*unblocks your blocked ads*

*unblocks your blocked ads*

what are you gonna do autistic fucks? he's getting richer and richer with every quarter announcement without even doing anything. Pages now can't reach even 10% of their fans/followers without promoting posts. Ads are shown no matter what you use for adblocking.

This motherfucking jew won. He will become the first trillionaire within a decade because most people are fucking stupid normies

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=how much sun requirements does x plant need

>what are you gonna do autistic fucks?
How about just stop using the piece of shit? Hardly anyone even uses it anyway except for literal retards.

Learn to write proper filters, I already managed to block all their crap again.

Most of the internet has this problem. You can't look for "how much sun requirements does x plant need" because every single site is "top 10 easiest plants to grow" given as a list that takes you across 11 different pages that are all full of ads.

Most shit on the internet is designed to make ad revenue. If you find websites or software (mad props to VLC) that does not use ads, consider it a keeper.

Hell, look at cable television. Same thing.

Facebook either uses obfuscated urls that are changed every couple of hours to inject ads or something like websocket

>Using facebook
Are you still in high school?
>Sup Forums
Oh, right.

>he's getting richer and richer with every quarter announcement

All his net worth is in his own stock, which he can't even sell. So many billionaires are mega rich on paper but in reality cannot actually have a tenth of that cash on hand or in some asset. He can't even sell because the founder of a company dumping shares would obviously be an absolute catastrophe, plus he needs them to maintain control of the company. He's locked. even if he did want to dump shares, because of the volume of it it wouldn't be easy to initiate if at all.

who wants to have 100 billion in cash you stupid autist? especially when his own company is bribing the press to show that they are beating the market every quarter just by promoting posts using outright blackmail and selling ads that are mostly clicked by indians

He's not locked, he can sell 100 million dollars of shares without getting anyobody noticed and invest in other bullshit like Bezos is doing

Some of us need facebook for professional reasons. I don't use it for anything else at all.

>Ads are shown no matter what you use for adblocking.
have you ever blocked javascript entirely user? most ads are killed dead right there. as is (((analytics))) and the like.

have you tried browsing facebook using lynx browser? it's awesome

And this is why you're poor

And how does this stop AdNauseum?

What's with the photo? Did they purposefully photograph imperfections to show that he in fact is not a robot?

So? They can't legally remove the "Sponsored" tags indicating that something is an ad.

I don't use his services.
Never have.


I'm using FBpurity, seems to be keeping things pretty comfy on top of adblocking.
Besides, the site is only good as a contact book and nothing else, it's not like people actually spend a substantial amount of time using it, right? ..r-right guys?

Just don't use Facebook. I'm a lot happier now that I've given it up. So much whining and humble-bragging, and shitty political posts.

No one posts anything funny or honest anymore because everyone has their million family members and grandma watching.

Facebook is basically a giant toilet now, except for looking at family or friends photos. Which I don't really care about.

it's just you and other autists or old grandmas. Everyone else is using it. Facebook is actually making most of the money thanks to 3rd world countries like India, Egypt and Pakistan and other countries with high young NEET populations through faking higher reach or fake clicks on ads

I have hundreds of anime lewd pages liked and I've removed almost everyone I personally know from my news feed so I just get a stream of cute 2D girls. Does that count?

>who wants to have 100 billion in cash

I do, having 98% of my net worth in shares of a company is fucking retarded and so are you. I'd put like 70% of that in land and properties.

Sounds good to me, user!

you are too stupid to argue with, he can't sell 100 billion worth of shares in one second, once he manages to sell even 3% of them, the entire wall street will know within minutes and the company share price will go down to 1 cent before the end of the day

Do ad blockers already filter on this? like "kill any div that has a "sponsored" tag"?

I don't know, but in ten minutes you could drum up some Javascript that you paste into your browser's dev tools that would do it.

it's usually done manually, no intelligent way exist because this will mostly break the websites

>what are you gonna do autistic fucks?
Nothing, I don't use his shit service.

>anything professional

curious game, it seems like the only winning move is not to play

>Hardly anyone even uses it
What planet are you living on?

>not having social media platform to reach clients
Pick one


I don't see any facebook ads. Then again, I don't use facebook. Could that have something to do with it you fucking sperg?

it's just a highly rendered reconstructed face of """him""". """He"""'s got huge datacenters with 100s of thounds of GPUs to render his face in real time for pics and video confrences to give the impression that he's human with natural expressions and pimples etc...

So all your "friends" receive your liked lolis in updates.

I don't like anything, I'm not stupid.

That's my point you fucking mongoloid, holy shit. My point is that its fucking dumb and I wouldn't want my entire net worth in shares I'd basically never be able to sell.

>using Facebook as a professional platform

>obfuscated URLs
which are thus third-party and should be blocked by default, unless you're not using umatrix/policeman

I mean there's absolutely no reason for something like Facebook to use websocket, but now that I think about it I can't think of an easy way to block it out of the box. There's probably an addon for it somewhere, if not, there really should be.

that's the point they use obfuscated paths on the first-party domain to force you either use it as it is or fucking leave

>using any form of social media with your real name
lmaoing @ all you're lives

>on the first-party domain
So how does that work, do they host the ads themselves?

continue to not use facebook...


Haha nice one user I'm also, like, super autistic and totally not like the other boys ;)

How out of touch are you, user?

>using Facebook past 2012

inb4 muh connections

It is 100% possible and feasible to live your life without Facebook.

>not having a phone and email account
Pick one.

>phone and email
>lole who even uses phone calls and email user, don't be silly
>so what's yuor insta

I haven't logged into goybook for 2 years and I intend to keep it that way for a third.

God I hate his faggot face so much.

used to work at a news station, every reporter had a dedicated facebook professional page.

>dont use facebook
>dont use twitter
>Use whatsapp because everybody else uses it

So I am still cucked by the zuck right? When will tox be popular? Or another FOSS p2p messaging app for that matter.

make a toxcoin and rename it POSS then it will be popular right now.

>people ask for my Faceberg
>"sorry, I don't have one"
>"oh okay. I wish I could do that too!"

It's also possible to end all war. It is 100% possible to live your life without killing someone.

Here's the thing though:

Not everyone lives in your autismo fantasy land where you just stand on top of a mountain and say, "It's not technically against the laws of physics to do a thing", and that means everyone everywhere does it, amazed by your infallible logic.

Terroist detected


Agree. there are better places to browze to waste my free time.

but you can also just not use facebook and nothing will be different except maybe you'll talk to people in person more


>Don't use facebook
>Family just call me if they need be
Wow that sure was hard.

There's too many valid excuses to not these days.

>My friend's house had a break in attempt when his girlfriend went to visit family out of state. She didn't tell any of her friends locally, but her grandmother posted on her Facebook page that she was looking forward to her visiting that day. The suspect was someone that read the Facebook post.

Nobody will think you're weird upon hearing that.

Just because you're a normalfag doesn't mean I'm an autist. Not one person I know finds Facebook useful or enriching. Just sign out of it and use willpower to occupy your time doing something else. If you can't do that then you don't belong on Sup Forums.

>do a thing
>implying it's not possible to end all war
>being addicted to social media
End yourself.

>not using basic Facebook without JavaScript and other shit

>He will become the first trillionaire

>Minimum wage loo poo who works for a shitty ISP, who spends all day answering questions from morons on twitter
>Diversity hire social media manager
Pick one, neither are real jobs.


Maybe if you live a more recluse life but I've been trying to ween myself off facebook and I simply can't find a way to pull the plug. It's just so damn convenient for when you need to get in touch with someone from HS or college when you don't have their number. Just this past year I had to organize a flag football team of 12 guys and I have no idea how I would've done it as easily as I did without facebook. It's annoying.


I'm guessing you can't use messages from that

*continues not using your service*

The only use I have for facebook is to communicate with my classmates and teachers via MSN.

read this

facecuck is FULL of old grandmas, what are you talking about

it's braindead normie central

>you can’t use messages
>messages written at the top

Facebook has ads?

Sort of. But now they removed they add the text with a CSS rule, so filters need to br updated. Anyways, I solved it by hiding any post that doesn't include the "X min ago" tag.


>Ads are shown no matter what you use for adblocking
Literally not true unless you use some outdated blocker from five years ago. Even Opera's native adblocker does the job more than fine.

Honest question. Are you over 30? Nobody I know below 30 uses it. People did move on.

Go to mobile facebook on your phone browser and hit messages, tell me how well that works for you

might be a regional thing kiddo

lmgtfy.com/?q=how much sun requirements does x plant need

So now that you've been thoroughly btfo, what do you plan to be wrong about next user?

>*unblocks your blocked ads*
Never happened to me.

It's like email - everybody has one but nobody uses that clunky old shit seriously. Only to log in/register on other sites.

56ers seem to talk an awful lot by email. I don't know if it's a cultural thing or something.

That's why I asked about the age in the first place. The older the people, the older their means of communication are.

>we're already back to the days where having reference books on a shelf is necessary
Good. The printed page is the peak of information technology.

Did you miss this post?

>He didn't delete his FB circa 2010
Lmaoing @ ur lyfe senpai

No, I didn't. But that's why I asked. This reply
implied that you could simply use messages because the word is on the screen. On regular mobile facebook it brings you to the play store if you try to select messages. Apparently this mbasic one does work, which I didn't expect, but is nice. I'll have to check it out.

jesus christ he's ugly

It’s designed for pajeet dumb phones but it works fine


Only extreme povertyfags do this. Plans with unlimited talk/text are $20/month.

>calls people extreme povertyfags yet proposes a shitty $20 a month plan with no data


why would they not do it? its an ad company like google too is.


You are absolutely delusional. I think you might be the autistic recluse here.