Can we have a sexbot thread?

Can we have a sexbot thread?
>When the fuck will they become publicly widespread and for sale everywhere?
>Will womyn have them banned?
>Will they get cheap enough for a regular person to afford?

Bonus : butthurt womyn

Other urls found in this thread:

>check "Team"

the fuck, thats not fair, why homosexuals can fuck each other and we can't fuck bots ?

Those horrific funhouse-mirror deformed "women".

do they self clean?

You can fuck other bot enthusiasts too, it's perfectly legal.

>When the fuck will they become publicly widespread and for sale everywhere?
>Will womyn have them banned?
>Will they get cheap enough for a regular person to afford?

Id stick it up Nika's bum desu

Because they're "oppressed".
If you're either a male, white, straight, or "cis", you're fucked in this world.
>mfw sexbots are objectifying to womyn
>mfw dragon and massive black dildos aren't objectifying and humiliating to men.

>none of them have a scientific or technological degree
>all of them studies either sociology or womyn's studies or equivalent shit
This is why we need a nuclear war.

>If you're either a male, white, straight, or "cis", you're fucked in this world.
>and yet white cis women have it easiest out of all possible combinations

My bad, let me fix that.
If you're male AND either white, straight, or "cis", you're fucked in this world.

do I want to read there reasoning, and their """""""""""""""""peer reviewed""""""""""""""""" research paper?

Gay trans niggers don't have it easy though. They are very likely to get shanked. And if they don't get shanked, they get AIDS.

It's more like
>if you're male, everything you do is evil, unless you're handsome or cucking yourself in the process

dubs of truth

I generally don't believe in paid shills.
But this shit is really spooky.
There seems to be an effort to politicize sexbots to drive sales.
>Hilary's gonna take your plastic pussy
>Women want this banned
>are women obsolete?
>hookers are mad this robohole gets more dick
you see this everywhere now

Wake me when the loli bots are available


>politicize sexbots
m8 the original reason for sexbots was political
>womyn are shit-tier now
>what can we do mr.bossmanberg?
>oy vey, now that my divorce company is going broke because good goys won't marry/divorce.. what will i do..?
>w..what's the idea, mr.bossmanberg?
>brilliant idea mr.bossmanberg

>everything is le jews
>it's not just white guys getting bored with onaholes and wanting something more, but being too white to care for women

isn't most of this stuff coming from Japan and China?

>too white to care for women
Do you seriously believe that the only reason anyone wants sexbots is due to "muh misoginy"?
Take your SJWgoggles off and you'll see why womyn are so undesirable now.
>think everyone should treat them like princesses
>swear and have less manners than a fucking sailor
>no longer feminine, most look like men
>obese and slobbering pigs
It's no wonder men want a replacement.

I don't care, I want my loli robots and I want them now

VR will make realistic looking sexbots unnecessary.

Just has to feel right and mirror the movements in your VR headset.
Then you can have a different babe every day.

>sex toys are political
top lel

It's not like creative white guys ever really cared for women, though.
"Back then" it was just pretty much guaranteed. Even the autist Lovecraft had a bitch.
Nowadays it's just that the sluts get impaled until they're dry and leathery, while autists spend that time being autists and inventing stuff that they and other autists want.

>feel right
You do realize that you'd need direct neural interfaces that're as advanced as the fucking Matrix to actually make it feel the same as fucking a physical object, right?
Right now the best you have is just imagining fucking someone and jerking yourself off.

Men want sex toys, it's politics.
Women have sex toys, it's economics.

No, no, you didn't get my point.
The reason roasties want sex toys is because Jamal's cock isn't big enough for their loose tunnels but they'll still ride the cock carousel because they can.
The reason men want sexbots is as a genuine replacement for womyn.

I meant a physical sexbot.

Just IMO the focus should be on mechanics and feel rather than looks.
Focus right now seems to be all on making them look realistic which is extremely hard and expensive (requiring loads of detailing by hand for example)


>tfw this is real life in Britbongistan

>internet nerds complain that all women are whores
>internet nerds complain that women want to get into "men's" careers
>internet nerds complain that most women are ugly
>"the problem isn't me! it's them!"
>women don't fuck internet nerds
hmm, really makes you think

>internet nerds complain that whites are being "out-bred" by non-whites

how will sexbots play into this?

>thread is all socio-political
>no one talking about actual technology

im a robosexual, im feeling that oppressed about these womyn trying to outlaw my gender



Your right lmao

Next century

I heard Samantha just went into mass production

The only technology I need for enjoyment is my MacBook Pro, iPad and iPhone

women? some of them do.

some don't,

>how will sexbots play into this?
nerds get sexbots, don't bother with women and being "out-breed" and whores and so forth. Simple stuff m8