The Internets Final Hours

RIP Net-Neutrality
*Plays The Final Countdown In Background*

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but I thought Sup Forums was alt-right?

>Sup Forums
full of traps and gamers
>Sup Forums
underage kids from the gamergate incident

where is this alt-right you speak of

wait are you implying Sup Forums isn't full of traps?

>no more burgers on the internet
Explain to me why this is a bad thing.

Burgers are tasty, man

When we wake up tomorrow and the internet is still here I will laugh at you.

/net[- ]?neutrality/i;boards:g;op:only

guys I'm literally shaking right now... What the fuck will we do without the internet..

Thank you for being sacrifical lambs burgers, actually killing that shit makes thing more free on my country at least

The internet will still be here and it going shit in burgerland might take a while... maybe.

>you will live to see amerifags vanish from Sup Forums

based pajeet.

go outside and socialise with people duh XD

I don't think you understand what Sup Forums is. If Americans go, so does the servers Sup Forums is hosted on.

>he thinks Sup Forums is hosted or even operates in USA

No one is claiming that will happen.

The reality is more boring, and more anti-consumer. It's going to be more like this: over the next decade the biggest sites (FB, Twitter, Google, Netflix, Amazon) get packaged into a full speed/zero rated plan that normies buy. This will cost the same as the full Internet does now. The ISP will charge those sites for the privilege of access the ISP's customers

Then people like you and I who want to go to websites like, oh, I don't know...Sup Forums, and wherever you download Chinese cartoons, will have to pay extra ON TOP of the normie Internet package to access those sites or access them at full speed. And they will count towards our bandwidth cap which will be a lot lower because they'll say you don't need it since all the popular sites are zero-rated anyway.

Small business entrepreneurship on the web will be severely stifled.


>Tfw when Sup Forums is extra slow today

Even if Sup Forums was completely hosted on the US gook is greedy enough to relocate to any cheaper place

Why the fuck did we let these faggots into office again? Why the fuck doesnt the US have a vote for all of it's officials? Why the fuck can't actual US citizens vote against this?
Man, this is probably the one time I'm actually pissed about living in America.

thank fuck maybe reddit will finally go home and I'll get to leave this shithole when my ISP forcibly blocks it

Ahaha fuck this shithole. Murican freedumb is da best!!!!11

>*Plays The Final Countdown In Background*
hang yourself

Shouldn't have killed those Indians americucks
This is karma

There isn't a single reasoned explanation for this other than some 10 year old fear mongering clickbait graphic that dipshit sheep ate up because it fit perfectly with their "duh corporashuns will fuck everyone over because they can!" narrative. Fuck off already.

ISPs would make far more money selling the "normie" sites on top of a basic literally who access plan anyway.

right? instead of treating them well we treat niggers like gods instead.
fucking hate niggers

Read the fucking plan

>ISPs would make far more money selling the "normie" sites on top of a basic literally who access plan anyway.
>ISPs won't fuck us the way you said, they'll fuck us this totally different way!

At least its not dying ever other day though


I'm just saying, if they're going to fuck us the way you think they're going to and there's apparently no way to actually protest it without the FCC holding our hands, they're not going to fleece a handful of people who produce minimal load on their systems, they're going to fleece the normalfucks dumping albums of 16MP photos on Facebook and streaming shitloads of media over Netflix, Hulu and YouTube. They're going to fleece people and companies where the money actually is.

seventh post best post
fuck off plebbit


Yes, thank you for recalling the ancient visual aid I was talking about.
I hope you weren't trying to actually prove a point with it.

>ruining a classic with your furshit
absolute despicable faggotry

How does it taste?

Like salty reddit tears and coins.

>package with Sup Forums, a dead torrent site, and TOR

You know, its funny, I never thought people would suck Comcast's dick so easily. Really says a lot.

>Comcast blocks torrents
>This is fearmongering
>Verizon throttles VOIP
>This is fearmongering
>Pai lies to you about how this was invented by Obama
>This is fearmongering

You live in an alternate fucking universe. Comcast is vile fucking shit. The ISP cartel is real and EVERYBODY in here has experienced them.

When you live in Poland and you have free internet with net neutrality and no terrorism on streets.

Comcast service isn't even available here.
>but I might not be able to quickly and conveniently pirate content to fuel my mindless media consumption habits, the internet and free thought are dead!

>When you have more freedom than west and west still talks you are under "Evil and opressive dictatorship of Kaczynski"

I doubt Sup Forums use a residential ISP to host the shit, It's most likely direct commercial (and expensive) fiber.

Sup Forums is a honeypot, CIA niggers have enough info and power over mutts already. They'll just settle it somewhere else.

When you have the tendency to murder red flagged authoritarians, you end up with freedom as a consequence.

But have thousands of homeless methheads running rampant

I can't wait for literally nothing to happen

>homeless methheads
That's Russia.

Oh no! We're really gonna be in trouble without those rules that were never enacted...

>Make fun of Jesus.
>get arrested.
>claim to have freedom

That's pretty much what will happen, at least for some months until the dust settles.

The biggest problem is if the normies eat it, if they consider that "eh, it has facebook and youtube so it's good enough!".

>Throw bacon at islam temple
>Get arrested
west is not better in that.

>Say something negative about muslims(even is it true)
>Get arrested
Especially germany

Didn't Obama choose him?

>throw bacon at islam temple.
>Also get arrested in Russia.

Any article about that?
Because never heard someone getting arrested for something like that in Poland.

They won't, though. I don't know a single normie who sticks to only mainstream websites 24/7. Sites like Facebook and Amazon may be home pages for a lot of people that command tons of traffic, but in the end even the biggest normie of them all eventually has to branch out, whether they have to access resources on their employer's website, look up a menu for some irrelevant local restaurant, read local news websites, etc.

ISPs could try to cope with this by including local websites into a customized package, but how much effort is it going to take to offer a customized package for every little shithole town in the country before it's just not worth the effort while people still continue to bombard you with complaints, lawsuits and protests and your popularity tanks to the point that the second one of the megacorporations you're sucking dry tells you to go fuck yourself and runs unrestricted fiber through all of your biggest markets?

I thought that was Russian poster. Poland is still "the west" because they share more christian direction with the rest of Europe than with Russia.
As for Russia, it happens on a regular basis. Some youtuber got arrested for basically walking into church and playing Pokemon GO.



Poland is also part of the EU, which under modern definition, qualifies as the "western world" automatically.

They will not block any site, that would be just baiting a lawsuit of "misleading advertisement" if they use the word internet anywhere.
Just throttling.
And probably they will be sued to have to say how fast the real internet work as well.


If it's to unusable degrees as the hysterical dickheads spamming Sup Forums with these threads claim it will be, what's really the difference? If anything, that would just be even worse. Even if the ISP spells it out, normies are still going to tie up their support lines and feedback channels with complaints of shit quality service and those who know why will be a huge at-risk group the moment any "benevolent" competitor attempts to muscle their way in.

While still possible, it's difficult to see what long-term gains an ISP can get out of this, especially with pro-NN megacorporations like Google more than able to step on their toes with enough push to do so.

The main problem of the us internet is that in many cases you can't "muscle their way in".
Google got their ass completely rammed when they tried the google fiber because it is literally illegal to compete with verizon and at&t on many, many cities in the US.

People were supposed to care for that in 2010, but well.. as soros didn't exactly paid billions to go against the ISP monopolies, you don't get a bunch of bots spamming to end it.

I've read about that before, but there are still places where it can happen, and it's kind of funny that no effort is put towards trying to constructively overturn that kind of bullshit legislation. It's easier to uselessly screech, spam pajeet pai memes and pretend to be a moral activist for it.

No... Not at all. This is a Trump administration appointee

None of that will fucking happen. Every site will continue to load the same for the same price forever. Literally nothing is going to change.

fake news, it was Obama I checked
nice subversion tactics shillary

>They will not block any site, that would be just baiting a lawsuit of "misleading advertisement" if they use the word internet anywhere.

They already have you shill pajeet. Even at the fucking PROTOCOL level.

And RIAA/MPAA loves this because it will be SO much easier just going to the ISPs and have them block sites, case in point, Portugal has no net neutrality and MPAA calls them the WORLD LEADER when it comes to blocking piracy and 'unlawful content' (Sup Forums applies here).

US internet will be a padded cell, your ISPs will tell you where you can go.

implying there is a difference

Trump made him chairman of the FCC with the explicit goal of repealing Net Neutrality.

That said, Shillary would have done the exact same thing had she been elected.

>That said, Shillary would have done the exact same thing had she been elected.
Nice of you to try to fit in but it isn't working, we can all see you specifically made that post to discredit president Trump.
this is a common subversion tactic, pic related.

Hello fellow polandfag.
Americucks cannot comprehend our comfyness.

I'm so fucking sick of these reddit tier doom and gloom overreactions.

Nothing is going to fucking happen everything will be exactly the same after this law passes. You must be a brainlet king to believe any of the bullshit fearmongering posted on rebbit


>exactly the same

It will but you'll pay little more.

Rich will get little richer and poor (you) little poorer.



The polish are indeed based, they have practically zero immigration, then they go to countries in the EU and work short periods, making good money while laughing at the state of the places they visit (like London) and then they go back to Poland and enjoy their immigrant free life and culture.

>you'll pay little more
That's right, keep on parroting reddit with no proof. I'm sure you'll convince somebody.

No you fucking shill, it won't. The ISPs did not pay about a shit ton in bribes to have Net Neutrality to be repealed.

MPAA/RIAA are not gushing over the death of Net Neutrality for nothing.

US internet will be a mall, anything that MPAA/RIAA or other rightsholders deem 'unlawful' will be blocked at the ISP level.

People here even tried saying it wasn't obama era regulations, I'm disappointed Sup Forums

Nah it's ok. I couldn't understand american poor and why they're doing everything against their own interests but now I get it.

Poor in america are juts dumb as fuck, that's why they're poor in the first place.


>*Plays The Final Countdown In Background*
At least play Hello Darkness My Old Friend if you are going for maximum memeing.

rip burgers :D

>have to pay to browse Sup Forums

Wouldn't be so bad. The people who want a strong reason to quit browsing this site will have it and those that are willing to pay might actually achieve a better level of discourse here.

>Actually being this stupid

bye americunts

thank you, but i suggest using this globally

>tfw the Internet is about to get better

A significant step to keeping poor niggers off the internet, Trump is doing good for the world

Nooo! Don't repeal SOPA!

No matter which classification ISPs have (Title I or II), they are allowed to offer packages. In fact, out of the 4400+ ISPs in the US, many currently do. Completely retarded reddit disinfo you just posted, why don't you try researching it for yourself.

Nowadays you dont even need to go to other country.
Polish employers have problems with lacks of employees(especially IT guys) so they need to give good salary because even young people from ukraine dont want to be cheap workforce.

Except it's already happened in other countries that don't have net neutrality and less than 3 ISPs.

Net neutrality is the only thing that keeps greedy ISPs from trying to make more money. Why wouldn't or shouldn't they make internet packages more like cable packages?

RIP every single torrent site. RIP mega. RIP free anime streaming sites. RIP free ebook IRCs. RIP anything that doesn't agree with the RIAA's/DMCA's business model.

I don't think we'll get screwed *right away* but I think over time ISPs will enact anticompetitive throttling practices using tonight's vote.

>wahh why won't the government protect my right to mindlessly consume copyrighted content without paying for it