
use toilet maybe



O.O.P in loo

Wonder what them that is. Monokai?

Don't a.toString().replace("\(\[\|\]\|, \)", "") your fucking lists.

how to do the needful

first of all what is a computer and how does it work

t. brainlet who can't into OOP

Effective Java, English and don't rape women.

static inline void
poo(const struct loo *l)

nobody actually does this, right?

what does this mean (I don't know js)

what the fuck

nice bait.

java, not js. basically turn your array into a string and removing all parenthesis. making it just shit.



I have query on the item

that people in the West wear deodorant

For the love of God, don't bring in curry and don't heat that shit up in the office

Top fucking kek