The king of Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
>Commies hate him!
I can't wait until ISPs start blocking Sup Forums. I'll finally be free from this hell hole.
They didn't even block daily stormer yet
WHY IS HE SO #based IS HE /ourguy/
he unironically is, the smug slayer of reddit and video gamers
What is he actually doing? Are taxes paying for this?
This is brilliant trolling.
Combining things people hate (memes, idiots, and politics) make people seem upset over nothing.
Have there ever been a time where the government didn't waste money on memes?
why this is an attack on LGBTgays?
>Linux = communism
>Sup Forums our guy is leader of communistick free software movement
>Sup Forums political spectrum is communism
What are you even doing here?
God, Martina Markota makes my penis so fucking hard...
Off to cripplechan :^)
Nice try, Sup Forumstard
Sadly, I believe cripplechan will be hit first.
>libruls hate him
>therefore I love him! /ourguy/
Because everything has to be about faggots
I don't think it's far to say that Stallman definitely isn't at least a democratic socialist or someone that believes in making computing a public venture.
>net neutrality is good
I like what he has done
>Corporations have my best interest in mind
god it was weird watching the right go from being pro net-neutrality to hating it once trump came out against it
feels very 1984 "oceania had always been at war with eurasia"
Name literally one (1) example where corporations have done anything bad
Protip: You can't
I await your coherent argument with BAITed breath for why it is not
The FCC has fined ISPs many times for treating internet content unfairly. That's what they did before 2015's NN legislation. We can go back to that method, but it was always addressed after the fact, sometimes years later.
Even before memes were an internet thing the government was wasting money on them.
Google firing that one guy who's views were not sjw enough good enough?
Do you work for Comcast? Or perhaps United Airlines?
i do support net neutrality but man i fucking love how much of an asshole he is lmao he just doesn't give a shit and i love it
Jesus Christ you're all fucking retarded. That, and you're all mostly still in high school. Fuck I hope all you dumb fuck kids die. You're the worst generation, ever.
i came to say the same thing. this is why i had such a hard time with supporting net neutrality. on principle, on paper, i support it but my god where the supporters of it nothing but hysterical twats.
Why do you care about the other supporters? You'd really reverse your opinion over that? It's literally this:
because they made it nearly impossible to support it? how can you support something that makes you want to blow your brains out?
I just look at the issue and form my own opinion. People being spergs is unrelated.
> check out our alt-right package for only 3.99$/month, + 2$ for not reporting your name to the FBI :^)
its kinda hard when they were nothing but insufferable twats that made it nearly impossible to read, watch, or hear anything about it. it simply turned me off.
>that girl on the right
You're a special kind of retard.
instead of getting pissed at ones who got turned off by it because they didn't want to associate with retards like glaad who think repealing net neutrality is an attack on lgbqt rights how about you get pissed at the ultra pure retards like glaad who got hysterical and made a mockery out of the opposition against anti net neutrality people. i find it amazing how you hate the ones who got turned off by retards rather than hating the retards that made a fool of their own supporters.
6"1, 6"0, 5"11
You're only bringing home the point.
A very special kind of retard.
is this loss
thats my wife!
I mean, how are you trying to get info on net neutrality? If you go on YouTube and type in "net neutrality" to learn about it, you're asking for spergs. You can go read it on Wikipedia or something. Then again, I don't even use Facebook. But it's really up to you to avoid the spergs, you can't really complain.
Don't listen to this guy
pls share
It's pretty hard actually, I watched the actual repeal video of ajit's speech about why it should be repealed and it was coherent and provided good evidence as to why it is harmful to competition, and why the doomsday scenarios are hysteric, as well as who and why is pushing for the fearmongering (google). He even called out google for their own censorship and having people pay for having their website receive better search results. The only thing I can find pro-title2 are the memes about having to pay 50$ to access wikipedia. It does make it kind of hard to support.
Its very difficult to read your posts because its in the language of a retard. You should do some research on NN instead of watching videos or reading shitty articles on things like a brainless consumption driven drone and form your own opinion about things. There's many things wrong with the repeal of NN, corporations in America are being granted too much power and these shit companies which most people are already having many problems with are about to be even freer to do as they please.
Reddit cries :D
i already stopped watching tv. cancelled my cable subscription. i stopped browsing news sites. but yet the little places i still to go is still full of retarded spergs going off like ticking time bombs over every little thing. its kinda hard to avoid the spergs when everywhere you go there's only retarded spergs. i simply stopped caring for my own sanity. this entire year has been nothing but a giant shitstorm other everything. if i kept on caring i would have blown my brains out already. do i personally support net neurtality? well, yes i do. but hell if i'm going to go partake and join any of these "causes" for it. what? just to join with idiots like glaad? hell no. i don't want to associate with any of them. i just want them to finally commit suicide like they keep saying they will from all the "acts of violence and micro aggression's."
This feeling. The tears running down my body. Schadenfreude.
you say my post is difficult to read "because its in the language of a retard" but you should take a step back and look in the mirror as your post is worse than mine.
If every place you go has retarded spergs, have you considered the possibility that you are the retarded sperg?
I fucking love reddit. When their site blocks "offensive" subreddits the response is "they're a private company and can choose to deliver the information they want", then the end of NN comes around, threatens to fuck reddit, and suddenly private companies shouldn't be able to choose the information they deliver.
Nothing's gone into effect yet.
did you ever consider that a huge portion of the population have been enraging in massive chimpouts ever since a cheeto got elected into the white house?
Yes. I too support the people who make psychotic death threats and bomb threats. I also support ISIS.
Imagine reddit being the only website you can go on. That's the difference here
We did it Re-
oh wait
Anonymous is coming for you. :)
shoo reddit
VPN, pick a different provider, etc.
Ah yes, ISPs will block every website except reddit
Or just leave the internet. A boycott works just as well.
stop calling it NN
No, my argument is coherent and through, however I can understand how it goes completely over your sugar riddled, white breaded mind. (The last line is literal, and not figurative sense.)
Anonymous Savior
2 days ago
If net neutrality ends, RIOT. I'm being serious. Protesting won't do shit, and the masses will just deal with it and pay a few extra bucks a month. The Internet is where many people including myself feel like they belong. We can say anything we want here. We can talk to people in other countries. We can find unbiased research from anywhere in the world. It is not censored. We will most likely lose access to the deepweb. This is only benefitting the greedy that run the country, and if they start making more money out of monetizing the Internet then they can literally run ANY INDUSTRY. So if this goes through, do what you have to do to get our freedom back. Whether that is rioting, hacking, or some crazy shit, think of who you are helping. Rioting isn't even a felony in most states of the US. A few months to a few years in jail would be worth it to save the internet for millions. It's time for a revolution no matter how small or big it may be. The government and corporations already take advantage of us through the Internet. They spy on us, murder us for speaking out, and make people who spread the dark truth about them look like criminals. The Internet is really the last free place in the world where people from anywhere can be free. UNITE FOR THE FUCKING INTERNET WHERE SO MANY OF US FEEL ACCEPTED AND WERE RAISED.
>wasted tax dollars painting a trash can with the reeses logo and turning it into a makeshift giant cup
He sure showed the rat faced current year man
How does this pajeet anger man children so badly? Does he use Bollywood magic?
If a riot were to ensue it cannot be like the “protests” that have been in Ferguson or Boston. They have to have targets, goals, specific things that will hurt net neutrality.
This would show that we are not just kicking and screaming which is all thoughts riots were. Since then people have just started ignoring them.
Do something that can’t be ignored. Sabotage FCC servers. Leave some road spikes in their parking lot. Be silent and precise.
If you yell and shout they’ll know everything you’re thinking and will assume you have nothing more to say.
But say nothing, look them in the eyes as they’re computers crashed, power fails, and cells lose signal then they will look at you for answers to questions. And when they can’t find the answers from you they will do as humanity as always done. Trial and error until the problem is resolved.
During that trial and error is when you push and pull the invisible leash your silence and sabotage placed on their necks and watch them fix the problem your way.
Violence is not the answer to this...but that is not the weapon needed to win this war.
Martina Markota
>Linux is comunism XDD
get the fuck out micropenis shill
Same here. He's a funny guy, I'd kill him last.
Well he's treating a very serious issue as basically a joke.
>shits in street
>drinks from trash can
Who put this mud-duck in office?
Did... did you watch the testimony of the other FCC commissioners who were pro-title2?? Please do watch them, way better than Pai's speech.
Is this a clip from Big Bang Theory? Raj Koothrappali looks like shit with short hair.
Fuck off, 2007. You're not wanted here.
Bazinga! Newfag.
And how do you intend to connect to your VPN?
Need a VPN? Pay an extra $54.99/mo for access to these epic VPN providers!
>set up openvpn on a 2$/month vps
>connect to it
you can't honestly think they're going to whitelist ip addresses
>fuck Trump we need to remove his power
>let's give Trump the power to regulate and control the internet via net neutrality
>were really gonna do it this time!
kek. gets me every time
>I don't understand what net neutrality is or what it means
Yeah that figures.
>they're a private company and can choose to deliver the information they want
And then people can make their own reddit and deliver that information as they see fit (see: voat). i love how you're completely clueless about the issue and want to add freedom of speech into the mix, when it has nothing to do with that at all. Your handlers have fed you nothing but bullshit and you're happliy parroting it like a retarded child.
>hurgh nut nutrailty is bad
>no wait is gud it is
>no okay no daddy sez it bad roffle #shadilay
You're a fucking simpleton, kill yourself.
>Harlem Shake
Holy shit, the mud duck is a redditor! Sup Forums lied!
>No bittorrent
lmfao. We dont even have NN and somehow we don't restrict the internet.
This isn't a partisan issue, shitdick. Tell your supervisor to send better people to do the shilling.
Chevy ignition switch failure.
Stop trying to make it into something it's not.
deadly airbags that explode shrapnel and killing you.