How to request purchase advice:
For sub-$50 headphones and IEMs, check out the infographic in Sup Forums wiki headphone FAQ:
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How to request purchase advice:
For sub-$50 headphones and IEMs, check out the infographic in Sup Forums wiki headphone FAQ:
Headphone guide:
Previous thread:
MA900 is low fidelity garbage.
post your headphones.
what is the second best headphone behind the ma900?
We need more GuP OPs like this and less trashy shit like bad FOTM anime. Thank you OP.
First for schiit employee
She's not even wearing headphones
And she's gonna spill that drink!
I have a theory here. Schiit have some interesting shill tactics. They do not shill their product straight in face but doing it a bit different. On Reddit there always a bunch of "newbies" asking about their first setup and there are always this kind of line: "I was looking at the Schiit Fulla 2, but would it be better to get the Magni and the Modi". This way Schiit gets their name everywhere but it does not look like it's an aggressive marketing. Ofc they have a typical shills too but now they have two-three times more people mentioning their products..
t. OP posting from his mobile phone.
Footfag /hpg/s are literally trash.
Fuck off ZMF shill, come back when you buy some actual high fidelity headphones.
That's not a theory, that's a fact.
What awful facial aesthetics.
>she's gonna spill that drink
Not possible.
>t. OP posting from his mobile phone.
Either the footfag OP, like a broken clock, got it right for once, or it's someone else with taste that isn't as shitty as footfag OPs is.
>REEEing this hard
post pictures of your headphones so we can see that your opinion is credible
Magni is literally bright garbage.
I got the O2 two years ago on Black Friday after the RevB came out, and the Element was new and untested then. So O2/ODAC was the best option then.
Also I like how small it is since my desk is cluttered as hell.
What's the second best headphone after my favorite headphone?
daily reminder to put your sunglasses on if you plan on listening to your magni 3
Your second favourite headphone
Now that is shitposting.
daily reminder that you need to post your setup because you're a low quality shitposter
Fact: footfag /hpg/s have higher shitposting.
hey jason
i'm not. I'm the atticus owner again :) I'll be responding to your low iq posts so expect me in the future, kay? we'll get along swimmingly. especially after you post your setup
Well, buying an O2 in 2015 is not so bad. Only mentally challenged people would buy that shit nowadays.
>inb4 schiit employee
>design never changed
>measurably flat with low distortion, noise and output impedance
>used by Rin Choi, Speakerphone as a reference in measuring IEMs to full sized headphones
O2 is literally the best poorfag amp.
Schiit caters to the dumb retard audiophile crowd.
I don't even own an O2, I just use a DAC1.
>owning an atticus
what's next ? you're gonna tell me you listen to them on a schiit tube amp ?
tfw people unironically buy shit that measures worse than a 20 dollar headphone
nope, I don't own schiit products or sennheiser products because I don't like their companies. but you know what's worse than either? that's right, you guess correctly! low quality shitposting!
post your headphones :)
yet you like scam artists like Zach
Should I buy these, Sup Forums? I had HD 555s a while ago but my friend took them. I have a AKG K550, but I don't know if this would be a downgrade. Sort of want something with an open back and removable cable.
Best headphones at $100. One could even say it's end game performance as well.
if you don't own open headphones and want one you should definitely get it, it's a great value
coming from the guy who buys products from large mass produced german companies but then complains about jewish conspiracies
>design never changed
Have you put your dick inside the 3.5mm yet? Or is it too loose?
>measurably flat with low distortion, noise and output impedance
Somewhat true
That doesn't matter when they are better options in its price range
>used by Rin Choi, Speakerphone as a reference in measuring IEMs to full sized headphones
Please clean off the chink semen on your face, thanks.
Best headphones under $200. They're a steal at $99.
>One could even say it's end game performance as well.
Especially if you never owned anything else, poorfag.
oh it's "I didn't know adapters exists"-user
I second this. Everybody knows that the real endgame is Schiit.
I don't think I would have liked an O2 with 3.5mm.
looking for Magni 3 measurements, anyone ?
>Buying adapters to compensate for your shitty amp design
What's next? Buying muting relays for schiit amps?
>All these fake... or maybe real schiit posts propping up in HPG
Why do even want to look at some measurements when it's generally accepted opinion that Schiit Magni 3 is the best amplifier money can buy?
Jds labs true endgame kiddo
NHA tells us to go back to plebbit all the time, but when reddit itself comes here he has nothing to say about it
Agree friend. Why question things when you can just go with the flow and not think.
Fuck haters.
reminder to use this chart when u chose a budget amp
>this thread
Hello faggot who keeps the O2 meme rolling. Managed to get off with 3.5mm jack yet? Is it too loose still?
Hello faggot who can't post measurements of his beloved shilled amp
This guide is pretty accurate.
>Especially if you never owned anything else, poorfag.
Name 5 headphones that sound better than the HD579 that isn't part of the HD6XX or HD5XX family of headphones.
ma900 for $150
Never use adapters like this. They can literally break headphone jacks with leverage. Always use ones like this:
Sure, but only after you post your headphones, and it better not be HD579.
Anyone have a recommended ultra budget noise canceling headphone?
I'm looking for a smaller set with swivel cups so that it can be put in a flat bag.
Something black and minimalist.
Considering Sony Mdr zx 110 nc because they are dirt cheap on ebay and people seem to like them
Audio Technica has some interesting offerings which work via Bluetooth or 1/4" which I would be willing to pay some extra for but those all seem to get bad reviews...
Unfortunately Sony stuff is EITHER BT or cabled not both...
Suggestions appreciated
What's with the purple pads on this thing?
the plastic looks like it could snap at any moment
>bright shit
>no upper midrange shit
hi user, time to post your headphones.
silly user, post one that doesn't reverse image search
>being this mad your headphones aren't hand made by order and taken with photoshoot pictures to show the grain
At least my $20 headphones sound better.
but you don't own any headphones, where are they?
atticus + schiit vali is the true Sup Forums setup
I fixed the OP.
we /lo-fi/ now
>distorted headphones with distorted amp
what could go wrong
What's the consensus on the Bose QC25?
I picked up a pair used for 100 burgers. I mostly listen to podcasts, classical music, and some older rock. They seem to work well.
i'm considering buying an ifi itube2 for my atticus, thoughts? does this incite rage? if so, of which kind?
it incites pity, how can one man be so foolish with his welfare money
that's a good point... I would need an ifi dac too, but if I bought the dac + itube and I already have an ican se I might as well just get the pro idac which has all of the above. thanks user
it's honestly sad zmf headphones sound like shit, they really do look good
>there will never be a better headphone in our lifetime
Why even live?
it's literally fashion-fi
they sound better than they look senpai. are you west coast? i'll let you try them
>letting a total stranger leave his dead skin, oil and grease on your headphone pads
You two should just meet up and fuck desu.
They don't even look good, TH900 look much better and don't look as cheaply built as the ZMF.
thanks for the invitation however I'm in the UK so that's quite the stretch
also I've already tested an atticus and it sounded meh to me
we've had this conversation before
I'm planning on selling my e-mu teak to a friend and then getting the th900. also fostex headphones feel cheap af compared to a zmf. it's no comparison.
Bought this to play PUBG with my normie friends (I hate desk mics), and the microphonics is garbage on the headphone cable. The sound quality is decent but nothing top tier.
ZMF looks like Audezes that will fall apart in a matter of months.
>also I've already tested an atticus and it sounded meh to me
oh you have? how did you like the eikon? where did you hear them? the atticus is decidely not neutral so if you don't like that then you won't enjoy them. also like any headphone they get way better after you get used to the levels of bass
no having owned both, zmf shits on audeze quality.
HE500+jerg pads+eq sounds amazing tonight.
What headphone would serve as a nice complement to it? I was thinking an Elear at ~$590 or maybe a t1+r2r 11.
The color's making you question your sexuality or what?
Hey, care to get them shipped to me before you off youself?
Where are my Schiit bros?
does akg allow returns for snapped plastic
china can't do this to me
Scrap the HE-500 and get the HE-5 rerelease
>reads post ontop of /r/headphones
>what is this?
>sees comment in picture about schiit shills
>haha! that'll be funny if I troll about being a schiit shill won't it? i'm so funny and original
>proceeds to troll on Sup Forums when people have been doing it for over a decade
>gets called a newfag and told to kill themselves
They're good at noise cancelling and are recommended here for that purpose.
You can join us on Reddit we don't have shills there :)
HD600 + Schiit stack recommended for redditors as it is the official setup
>trading shills for censored group think and thought policing