If we're going to be talking connectors, post best connectors.
If we're going to be talking connectors, post best connectors
Muh dongals
Here. Take this.
>this isn't even my final form
ps/2 is best cable though
>connector for a RF cable?
for what purpose..
Fuck these, when I moved to Cucked Canuckland I brought all my tech with me and had to buy fucking adapters for all of them, even 220V to 110V converters.
That's a lot easier then the worst connector question.
This one is pretty good, I've used It a few times before.
Man I've had to make a million of those damn things for my current job (shitty pay, but I enjoy it over being yelled at over a phone.)
I doubt you could get one to fuck up under most circumstances.
Sick of looking at them though.
i once worked at a place that used these on a speaker that they once forgot during a storm.
speaker was dead but that cable survived
While this is annoying, it’s real easy to bend the prongs back into place.
Doesn't make any sense.
Really once you go to USB it's all just silly.
Also I'm not confident the DVI step here is a real connection. It seems more likely it's a serial just laid next to a DVI.
Serial is also kinda silly just like USB.
Unironically this.
Fuck that thing, the 30-pin is great
>snaps after 2 weeks
>cable spontaneously disintegrates in the atmosphere
just no