name a prominent programming language which first appeared in 2010 or later, and which is not full of bullshit like women equality, racial equality, discrimination, code of conduct etc.
does the Julia lang fit there?
name a prominent programming language which first appeared in 2010 or later, and which is not full of bullshit like women equality, racial equality, discrimination, code of conduct etc.
does the Julia lang fit there?
Rust, it just strives to be a good Prog&Tol community for everyone!
pls no memes
C+= obviously
Kotlin seems pretty decent. But I haven't spent enough time in the community to know if it's SJWy or not.
It‘s from 2007 but same shit
what's wrong with women equality, racial equality, anti-discrimination and a code of conduct?
stop being such a fucking pushover
Kotlin is a russian botnet
It doesn't place white men on a privileged position.
i thought the purpose of kotlin was to correct java.
it's a genuinely good language.
>full of bullshit
>women equality, racial equality, discrimination
Pick one, reactionary.
None of it has anything to do with programming.
Unironically rust, the SJW squad comes from mozilla not the language community.
besides the fact that they're full of bullshit cases and people abuse them to shit these days?
you're the only one bring the pushover here, user
The OP said
>full of bullshit like women equality, racial equality, discrimination, code of conduct
Swift has none of these.
Julia is named after a dude whose last name was Julia, so it should be fine.
Math and category theory is like a sjw/woman repellant.