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Technology #638
Pens are technology
Error posting
/aocg/ - Advent of Code 2017 General #20
Are computer glasses worth it for someone that gets tons of eye strain after spending an hour or two on their pc?
You all just got infected with ransomware or a coin miner or some other shit
Why is transportation technology in burgerland so bad?
Specs / speccy thread, rate them, post them
Ransomware ads
Will 2018 be the year of the linux desktop?
Threads look like this unless you allow javascript from ""
Hey G
What the fuck is this dirty ass chink doing?
Net neutrality
Best distro for this
/ourguy/ has spoken
Is this still worth it in the dawn of 2018 ?
It's over!
What will it look like?
Ajit Pai, Chairman - Contact
HP is a shit company
/dpt/ - Daily Propgramming Thread
Name a prominent programming language which first appeared in 2010 or later...
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Apple General
My drive died so i just went and got another second hand one i'll dump anything juicy
How much is too much?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Question to NoScript users
Can someone tell me what's this shit?
Best version, just saying
Users are more impressed by UI changed than bugfixes
Theres suddenly ads on Sup Forums
Why do you guys hat electron? I understand that it's fucking huge, but what else is wrong...
Delid your CPU:
What kind of horseshit botnet did chinkmoot add to Sup Forums in the last few hours I was away?
Donate some GPU time for science, please
Not gonna play on 4K in the near future, not even sure if in the distant future
New RMS appreciation thread
Umatrix issues with Sup Forums
If you could go back in time and prevent 1 technology from being made, what would you choose?
Why bother with Gentoo when you can create your own Linux distribution? If you're going to go manual...
/gg/ - Gentoo General
Pro tip: you can't
I can't find a video of him installing Gentoo from yesterday
QBittorrent 4.0.3 is out! Remove uBotnet today!
More and more new cases excluding optical drives
We can all agree that he's the GOAT, right?
Certain patterns of pixels are illegal
How is this cable called ?
This thing ended up in my hands
Wire vs Signal vs Telegram
Desu I made a chan site today, and hosted it on a 200mhz pentium with a 7200rpm hitatchi deathstar. What now?
3 slot card
What do you really think about this show Sup Forums?
Password manager
Apple to close iTunes store in 2019
What are you going to do when Microsoft starts forcing you pay a monthly subscription fee in order to even use your...
What browser do you use and why?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Hey Sup Forums, can anyone redpill me on the Windows 10 AME?
Stop using C
Why aren't CPU's 3-dimensional?
How do you feel about the brave new world of javascript applications on the desktop?
My mom just got this for my sister for Christmas...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Alternatives to gmail
/ourheeb/ btfo Mozilla again
So Sup Forums what the consensus on robot vacuum? Are they still just a meme? I heard xiaomi makes one now
What do you use this for
Is this a meme?
Lets discuss idealistic/futuristic concepts of consumer tech/features/etc that we would like to have
Can someone tell me how to truly test my internet speed?
Fight of the year
Screen Protector Dilemma - Please read this wall of text!!
/tpg/ - Thinkpad General
.Buy a 8700k
What went right?
Q# Programming Language
Classic ThinkPads returned and you rejected them
Last thread: >>63869966
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Is there a more reddit shaving technology than the safety razor?
Let's discuss trackballs
Switched from Atom to Vim. What plugins do you use for vim, Sup Forums?
Xiaomi Mi Notebook Pro
So my dad has a habit of installing keyloggers and spyware into my machines that somehow never disappear because he's...
Why aren't there more women in tech?
What do you use to hide your sensitive documents from criminals and the government?
Reposting thread from yesterday because the guy is still in denial
Tek Syndicate thread
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Why are ram prices so ridiculously high now?
What will you do when it will happen ?
IPad Pro 10.7(?)
There are people on this board who still program in C
He's the hero the internet deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him. Because he can take it...
What was your first Linux distro? What distro do you use now?
Sup Forums I have reasonable proof that the fbi and the cia are monitoring me and trying to hack into my computer...
Is there a non-anime imageboard? Getting tired of this pedo shit being posted all over the place
What do you do on the internet?
How do I install linux on this macbook?
Apples largest demographic
11.6" computers
Why don't operating systems say something cute like "goodnight" or "cya tomorrow" when you shutdown?
What will you do when you get your Android gf Sup Forums?
Almost 21, no gf
Promise myself I'll avoid politics
Buying a MP3 player in 2017, is it worth it?
Lunduke's Install Gentoo Livestream
Is this a valid concern?
RAM / GPU Bloat
Pro-Gaming UPS
Is there any point to buying a dedicated sound card in [current year]...
EDC Thread: only clean shit allowed edition
Why does 2 tabs of firefox and youtube take up more cpu and memory space than running fucking GTA 5 online on max...
Can you believe this shit?
I wanna make a game that looks like this. Pretty much exactly like this. There will be no fancy combat...
Radio thread
Can we have a sexbot thread?
Let's talk about Opsec
What the shit? Why does my TV have a fucking microphone?!
GNU/Linux minimalism thread
How many holes does this have?
What can save Firefox?
Is Wendell Sup Forums approved
What is the actual purpose of ultrawide monitors? I tried one at the store, but it doesn't make any sense to me
IMac Pro
Bryan Lunduke Install Gentoo
Lunduke's Install Gentoo Livestream
Why does Sup Forums seem to struggle with the most straightforward and simplest operating system?
Potential for Unbotneted Fuchsia?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
KeePass or KeePassX and why?
Why do tablets exist?
Case thread for people with taste
Will it ever be possible to simulate human consciousness with machines that can essentially make us live forever by...
Non-free system viewer thread?
Sup Forums Fuck ups
Why are these channels shilled so much on YT?
Are micokernels superior?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Fucking voltlets
Why aren't you using Alacritty, Sup Forums?
Blizzard conference with the engineers
Battlestation thread /bst/
Samsung Galaxy S9 Release, Price, Feature: IPhone X’s Rival?
What the fuck is going on with the monitor market? This piece of ugly shit is going for $800...
Does Sup Forums use thunderbird?
So this is java huh?
What's Wrong With GNU Icecat?
Venkat Subramaniam
Am I an autist to use Void Linux?
What Sup Forums related Christmas gifts are you giving yourself this year?
It's gud not 2b a poorfag
/hpg/ - Headphone General
The current state of mozilla
I HATE MY LIFE tech stories, I'll start
You guys realise that there's more to no-NN then making reddit fags butthurt?
DuckDuckGo VERSUS StartPage
What OS to install?
Can someone explain to me why people are paying >$120 for the 2017 version of this when you can get legitimate versions...
Medium or max power saving on android ?
So Reddit is pretty butt-mad about this whole NN thing, what do you guys make of it?
What are some Sup Forums recommended YouTube channels?
What is the reddit of technology?
Let me guess, you "need more"
Linux Fag/g/ots Thread
Thoughts on Elon Musk's views on public transit?
What is the best brand for flash disquette ? Are the chink drives just as good...
Would you buy a macbook if it came with a cat
Newfag on this board...
Are modern programming practices too dependent on heap/dynamic allocation?
I want an opinion
5 year old HTC One m7 running Lineage
What's an alternative to Pocket
Should I buy a Ryzen for gaming or an i7-8700k?
Russia wins again
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
35-year-old systems analyst turned project manager here
Tfw a bit of food ur eating falls on ur $4000 laptop
Post your face when you are using Linux on your desktop
I'm on Arch at the moment. Can't deal with systemd any longer. Devuan or Void?
How autistic is Sup Forums? Can you decode our sternography flag? Hint: Its not your daily dose
Phone power rankings
/aocg/ - Advent of Code 2017 General #19
Gotten any scam emails lately, Sup Forums?
Ditch your computer
User you're good with computers right?
What went so fuckin right?
Store tests new tv upon purchase for warranty?
Now that the dust has settled, can we al agree that pic related is the best phone?
Redpill me on this 2
Torrents right now
In what ways does the repeal of NN help me as a customer?
Where my q6600 users at? How’s it treating you?
The iPhone X has the best smartphone display ever, says DisplayMate
How does one access the North Korean Intranet?
Which one and why Sup Forums?
Sed, grep, awk. Why. Surely there is a simple replacement for all my file manipulation needs...
How do you support yourselves?
Sup Forums humour
The best laptop on the market
So Sup Forums. Do you wash your keycaps enough? Do some of you heathens not even wash them at all?
So I downloaded this 7zip file with a bunch of pictures in it...
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
Programming challenge
Many sites rely on malicious advertising to make money or even just to keep their servers running
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
>The perfect language doesn't exi-
/Ve/Ga/ 64 mines 2055 MH/s at Monero, noVideots eternally BTFO'd
Is Arch a good distro for gaming? if not, what other RR distros are good for playing vidja?
Why are Indians like this? Even at the highest echelon of American society bob and vagene tier behavior is displayed
Post your face when you are not using Linux on your desktop
What's stopping me from making a bunch of system images of windows 10 so I can have infinite copies?
Anyone else hate Razer? I bought this piece of shit when my old mouse died and I fuckin' hate it...
Which one of you edgelords did this?
Why yes i trust something funded by the US government
Thoughts on this hiney?
I found my old electronic Bitcoin wallet, back from when I use to mine them in the way early days. It has 2,110...
With the repealing of net nutrality; "thanks obama" does tor browser and VPN services become more valuable? Pic related...
Net Neutrality
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Libreboot general /lgbt/
Why don't you use one of these browsers?
Tfw you fell for the 16GiB RAM meme
GNU/Linux minimalism thread
Why does Sup Forums hate poor people so much? Let's talk about /budget tech/
I just want the most comfy reliable OS possible that also doesnt have a bunch of shit on it or backyard alphabet soup...
Desktop icons suddently refresh
Ganked a 13" Macbook Air from my Uni, How to Reformat and not get fucked
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
AMD Ryzen mascots
Is Freesync worth extra 60 bucks?
/tpg/ Thinkpad General
WHY DO freetards want everything to be free and not work for anything?
What the fuck is going on with Microsoft
What do you use to browse Sup Forums?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Homo server general - /hsg/
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Why is so C++ so shitty, <class templates>
Well Sup Forums? Are you ready?
Disk cleaning. I've used up 95 out of the 99 GB my laptop has...
Hackintosh Thread
Sometimes I wish civilization could move beyond the problems we have today so we could live in a high-tech...
Sup Forums approved distros thread
Is MIT a scam?
Lost my phone...
VPS Questions General
Auto vaccums
Why do people buy these overpriced laptops? I am genuinely curious? Is it to seem trendy or cool?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Firefox isn't a botnet they said, Mozilla is a non-profit so they "care" about users they said
Plan 9 thread
Headsup for any of you cucks who also mined doge back in the day: it just reached a new high, sold my 15k for 60$
Making db of books
/wt/ Watch Thread
Sup Forums hates Powershell now
RIP iPod 2001-2017?
Youtube is worse than you think
What the fuck happened to both nyaas? sorting by seeders shows episodes from like a season ago and nyaa...
How do you even generate a large random prime number with more than 100 bits?
Are p2p live streams such as ace stream safe?
Richard Stallman is flirting with the notion of removing the free operating systems listed by the GNU website and only...
/dpt/ - Dailly Programmming Thread
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Best screen
Is anyone still writing full blown bash applications or is it not cool anymore and I should switch to 100% python?
Anyone have any experience with Ryzen processors?
Is it worth buying 2nd hand kindle...
Am I going crazy or did youtube change their layout again?
Sup guys, if I commit suicide will they check my internet history...
Does anyone actually use thermal paste? All the PCs I've ever built and I never have
Are single-board computer's Sup Forums approved?
Its happening:
YFW a fictional tv show had a hand in killing what little credibility Firefox had left
Linus torvalds
Why should I use Void over Antergos or Manjaro?
IMac Pro vs PC
ITT:AMD Fucking sucks
What's a cheap laptop that isn't a fucking used and cum encrusted ThinkPad from 1855 and can run LinuxGNU perfectly?
Dam Razor, gg
What are some actual reasons a normal user would switch from Windows to Linux?
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Samsung S8 facial recognition fooled by a photograph
EGPU general thread
Just bought a 1700x and I need to sell my mobo/cpu
Just got an S8, what apps should I install on it
The current state of Japanese gaming
Bitcoin wallet
What's the difference between NAS and SAN?
"CTFs... capture the flag... the Olympics of Hacking"
Weekends are the perfect time to make fresh backups and verify your existing backups...
Is Windows Embedded POSReady 2009 the best version of XP?
Holy shit Sup Forums, am I the only one that has problem choosing a new mouse?
Newfag here, how do I exactly use eMule?
When will RAM prices go down again?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Start arguing
Is there any reason not to use zsh? Why y'all still on bash
/cyb/ + /sec/ - Cybersecurity and Information Security General
Tech ads
When could I have my anime girlfriend?
/mpg/ - media players general
*blocks you from switching to linux*
So I ordered what I thought was a decent PC:
How do you cope without it, freetards?
Wine adding DirectX 12 support
It it still the best case?
Root@kali ~:
Which linux distro should I install for the upcoming cyberpunk dystopia?
Is Lua the best scripting language? Better than Ruby?
Strange and weird Windows bugs and "features"."
Calling for violence and assassination where It's completely legal to carry whatever guns you want from handgun to...
Does anyone actually use a netbook in the year 2017? If so, what the fuck is wrong with you?
/aocg/ - Advent of Code 2017 General #18
Louis Rossmann on Macs and public schools
Sup Forums - nostalgia thread
Is all computer-based random number generation actually based on a pseudo random distrubition?
It's time to "DDoS", guys
G What happened to Terry a Davis and why is he living in his car?...
What VPN do you guys use and why?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Post your cpu, gpu, computers in general history
The 666 Billionth Thread on Net Neutrality
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Tfw i lost everything I own last week and now everything is mooning
Just held an SSD for the first time in my life. Holy fuck is it light af. Amazing how far technology has become...
DCMA requests
I bought an IPhone off of Craigslist and went to a t mobile store to get service but they told me that it was...
Ok Sup Forums, time to settle it once and for all. What is the BEST browser in existence?
What does Sup Forums think of trackballs?
Can you realistically avoid the Net Neutrality shit by VPNing to a non-shit country?
90s laptop thread
This triggers the redditor
Short background: studying CS in MIT, 25, first year, was a NEET for 4-5 years, crippling depression...
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
IPS vs. TN Panels
So what exactly does Net Neutrality mean? And what will it's repeal indicate?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
You better reinstate net neutrality
Post your ISP and shitty speeds, fuck you Suddenlink
Why and when should I go with a BSD over something like Debian?
Is this /our guy/?
If we're going to be talking connectors, post best connectors
I would like to upgrade my laptop CPU. On the bottom, the pins look like pic realted
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Download linux on my laptop
Q: can you function without internet access in today's world?
Honestly fuck Arch up its stupid fucking ass. It always fucking breaks...
Wireless power transfer
What does Sup Forums do with their old (>12 years old) laptops?
Dear faggots of Sup Forums, why aren't you running Linux? Windows is absolute garbage on desktop
Can u run exes on linux
We should abolish every fucking country and give territories to tbhe companies...
Can we all agree that the 00s were the most aesthetically pleasing decade?
Mozilla is a joke
How do you conserve energy Sup Forums?
Technology-wise, is it good?
Almost 2018
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Why would you want to use this language?
Now, I know I'll be called a shill because I'm asking about Apple products, but is it worth buying a 2012 Macbook Pro...
Rate Home Screen General
Bad day at work
Just a quick Pro-tip for cheapfags
What the freaks is a HDD for a notebook at 7200 rpm?
What the best way to buy a digital copy of a film?
Hey Sup Forumsoyim
Lenovo thinkpad
GNU/Linux minimalism thread
Need a help
Capitalism drives technological progress
B~but Perl syntax is ugly and like... Hard to learn
Have you made the switch back?
ITT: Post your interned speed
These are the superior type of toilet
Well, Sup Forums?
What's the best video player?
ITT: underrated great websites
Ransomware NMOREIRA
MacOS is the best Unix
Apt-get update
We live in a time where you're now an old man because you actually know what an ethernet port and cable is...
Next Distro?
You promised!
AIM is Dead
Good riddance lol
Foobar ricing, post your setup if you use it
Personal Defense for Active Denial System
It is ILLEGAL to make a copy of certain combinations of 1s and 0s
Official Sup Forums history thread
Intel compute stick vs refurbished desktop pc which should I go for?
VEGA Sapphire Nitro Review
The king of Sup Forums
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Ask a programmer who fucked up anything
Are there any great music players on pic related?
/dpt/ Daily Programming Thread
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
Which one is better for gaming, and why TN?
What are the most essential Firefox add-ons?
/mkg/ - not having a 30% keyboard ortho
Worst connector of all time?
Checkmate racists
Comcast changes net neutrality page, removes 3 promises
/wt/ Watch Thread
What are some must haves from the f-droid store. Posting from clover
Nostalgia hard tred
Froppy disk size
Rooting Android phones in 2017
Programming is a terrible profession. For one, you are not respected at any normal company...
Weev on net neutrality
And so begins the driver hunt
Just ordered two. I can hardly wait, Sup Forums
Have a small town isp
Ryzen Sucks
Should I contribute to GNOME or KDE project?
How hard would it be to hack a Hotmail account?
/pmp/ - portable media player
Net neutrality literally did not exist before 2015. Things will be just the way they always were...
Oh god. My head fucking hurts...
Shouldn't it be called 10zip by now?
Republicans want this
Why is VScode the only legitimately good product microshit has come out with in years?
I'm anti net neutrality
IMac vs Real Workstation
Did Ted Cruz just become /ourguy/?
AMD is getting absolutely smashed. Their marketshare in both GPUs and CPUs have plummeted in the last few of months
Windows 7
Redpill me on Java
Imagine using 37% of the internet and crying about censorship when ISPs want to charge you a usage fee
Your browser fingerprint appears to be unique among the 949,871 tested so far
If you're using any Linux distribution and can't use Perl and Bash, it's time to go back to Windows/OSX you poser
I have a job interview on Monday and they said there's going to be a test
Give me 5 reasonable arguments why Ultrabooks aren't the best laptops you can get
For fucks sake apple sort it out. Think my next phone will be an Android
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Why the fuck is latex so shitty to use?
This is what mobile internet is capable in Australia
I thought Sup Forums was the home of cyber vigilantes...
Freetards will defend this
Prove you're not a newfag
Positives of NN Abolishment
Can we just take a second and appreciate the magnet boi?
Public transportations blocked Sup Forums from it's free wifi hotspots
Admit it
USA is cucked, lul
Const women in tech
Is the iMac Pro overpriced?
Where the hell are people getting the idea that ISPs will introduce separate internet service bundles without Net...
Help. I installed a new motherboard, power supply, and CPU to my tower, and I'm having issues
I NEED HELP Sup ForumsUYS! I am going to a hackathon in about 12 hours, except there is a problem
Net neutrality is dead
T-thanks americans
Can we just ban and kill anyone posting against net neutrality?
If you could choose between a Macbook Pro and a Surface Book totally free of charge...
/aocg/ - Advent of Code 2017 General #17
Reminder to charge your phone before you sleep Sup Forums
He uses a "free" anti-virus like avg or avast
Supports net neutrality
Has to re-mount all of my drives
Sup Forums doesn't like Tor?
Why are there so many fucking shills that pretend to be happy with the NN repeal...
Fresh install of firefox. What extensions should I install?
Why are Americans so obsessed with this guy...
What will you do when you get your Android gf Sup Forums?
Is there a way to ban reddit from Sup Forums at this point...
Is there any Sup Forums reading this ?
Cheapest android phone
He builds a $4000 badass custom gaming PC
RIP NN-shills. How does it feel to be on the wrong side of history?
CPU: Intel Core i7-8700K Coffee Lake 6-Core 3.7 GHz
Regulations are effective and prevent corporations from doing shit practices
Danbooru hidden tags
Net Neutrality is about to get retarded
The Android fragmentation problem has reached full JUST
Does this seem fair to you?
/tpg/ - Thinkpad General
Anyone else enjoying the shitstorm on reddit? Sweet sweet liberal tears, feels like 2016 over again...
/hpg/ - Headphone General
(((He))) is going to install Gentoo this saturday. Will you be watching (((his))) stream?
Anything more embarassing than getting iphone x in december?
Desktop and ricing thread
I'm sure this has been asked plenty of times, but I'm really not understanding something here...
Emacs vs Vim?
Do you recommend a life of Coding?
How do I verify if my company laptop has employee monitoring software on it? Would I see it with ps -ax...
Nn is repealed
Who won the browser war Sup Forums?
Microsoft is silently forcing Windows Update policy changes
What is wrong with Google's speed test?
What's your job? What exactly do you do?
Member dial-up bills?
Deca core phones
The Chan iPhone app
This kills the redditor
When will Sup Forums support the flif image format?
Fully specd iMac Pro
/FLT/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread - The Return Edition
Can someone explain to me how this language reduces my chances of you perverts stealing my butthole pics from my email?
Data Hoarding General
PCB Corrosion?
$800 Laptop value
Best OS for a student
Ripple have risen 90% in the last 24 hours, gaining the 3rd highest market cap of all crypto...
Start arguing
The absolute state of Canadian telecommunications
Facebook ads suddenly know I have asthma
Net neutrality has been repealed...
Sup Forums embedding botnet into images
So, I made a program that calculates the starting and the ending point of the longest subsequence of an array...
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
*nix Shells Benchmarked!
The battle for Sup Forums: reddit vs Sup Forums
I guess this means that we no longer have freedom on the Internet...
Welp, that's it folks
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Who here hyped for ryzen mobile
Another Net Neutrality thread
Wtf is this true?
Say with me : MAGA MAGA MAGA
W-wait, so google knows EVERYTHING I searched and all the pages I've been on ?
What kind of technology do you get to work with for your job? Any interesting stuff?
Brainlets everywhere have been so fucking brainwashed by youtubers they actually think that websites are gonna die...
Anyone else love this net neutrality shit just so see all the rage from mad r*dditors and nerds
Car newcar = initcar()
Sup Forumsternet
Based Pajeet and ISPs killed Net Neutrality! Yay! Thank you Daddy Trump...
Remember when ATT blocked Sup Forums?
She puts her pc on the floor
Mfw poorfags and college cucks wont be able to afford internet anymore
Apple LITERALLY caught slowing down older Iphones with lagOS updates
>Its Over
Be honest, this is the best version of Windows, right?
Will this bottleneck? i downgraded the solid-state ssd
What in the world where they thinking??
Which image viewer do you use?
This thread is dedicated to discussion of technology while rest of Sup Forums is overwhelmed by US binning Net...
ITT your Android browser and history up to this point
Show me new technologies which can be used to remove Slavic subhumans
Okay, let's get to the crux of the matter. will it be harder to get porn now?
Net Neutrality
Internet before net neutrality
Apple computers aren’t powerfu
Fuck ISPs
Linux mint
/wt/ - Watch Thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Send an ebay buyer ram sticks
FCC Vote on Net Neutrality
The greater-than sign is used to denote quotations in the e-mail and newsgroup formats...
Base model is 5K
ITT your favorite tech channels
Anti net neutrality people falling for muh Obama era policy meme and saying how it has only existed for 2 years
All pajeets are bad for the interne-
14 year old programming prodigy
Headphones is kill. Those super thin wires in the cable simply can't handle the strees! Why is this even allowed!?
/ptg/ - Public Tracker General
/aocg/ - Advent of Code 2017 General #16
Expensive RJ45 connectors, meme or real?
Why doesn't zuckerberg make crypto currency?
Why do people buy all-in-one computers (not just pic related)? Are they actually useful if you don't do a lot of gaming?
Intel 2018 CPU Roadmap Leaked, No New Mainstream Processors Until 2019
Could you use a free cup of coffee, Sup Forums?
Work Experience: Sup Forums - 2002-2017
Is privacy a meme? Is the only way to not regret any online activity to act like you're in a public space all the time...
Used to use wired headphones like everyone
Lucky bastard
How can i tell if a website is running a bitcoin miner when i visit? is that even a thing?
Does your motherboard have godlike ultimate enthusiast power?
The web just keeps getting slower and slower. Pages demand more and more resources...
Where's the update, Floens?
Firefox is trash
What does Sup Forums think about reddit?
social networks were a mistake
What music player do you fat fucks use?
Asian thinkpad user
Net Neutrality Doesn't Matter
Stop hiring men
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
What is the best way to move large 32gb file from pc to laptop?
Install TempleOS !!!
Should I buy the GPD Pocket? And if I do, any cheap(below 350$) places to order it?
Blog post here but seriously need help
Why the fuck is Mozilla silently installing extensions on my machine?
What’s the best year MacBook?
Architecture thread
Yo Sup Forums, any ideas on how to fix a external HDD?
Vim vs. Emacs? Whats the difference?
I'm Ajit Pai and I think I have the right to tell you what you can and can't do on the internet
Vegas Pro for $20 on humble bundle
GNU/Linux minimalism thread
Sup Forums completely and utterly BTFO
Mods accidentally deleted the screenfetch general while cleaning up the 1...
The Internets Final Hours
Let's keep it honest
More like this
Dawn of the final day
What do you think of Chromebooks?
Help, anons
Damn is this worth it?
Am i the only one who think killing net neutrality is a good thing
Why? Why is it so shit? Why is it that there are hundreds of well made and useful Linux distributions...
Are there any real alternatives to Calibre? Possibly text-based...
Is the U2715H still one of the best 27" all round monitors out there...
Get to my level
Pretend copyright infringement
Ok Google, remote start my Hyundai and set the climate to full heat
Is Ryzen pronounced rise-n or risen?
Why do people like to spend extra on tech they don't need?
When is Navi coming out shit fuck?
Tramp bans (((Kaspersky)))
Hey Sup Forums Ajit Pai here...
Why are dongles such an issue?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Have a genius idea for a cryptocurrency
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
You can't do everything on C++, dynamic my ass
Why are Americans so inept at building?
Are there any non apple oems that aren't shit
How much would it cost to start an image board like 4chinz (Different boards, etc), but even more anarchic...
More like this masterpiece? I need some l33t h4x0r Sup Forums kino
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
50% on discrete math final after getting 90's-100 on all else
Which VPN is least likely gonna get throttled when Net Neutrality is kill? I want to get a paid VPN...
Winblows 10
/dpt/ Daily Programming Thread
You guys should stop forcing people on Sup Forums to use Linux instead of Windows, it's not ok
Why do high-end CPUs come with integrated graphics in the current year of our Lord two thousand and eighteen minus one...
GPU prices
*rolls over your headphone cables*
Who's ready for the revival of Microsoft's Zune?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
What would happen if five four three two one blast off was changed to one to three for five blast off?
How to get python script reviewed
People on 4chin worry about privacy when they have done nothing with their lives not there is nothing worth stealing...
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Need internship experience
I've been tracked by the botnet basically my whole life without knowing about it until recently. am i screwed brehs?
What's your opinion on pic related Sup Forums?
Windows 10 LTSB the decent way
Haters gunna hate
Can't find job in Seattle
Things you hate that are on every single fucking website for absolutely no reason whatsoever
IPhone 7+ or the Galaxy S8?
I got chinked by Sup Forums
*unblocks your blocked ads*
Sup Forums memes you're glad you fell for
Inb4 kys
Why do I need to enable JavaScript for EVERYTHING
/hrt/ - Hardware Removal-of-botnet Thread
Buying into the VR gimmick
How do you make your XFCE look nice?
/tpg/ - Thinkpad General
How does good net neutrality crap affect intent users outside the US?
Radeon Adrenalin Edition
There is a way to recover a lost Bitcoin wallet, right Sup Forums?
Access to expensive technology is what makes you be able to get a foot hold and create something of value
Is edge the best browser
We usually fuck with people on a daily basis
What the fuck
Oy vey
Guys, I fell for the KDE is bloated and slow meme. Rescued HP Stream 11 with 2gb of ram from garbage...
Wut de fuck is this thing meant for?
How much does Googlel know about you, user?
Does AMD pay illiterate 13 year olds to name their products?
Windows 8.1 or windows 10?
Touch Typing
Oh no
The F.C.C. chairman, Ajit Pai, is seeking a sweeping repeal of the Barack Obama-era rules...
What do you guys think of windows xp black edition ?
Why do all the minorities with macbooks in my class set their terminal to black/green when we are just writing python...
New iMac Pro - Hate Thread / Discussion
What's a word for someone who doesn't want to accept new technology?
/sqt/ :: Questions that don't deserve its own thread
Alienware 17 r4
The Sup Forumsternet project
/aocg/ - Advent of Code 2017 General #15
Only one more day motherfuckers. Only one more day and net neutrality is gone forever. Are you happy??
/gg/ - Gentoo General
Over half of Sup Forums uses windows 10
If you can rewrite your own existence, what programming language are you going to write yourself in?
/wt/ - Watch Thread
/dpt/ Daily Programming Thread
Can you guys on Sup Forums explain to me like I'm 5 what traveling salesman problem is, and why do we need it?
Are these things still a meme?
Have a very loyal fanbase
Whats up poorfags ? ;) you allright? hehe ;))
Precision Trackpad Support
Is Sup Forums the hippies of tech?
Fedora GNU/Linux
Computer monitors wake up from sleep by themselves
Ayuda para recuperar mi cuenta
RIP edge. you were never good at anything but downloading Chrome
Devs posted that the project is dying
/hpg/ - Headphone General
How do they know i regularly view their website?
Best screen
Your FIRST computer
8nigger here...
Femanon here. At my uni, the cs classes are almost all male. Now, I'm not an obnoxious feminist by any means...
What do you guys think about social media? Was it a good advancement in technology or should it have never happened?
Browse Sup Forums
Be honest, do any of you have a genuinely free as in freedom computer?
Why doesn't encryption software like TrueCrypt have settings to try and hash the password millions of times for extra...
Your favorite operating system
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Buying a hard drive in 2018-20/365
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
Help with a simple buffer overflow
What phone do you use?
Speakers general?
While you were dicking around in your terminal, this innovator was inventing computers
*clicks and scratches*
Elon Musk is a Con artist and a corporate welfare que
Sudo chmod -R 777 /
Why did Google sell the most advanced robotics company in the world?
Is this final proof that open source is unsustainable?
Free computer stuff
Do you like Nanoleaf Aurora lights?
Amazon Jobs
Thank you based Google
According to KnowYourMeme...
Why does it exist
Lost but not forgotten websites
Google change the game
If you were given one thousand dollars to spend on a laptop what would you buy?
Is there ANYONE that actually enjoys writing in C++?
Hello Sup Forums. I'm the new guy graduating college that you do not want to hire
Go to work
Why aren't you using dwm Sup Forums? The fastest wm ever
"Haha yeah Boss user. I made a whitebox solution for our DB needs. I have no backups...
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...