>PepsiCo reserves 100 Tesla Semis, likely at $20,000 a pop
>PepsiCo reserves 100 Tesla Semis, likely at $20,000 a pop
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rip America's most common profession
Elon has had a huge affect on us. Just seeing teslas everywhere is testament to that. He's the real deal.
$20, 000? that seems really low
That's for reservations
Pepsi has a big fleet. A potentially huge customer.
>The semi-trucks will complement PepsiCo’s U.S. fleet of nearly 10,000 big rigs and are a key part of its plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions across its supply chain by a total of at least 20 percent by 2030, said Mike O‘Connell, the senior director of North American supply chain for PepsiCo subsidiary Frito-Lay.
So if Elon musk can prove the economics and environmental benefits of his electric trucks, Pepsico will replace their diesel fleet with Tesla's.
10,000 truck fleet X 200,000 grand(price of a Tesla big rig)= 2 Billion dollars of revenue from Pepsi alone.
seeing Tesla's everywhere
lmao I've never seen a single Tesla IRL
Weird,I see a couple a day
yeah but that is pissing in the wind compared to the millions of big rigs that just move cheap chinese stuff out of ports
That's because you live in a poor area or white trash suburbs. Tesla's SUVs are preddy common in the rich areas of my city
Guess who lives in a low income area.
jk i saw a couple a day for a year but I havent seen any in like 4 years now
This is a "free" market to an extent, if you want to belive Elon will take you to the Sun , you're free to pay him to do so.
You don't need Sup Forums permission
What's the battery life/range on these like?
Is it true Tesla can remotely disable your vehicle? Is there a way to remove this functionality?
>100 Tesla Semis
That's fucking nothing for PepsiCo. This was probably a sweetheart deal with an agreement that they'll buy more if they work out.
I thought that for years now cops could call the insurance company of a vehicle and shut off the engine remotely, it's not just a Tesla thing. Could be wrong
There's probably some kind of anti-theft that disables the car, or they mean a firmware update bricking your car.
I'm near the city centre in Auckland, New Zealand. They have a shop somewhere here. I just never came across one before.
The model S is literally more popular than a fucking Camry around here. Even hydrogen cars are a regular sight.
You must live in a ghetto
500 miles when hauling 80 tons.
>$20,000 a pop
That is extremely cheap for a same
>Reservation price
Oh, I see
That's actually not bad given the weight. I wonder how long it takes to charge up one of these from empty though.
30 minutes for 400 miles using their mega chargers
This are just, electric trucks not AI driven once.
Not AI yet...
And they may well platoon out of the gate. One driver in the lead, any number of AL following.
About 30 minutes, compared to the 15-20 it takes to fill a traditional semi. Oh and a full size load is considered 80,000 pounds or 40 tons, not 80.
That charger would draw close to a fucking megawatt though, people have pointed out that any electric utility would never supply this much at what is basically a short pulsed load. Elon will have to create some new solar+battery magic for that.
he should go back to africa and help his own country
Still isn't allowed on the street, every truck needs to have a drive in it.
start talking about RIPs when laws to allow AI only vehicles on the streets.
Picking up a driver to make the last 1-10 miles of grid after driving hundreds of freeway would still be a huge labor savings.
You know this used to be practice in Europe, Trucker would drive for 8hrs and then just change trucks and drive another 8hrs, this was quickly squashed with regulations.
Why can't your country make regulations that actually help civilians be safe?
Musk will make Tesla eat their own dog food first. All possible Tesla, SpaceX, Boring Company, whatever trucking work will be shifted to this semi ASAP. Only after they have met all of those needs will Tesla start delivering to customers.
That would require getting root access on the car, which would be an exploit that would be patched as soon as Tesla found out. So far the remote disabling of cars has only been done at owners request during thievery
Most of the recent semi orders are going to testers. But if Tesla does deliver, you'll see a lot of these companies transform their fleets to electric Tesla's, which would be worth it for Tesla.
I live in Washington state. Every 10th car is a tesla
>at $20,000 a pop
So 1/4 the price of a luxo truck
Battery buffers. The charging doesn't draw directly from the grid.
That's what I meant. Megawatt-sized battery buffers aren't really simple or cheap.
Holy shit, that's fantastic!
Wonder how many charge cycles they'd take...
Grid trickle charges local batteries that get dumped into the trucks I'd guess
Double good, so 1,000 miles on a single charge.
Five to ten truck batteries at a charge station is hardly a big deal if you're making thousands of the trucks
this is the future. an automated welfare state
>Wonder how many charge cycles they'd take...
Probably about the same as their cars. The semis are basically 4 car motors+batteries combined. They're redundant, so it can suffer 2 motor failures and keep on truckin'.
This. I work at microsoft Redmond campus, this is VERY true
The 2012\2013 Model S cars still have ~80% of their original charge. The battery chemistry is even better these days.
0-60 in 20 seconds.
When hauling 80,000lbs.
your fault for living in the middle of nowhere
i see at least a dozen a day in LA
Be a welfare queen.
Hire Jim "Skull Fuck the World" Keller.
Pick one.
>cuck flouting his parents wealth
Check your privilege white boi
Some are saying Tesla probably had a breakthrough in battery tech recently, which has made all this possible.
I mean, that's just how electric motors work. You have 100% of your torque right from the start. No wind up. That's not really the impressive part.
The impressive thing is that Elon Musk is making this happen despite all the naysayers and the oil industry throwing a fucking tantrum over it. It actually surprises me that this board has so many people talk shit about Elon Musk considering the guy has probably driven more investment into technology than anyone else thus far. And yes, some of the technology will fail. That's how technology works. But if all you're worried about is a guaranteed return, then you're talking about finance, not technology.
gobbermint pays well as do junk bonds you don't intend to pay back :
> reuters.com
Keller's an architectural hitman. Thus, when you bring him in, it means you really have no clue wtf you're doing and i'm sure his fees are inline w/ the service he provides. If you're producing cars that have production issues and can't deliver on time and are burning through cash to the point that you have junk bonds, only a mad man would try to build custom asics for some pie in the sky fantasy centered around a custom self driving car architecture especially when you have no sound engineering staff to follow through at the scale/scope/pace of the rest of the industry.
Through and through this guy is a showroom bullshitter whose burning through people's cash at trash bin fire rates.
If I was Keller and this jackass was willing to pay me an insane amount, I'd work for him to even if I think his idea is dumb as shit and reckless.. As long as the check clears, were square
>cars have root exploits now
we have to go back
There are already worries from the unions, drivers and mechanics.
Yet again musk trying to front run a competency he neither has the skill, efficiency, or clout to keep going. Samsung and many other have battery tech leaps and bounds beyond what Tesla has. They own all the patents and all the material licensing. They don't put these things into production because long term studies are needed and because of standardization issues. Musk would be dumb enough to advance new incremental tech straight from the R&D lab into production while skirting regulations only to find Telsa's incinerating everywhere just like the wall of complaints which face his vehicles 'amazing' new features. Guy things he can run an advance tech/car company like a software startup dropping beta releases. Ignores the whole history of engineering, hazards, and safety and uses his consumers as beta testers.
I'd knock on em harder but its pottery that the brainlet numale soyboys w/ fresh riches toss it at characters like this. I call it cosmic normalization and see nothing wrong w/ the people who fall for his snake oil bullshit. I most often find them to be idiot liberals so its fitting that one of their own kind dupes them the hardest.
That being said, just about every car company is releasing electric vehicles because there's really nothing to it besides an electric motor, batteries, and a control system. I guess everyone forgot about the Yaris but that's the hype train for you... Is what it is.. Fools and their money are soon parted and its because their shortcoming lead them to be duped by people w/ equal shortcomings that they identify w/.
You seemingly are ignoring all of the parallel but blocked off highway lanes they're building all over the place. Gobbermint gib me dat types are always 5-10 years ahead in planning this. They're already segmenting the roads for these types of vehicles so they can skirt regulations. It's coming... Con artist like Elon ensure there's a long connected string of bullshit to support their ventures. all that's needed is a phone call to one of many corrupted politicians to get the green light.
Other companies release electric toys.
Tesla releases real cars.
>so many people talk shit about Elon Musk
Well it's hard not to when he sells everyone bullshit about the hyperloop, claims people are going to travel around the planet in rockets, and tweets about launching his car into orbit around Mars. He is doing good work with Tesla though, I'll give him that. It's just hard to like the guy when half the stuff he says is complete bullshit or hopelessly unrealistic. And everyone just eats that shit up and calls him a genius or a visionary.
Cool story fanboy. If you truly believe that, (YOU) are already your own punishment. There's no reason for me to pile on. More likely you're just ignorant which comes w/ its own consequences.
> everyone just eats that shit up and calls him a genius or a visionary.
Numale soyboy beta new money new fag liberal brainlet everything is positive and happy sjw signaling cucked manlets mainly. It's important to recognize who his following is most of all. I use him as a brainlet filter. Anyone who praises him and his bullshit gets segmented and I abstain from any real in depth conversations w/ them
He may be crazy, but at least he walks the walk. Is he going to launch his car into space? Who knows, but he's probably the only guy in the world that could and probably would just to make a point.
So what you're saying is that we shouldn't try to build those things because they aren't possible right now?
Don't you think if you went to the 1930s and told someone we'd put people on the moon and build bombs that produce a miniature star they'd have called you an asshole? The thing with technology is that you really don't know until you try. Even if you fail, understanding why you failed can be just as important. And in failure, you you may produce some other technology that ends up being exceptionally useful. Besides, from an engineering standpoint, there's no reason the things he's proposing cannot be done. They might be extremely expensive at the moment, but the first refrigerators would have been available only to the wealthy. The electricity to run them, again, available only to the wealthy. And yet, virtually everyone in the western world now has access to those things and it's only been about 100 years.
wealth is wealth. check your poverty
So they can. No wonder the government wants to shill Tesla. It seems that no matter how much control and power over our lives they have, it's never enough.
Yes. But if i said that we should put people on the moon and use exclusively my company because we are the only people that can do it right while I have a repertoire of failures and then ask you for millions of dollars to do it for you then charge you for it when I finally manage to get close to a solution.
They probably costed 30000 to produce
>20000 revenue
>10000 from california state budget
>negociated free electricity from the state budhet too
>5000 profits towards space X
>Musk is the second Nasa because taxpayers indirectly fund his space program.
SpaceX is the only real business he does.
Tesla is just a cash grab from the globalist conpiracy. Enviromentalists make states waste money on garbage, Musk shows up like "if you wanna waste money, waste them on me".
>Just seeing teslas everywhere is testament to that
You can only see teslas in places where pro-globalist governments artificially inflate prices of fuel and real cars with massive taxes.
on even playfield without government fuckery Tesla wouldbe just a stupid purchase.
>costs more tgan a better car to buy and to run
>wont serve you forever like a real car could
I don't think that any car will be able to serve you literally indefinitely, but despite the fact that the Teslas have lifetime warranties I would still prefer to own a car that I could service myself.
I don't think he ever told anyone not to invest in other tech companies. I think what he's been saying is that nobody is trying and that's bullshit. As for taking investor dollars, why do you care? Were they going to give it to you? It's now being used to create high tech jobs in America, build industry, and create new products for America. It could be being sent overseas to a Foxconn assembly line. But that's probably your preference since America has been taught that maximizing profits is paramount. I mean, Apple is sitting on a vault of over 100 billion dollars. That's the point of maximizing profits right? To fill a pool with treasure so you can swim in it?
Can't believe Elon Musk makes people here so angry. I've seen the same kind of armchair analysis of Tesla for years, despite their advancements. I think a retard like you, and many other people are forgetting that its a fucking miracle this man is even alive. Countless people who've gone up against the oil industry have literally disappeared, people who have claimed to make amazing breakthroughs in new alternative fuels have disappeared. Yet Elon stays because he's not a small fry chump, he's too powerful to just be snuffed like those other people.
The need to inject maymay words in your shitty argument is pretty counter productive, you'd have maybe had more credibility if you weren't coming across as the average edgy 4channer who loves to hate what average people seem to like. I recently realized that in the future there's no competing with Tesla. Other car manufacturers are simply too late. Expertise in how to properly make electric cars and more importantly, very critically, the systems they run is something other car manufacturers simply cannot ever catch up with. They thought Tesla was a meme and continued to tinker away at combustion engines when we all know we're not going to be using fossil fuels in 100 years. They know this but they continue to try milking combustion. Its best to start when others haven't even thought it was anywhere near close enough to begin yet.
You're forgetting about the element of autonomy, Tesla's ultimate goal for vehicles. Going back to the level of their control systems in the cars, something they've been honing for many years while competitors had it as small side projects. I don't give a shit about either kinds of car but I'm stating the obvious facts of the industry for the next decade. You've got to be an idiot to underestimate this company.
Old cars where the only electric component is the sparkplug can be serviced, repaired or stored nearly forever.
The only things that fall apart are rubber gaskets that can be easily replaced, mechanical components are easily replaced.
In an electric car almost every component is degradable, Its pretty much a giant cellphine battery on wheels, once it degrades you are bettet off buying a new car than trying and servicing your old one.
>an established industry has developed a high level of efficiency
Can you tell me more about economics? But I'm a real brainlet so can you tell me something even more obvious next?
I think you're conflating a whole lot of issues. I never talked about maximizing profits. If someone ran a 501c3 nonprofits whose purpose was to advance technology and build spaceships, then I would have no issue with them asking for money. If someone were, instead, building a company that existed to profit off space travel, and then proceeds to report losses in every quarter, while asking for cash infusions from investors, I would call them a bad businessman. Don't let him line his pockets with dream funds, let him build a company that functions and is self-sufficient.
Also, he has consistently blamed others for his rocket failures and mocked companies for their attempts to get into the field as well as hiring practices.
>If someone ran a 501c3 nonprofits whose purpose was to advance technology and build spaceships, then I would have no issue with them asking for money.
Its called NASA and it has nowhere the funding it needs and also every such company if boung buy such immense beurocracy they cant operate or innovate freely, they would need to collect signatures, permisdions and approvals for 20 years when Musk can just say "Ok we're building a rocket that can land back on the launchpad, i think it vould work" and it sets in motion without delay.
Line his pockets? The guy made more money than he could ever spend before he started any of this stuff. It ought to be pretty obvious that his goal is to drive technological progression. Again, you're thinking about finance, not technology. You're on the wrong board.
> Can't believe Elon Musk makes people here so angry
Stop w/ childish comebacks. Lead w/ a statement and supporting arguments. I'd bet you couldn't in a million years accurately debate a single point I stated. You mistake clear understanding for emotion. I understand, its rare these days that a man clearly speaks his mind w/ sound logic and supporting arguments. So rare that it stirs you up into a frenzy in which you mount an empty response :
> Don't be a hater.. Don't be angry bro
Grow up man child.
> I've seen the same kind of armchair analysis of Tesla for years, despite their advancements.
Have you seen their balance sheet? Do you know what one is or how to read it?
> I think a retard like you, and many other people are forgetting that its a fucking miracle this man is even alive.
> Countless people who've gone up against the oil industry have literally disappeared, people who have claimed to make amazing breakthroughs in new alternative fuels have disappeared. Yet Elon stays because he's not a small fry chump, he's too powerful to just be snuffed like those other people.
And here comes the mass delusion of a lost brainlet in need of hopes/dreams and propaganda mouth wide upon ready to suck the cock of anyone w/ a dream to sell.
> The need to inject maymay words in your shitty argument is pretty counter productive,
You clearly fit the definition.
I'm not an average Sup Forums'er btw but that is unimportant to a dweeb w/ dreams in their eyes placed in them by their brainlet idol. Cucks are insufferable. Btw, I happen to be an engineer whose product you're using right now. We tend not to suck people's dicks because we know what ti takes to build billion dollar products. You clearly aren't one as evidenced by your childish fascination over the man in the suit who gets the product sold to the masses.
Here's a history lesson btw faggot :
> en.wikipedia.org
There's red tape for SpaceX too, friendo. In addition, just because you're doing things that aren't regulated yet doesn't mean they shouldn't be regulated.
Then why is Tesla/SpaceX not filed as a non-profit?
^100% correct and sound statements that will no doubt be followed on by dipshit dick sucking retort. I've grown to understand some people are beyond being reached or learned as they intentionally re sculpt the world to fit their childish views and frameworks. Going out of your way to educate them is throwing your mind to hazard and waste. Every dumbass who has failed dreams and accomplishments needs their idol to live through vicariously.. It's best let them do so undisturbed so as to not bring on childish attacks when you confront them w/the reality of who they are and who the charlatan is they often praise.
thats not saying much
orders =/= consistent sales
tesla is still a meme of a company with insanely overvalued stock
You introduced the point of maximizing profits, and then dismiss the discussion of finance as off-topic. Also, if you cannot see the economy as the driver of technology, or vice versa, then you need to spend more time in school than on this board.
What the child in you fails to understand is that no private company... Not a single fucking one ever builds something of such grand complexity as a rocket w/o an established history of government investment in R&D and all the red tape it takes to get something of such scale and complexity developed. After all the years NASA has existed. After all the ground work they laid which they make freely available. After this dipshit uses their launch sites, pads, and resources. After the coordination between their control centers. After having a floating base orbiting the earth that he docks w/ using protocols all of those miles of red tape and paper work ensured would have zero safety issues. After all of that, some fuckface in suit comes by and convinces the mass of dumb asses who have no formal education in a single engineering discipline that he is innovating and is the soul source of all things space innovation.
No friend, that is not the truth nor is it the reality. It is one you made into a reality so as to pacify your shit tier conception that real life tony starks exists when in reality, it takes a number of engineers, tons of bureaucracy, and red tape to achieve any complex engineered product. Elon musk does not do engineering on a daily basis, his engineers do. The ones you hardly hear him talk about as he masquerades as the sole proprietary over his hype ventures.
To demonstrate how little you know about anything engineering related, I dare you to find one complex engineering accomplishment that doesn't have the govt.'s hands, its red tape, and its bureaucracy all over it. Not a single piece of technology does.
> radio telecommunications
> Laser technology
> Optical communications
you name it.
Elon musk's claim at spacex is that he can do x,y,z better cheaper faster. That claim is still unproven as his balance shit is crimson red w/ losses the same as it is at all of his hype ventures.
hmm. I would say that many of the innovations in small satellites has fallen outside of the government, i would also say it degrades many of the amateur radio communities accomplishments in space to say that they were government funded. I agree largely with your first two paragraphs though.
Tesla is a publicly traded company and I'm sure if Musk thought the naysayers wouldn't instantly fuck SpaceX up the moment he released control of that company, he would be publicly trading SpaceX too. Musk only has a 20% stake in Tesla now.
>I'm an engineer!
I kind of doubt it since you haven't addressed the fact that Tesla is about attacking renewables as a whole and not just about the vehicle tech. An engineer would know that small batch production of a thing isn't the same as building an industry. An engineer would know that electric vehicles solve one of the problems with renewables: storage capacity. Loads of batteries laying around to tap for peak demand, just to be charged up during peak sunlight.
I sincerely doubt you're an engineer, and if you are, you surely are not an electrical or mechanical engineer, so you can fuck off.
>mega chargers
>not super chargers
> Line his pockets? The guy made more money than he could ever spend before he started any of this stuff.
Poor fag living vicarious through Elon Musk.
Before Elon sold off a series of brainlet ventures at peak .com bubble for insane premiums he was nothing more than a lotto ticket. He was made wealthy from these sales. From there, he pursued some ventures self funded. I give credit to him for this. He got funded by private investors who began pulling back and pulling out when they saw his shit tier balance sheets. Elon being stubborn dumped his own money into them to keep the lights on. Literally cleaned out his bank account to keep payroll going at Space-X. There are stories of him getting piss drunk w/ employees during the worst of it at after work get together. He had a dream/goal and was relentless in pursuing it. For every one person who gets funded, there are 70 others who go bankrupt who are exact copies of that same person. This is where the law of chance takes over.
Now, what was behind his drive? Who knows.. I can't speak for him. However, I know tons of people in the valley w/ ferocious drives. Some are sociopaths. Some think they're gods. Some think the world revolves and depends on them when in fact it doesn't (see god complex). Most are just addicted to money, power, respect, and notierity....... Few are true innovators.. Few really care for true technological progression. The ones that are of this breed rarely are recognized or celebrated due to shit tier human nature. They indeed are remembered when some dickwad names his car company after them.
> Again, you're thinking about finance, not technology.
Elon Musk is a business man not a technologist. He's a crafty salesman. If I need to hype up a lack luster product, i'd hire him.
> You're on the wrong board.
You clearly need to grow up, stop praising idols, and learn how to be a successful person you yourself look up to.
Even if we had self driving car AI that could do 100% of the total track tomorrow, it would take another decade before it was legal to not have a driver in it.
I can't wait for the first crashes where some dumbfuck driver thought it was okay to sleep while "driving" his Tesla semi.
My aside on maximizing profits was a response to you bringing up that the companies are losing money without addressing what those losses count for. Jesus man, do you even pay attention to what you're saying? I already talked about the fact that the money being spent here is building American industry, American products, and providing Americans with jobs. Guess what that is? Technology driving economy. Wow, it's almost like I can tell the future. Or, more likely, you're not really paying attention.
Why publicly trade? Nobody owns a non-profit. SpaceX could be a non-profit with a board of directors that dictates its actions.
>An entire post
>an aside
> hmm. I would say that many of the innovations in small satellites has fallen outside of the government,
Many of the iterations in any product come from private sector LARPers once the fundamental R&D and ground work are laid to prove a particular technological idea. Yes, you're correct.
Name any big current technology and we can do a tracert back to who the real innovators were. It tends not to be big showy corporations.
> VR
> Self Driving cars
> AI
> Android OS
> Re-entrant rockets
> Space travel
> Jet engines
.. you name it
For most if not all of man kind's history, the true innovators go unnoticed while the LARP in a suit becomes society's prize horse. It's a reality that gets mentioned every year in a s.o.b piece about yester year's forgotten pioneers just as people continue the legacy by ignoring the real ones of the present. Show me the head engineer of the control system for space-X. Show me the IT professionals who designed their backend data systems. Show me the architect of the communications stack. Those are the innovators. Those are the builders. Those are the people of true value.
The logistics of getting funding and staffing such people is in the realm of business and finance. I give great respect to the TEAM of people who do this work especially given the shit tier minds found in the masses. However, they are not the engineers who build things. They are not the technologist or the innovators of technology. They are the suits who bankroll it.
Maybe they've got the same tech apple does, "Lol just say you've done 4x as many cycles as you really have"
Care to elaborate on the Yaris thing?
> I kind of doubt it since you haven't addressed the fact that Tesla is about attacking renewables as a whole and not just about the vehicle tech.
What specifically do yo want to talk about? The majority of my investment portfolio was in green energy stocks and renewable when it was at peak hype. Would you like me to go through the sheer number of falsified prospectus, hype, and folded up ventures that claimed they were attacking renewable and green energy? If you're an engineer and you truly buy this bullshit, it seems likely that you've never stepped foot into a product design or business meeting. In any event, I am a seasoned engineer in the bay area w/ an extensive line of understanding, I'd love for you to try to bullshit me right now
> An engineer would know that small batch production of a thing isn't the same as building an industry.
An engineer w/ business sense would know that the hardest part and proof of the viability of a company is in being able to successfully scale their operations past a certain production volume. A guy who gets paid dam good money is a seasoned engineer who sniffs out bullshit companies like spacex/tesla in way of accurately defining how long and how deep their (-) balance sheet will run and for how long.
> An engineer would know that electric vehicles solve one of the problems with renewables: storage capacity. Loads of batteries laying around to tap for peak demand, just to be charged up during peak sunlight.
Batteries have a shelf life, recharge limit, and the materials needed to make them utterly destroy the environment. Are you pitching green energy bullshit/save the earth or trying to sell me on cost effective energy storage that gives mother nature a middle finger? Have you forgotten the laws of energy conservation?
> I sincerely doubt you're an engineer, and if you are, you surely are not an electrical or mechanical engineer, so you can fuck off
Graduate degree EE/CS Stanford. Lets get Ike's for lunch
>yo dawg, I heard you like batteries. so we got a battery for your battery so you can charge while you don't charge.
LMFAO ! Everyone can tell you stories of how shit tier the feels are about battery degradation but don't get that this jackass literally has taken the same batteries and dazy chained them in a car that will have equal degredation. No mention of the absolute disaster related to mining this shit out of the earth nor the eventual miracle Elon claims exists w.r.t to recycling them. The laws of physics don't exist with brainlets.
Awfully long post to say so little of value, guy. You can make all the claims you want, but there is a difference between having no cash and no assets, and Musk has always had lots of assets. I think you're making things up to seem wise and I think you're missing my point entirely. I don't give a shit if Elon Musk is a functioning retard with an IQ of 62. He is driving investment in technology and that is the only thing I care about.
Prius. Thanks for pointing out the mistake
True affordable innovation that has been around for years before Elon even thought of an EV.
Toyota, also the producers of one of the first modern EVs :
Of course, it doesn't have as much hype/flare or social currency as being the followers of a self proclaimed tony stark thus no mention of true innovation and real impact on green energy/efficient transport. Once the talk of the town everywhere, overshadowed by the new shiny liberal social signal : an overpriced, impractical EV w/ gobbermint subsidies.
Killing the water tables in china and polluting the earth beyond imagination so that some liberal can claim they're saving it w/ their overpriced trophy car. So environmentally disastrous that the U.S shut all mining operations related to the materials for these batters/electrical components years ago.
It's all amazing environmental savings when you ignore where all of the materials come from i guess..
So yeah, Prius and Rav4 EV .. same innovative company that makes economical cars like the yaris... but elon did it first and is the true innovator
> I Think
> I think
No counter argument. No supports.
> I don't give a shit if Elon Musk is a functioning retard with an IQ of 62. He is driving investment in technology and that is the only thing I care about.
I know what you care about and how little shit you care about anything beyond the surface. It's because you have an IQ to match the functioning retards who over hype bullshit. As do the majority of the insufferable idiots who back them while true innovation escapes you because you give so little shits to know what it is.
You don't have to say much for me to spot you.
You're clearly identifiable.
How many red herring and strawman arguments are you going to throw? I still don't think you're an engineer. You talk more like a moneyman than any engineer I've ever met. And the fact that you just spoke about environmental conservation and conservation of energy as if they're even tangentially related, beyond a word, makes me doubt even more.
I don't get how they make them so ugly. Just like the inside of a tesla.
I don't have to make an argument when you say nothing of substance and provide no sources. I'm stating why I value what Musk is doing and you're plucking half baked ideas out of the air for why I shouldn't. I'm telling you that I really don't care about Musk as a person. I haven't watched him speak even once. I've read about what his companies are doing. An I think I've also made it clear that I don't care about his investors' money, either.
Do you have any commentary on SpaceX contracts or the rates charged by its competitors?