me a list of all places where Amazon is the only available employer. Also I'd like to see the average level of education for amazon warehouse workers.

>be slightly more conservative left-wing politician, get re-elected and applauded by almost everyone
>be slightly more liberal right-wing politician, get kicked out of caucus and/or voted out of office

> Sup Forums is that way
Fuck off.

>your own body is putting the gun to your head
>that's why an abstract concept like the government is required
That's an incredible logical leap you got there.
>we solve the issue of you controlling your body by putting a gun to your head and taking control away from you into a centralized coercive monopoly on the use of force
Never mind, that's not even logical. You are just retarded.

Read Mises' The AntiCapitalist mentality on why intellectuals are generally leftists

Spoiler: its because that's the only sure way they can earn a living and not hope people like them
In other words, its the most profitable thing to do

The only alternative is slavery, so it's not retarded at all.

The hilarious thing is this is reality, the right is far more nuanced than the left. Every ideology over there is just how much force you want to employ to get your divided resources

You should look at the products of a communist or socialist country. Protip: It didn't end so well.

Capitalism is the natural extension of mercantilism which itself evolved from basic trading of goods, something that people have been doing for thousands and thousands of years. Good luck trying to not only figure out, but practically implement a better system.

>intellectuals are generally leftists
Is that why most lefties who are anticapitalism limit their activism to twitter, on their iphone, while drinking at starbucks, to get into their very expensive SUV and drive to their gated community complete with privacy security guards with guns despite them wanting guns banned.

Slavery as you consider it, is not slavery
Slavery is having no human rights, not your employer making more than you
Anarchy is the only way to have your rights as an individual respected

I talked about intellectuals that are generally butthurt by a fair market, not your day to day retard antifa cheguevara wannabe faggots
Read more carefully next time famalam

Anarchy is slavery.

The law of the jungle means the strong own the weak.

in the same way that most rightist are overweight drooling amoebas without school who limit their activism to yelling at the TV all day

Obama’s not left wing, none of your presidents have been for a long time. Look at their economic policies, espousing welfare does not make these people left wing, they are hugely pro capitalist it’s just a sham

Good, the strong and the smart deserve the world, not weaklings

the problem is that people do shitty jobs for shit pay because they are 89iq. if everyone had standards, then the pay would be better for shitty jobs.

>In no system ever, will humans be OK with producing more and earning less
But that's exactly what we have right now. Most people are paid much less than the value of their work.

>You need a price system to find out what good the populace values most, otherwise you are wasting resources making products that the public doesnt want.
The forces of supply and demand don't magically cease to work in the absence of money.

He's left-wing by American standards.

Every country has its own Overton window, you know.

The law of the jungle doesnt work when you could get shunned by society for acting in a violent manner
Also if you meant monopolies own the rest: monopolies are almost always a product of governments

If the strong own the world, then you better watch out, cause Imma stick your fucking retarded fish mouth into the pavement you little bitch, don't come to Boston

Most of humanity doesn't consist of psychopaths, even in the US where it's almost a requirement to get ahead.
So you will never get majority support for that idea

>trying to make it look like people in the US dont have any vacation
Yeah that's not misleading at all...

>Workers fall asleep at a job they can quit at any time

>Workers starve to death while being forced to work

>Of course, people who believe in capitalism are the ones benefiting or enjoying the
>pleasures it brings.

So everyone who likes having food and the internet?

You have problem of earning less than you work for due to the abscense of a free market. You have no other company hiring and cant quit. Thus you settle with less.

Forces of demand require a price. If people want something more, they pay more for it. As a central planner in a socialist state, with no price systems, you cant arbitrarily decide what people value most, also as a bureaucrat you cant know what a farmer, a plumber and any person in general, needs most in their daily lives
People work best when they do shit themselves

>A remarkable 23 percent of Americans have no paid vacations and no paid holidays. 10 is the magic number. The average American worker receives 10 days of paid vacation per year. European countries, by contrast, mandate that employers offer at least 20 days a year.
what a surprise, the free market didn't fix it

You realize you're saying this on a NEET site, right?
Almost nobody here would have Internet access without socialism.

Daily reminder

1. The Overton window is meaningless, because it’s for the broken left right system that no political scientist agrees is still fit for purpose. But it’s a handy propaganda tool to change meanings. Instead of liberal meaning the gaining of rights, you actually lose rights, progressive is regression, left good right evil

2. I just spent half a year plotting world leaders on a graph and I can safely tell you that different countries don’t have a different window. Modern leaders are very similar in their views, and the only differences are how much propaganda is employed. The Overton window is meaningless