If you want help: >State the budget & CURRENCY for your build >List your uses, e.g. Gaming, Video Editing, VM Work >For monitors, include purpose (e.g., photoediting, gaming) and graphics card pairing (if applicable)
CPUs: >G4560/G4600 for non-gaming (light tasks) or bare minimum gaming builds with a dedicated graphics card >R3 1200 - Budget builds (best with OC + fast RAM) >i5 8400 / i5 8600k - Great gaming (especially the 8400) or multithreaded use CPUs >R7 / Used Xeon / Threadripper / i7 - Heavy Multi-Tasking / VM Work / Mixed use
RAM: >Current CPUs benefit from high speed RAM; 2666 MHz is ideal >Before buying RAM for Ryzen, check your Mobo's QVL or look for user reports (if you have to use RAM off the QVL, update BIOS and there's a decent chance it'll work)
Graphics cards: >Consider Vega 56 for a Freesync monitor >Crypto-Currency miners have driven GPU prices up (particularly Radeon) 1080p >GTX 1050Ti and 3GB 1060 are the only reasonably priced cards; 6GB 1060 or 4GB 580 if you want to overpay a little >GTX 1070 if you're looking for very high (100+) framerates and you have a CPU and monitor to match 1440p >GTX 1070/Ti and 1080 are standard choices; currently overpriced >GTX 1080Ti if you're looking for very high (100+) framerates and you have a CPU and monitor to match 2160p (4K) >GTX 1080Ti
General: >PLAN YOUR BUILD AROUND YOUR MONITOR IF GAMING >A 240GB or larger SSD is almost mandatory; consider m.2 form factor
Guys how do I get excessive thermal paste off my cpu
Anthony Davis
>excessive You might as well be shooting blanks fampai
Sebastian Rivera
I'm thinking about building a new pc, I don't have urgency so I could wait a couple months. Are new CPUs/GPUs coming out in the mid range that are worth waiting for/that will cause price drops on current components?
Ryder James
Disappointing performance vs a 2 year old architecture in Pascal Housefire tier power consumption Missing several features at launch and still missing them iirc 64 requires a fucking water cooler to operate at its full No/very few AIB partner cards Overpriced in general due to miners
And the list goes on. Not worth it in the slightest unless you can get a 56 for like $300.
Joshua Brooks
Ryzen2/Zen+ should come in february/march(probably along with new motherboards). I don't think there's anything else of note coming out in the near future.
Julian Stewart
Apparently Volta is coming out in a couple of months
Elijah Martin
Last chance before I pull the trigger. Is this an acceptable PC gayman rig?
I have 1200 to spend. And yes I'm sure AMD is better but I fucking hate AMD and have bad history with them. Yes I know there's no SSD, I'm a poorfag right now but it is a priority for me to upgrade when I am able. Is this a decent build still despite everything?
Fixed. You can get win10 for free so don't bother paying 100 for it. You've got some money to spare in the budget now so you can either upgrade the 8400 to an 8600k so you can take full advantage of that mobo with overclocking or you can spend that money on an ssd. I'd personally go for the better processor because you can always buy an ssd in one of the many online sales whereas if you buy an 8400 you're going to be stuck with it for the next few years unless you like dropping 200 big ones on something you'll only use for a short time.
Or if you miss this deadline then you can always just get a win7 key for $20 and use the free upgrade.
Julian Parker
Good call on the RAM, didnt spot that, same with the PSU.
Unfortunately I already own the CPU, so its what I have to work with. And I have no clue how to download Win10 for free.
Ryan Butler
looking for some fresh eyes on this moderately priced gaming build. not looking to run on ultra settings, medium+ will do me fine. do you guys think this will do what i want, and is there any thing i can do to improve it without spending any more than an extra 50 bucks? pcpartpicker.com/list/8TFpZ8
Zachary Adams
If you are going for 8gb ram, get 2x4 instead of 1x8.
Lucas Anderson
>MFW all-out 1950x build is waiting for me back home
Fixed. Dual channel fast ram Cheaper network adapter (can go even cheaper if you're willing) MUCH better processor Removed the shitty dvd writer as it's a waste of $20 and you can get good ones off eBay for like $5 or just pull one out of an old system. It's not like you'll need a dvd writer anyway.
Dominic Fisher
someone please respond
Evan Ramirez
Forgot to add that the power supply is much better now too
Ditch the hard drive (buy one later) and get a cheap 480-512GB SSD Alternatively, get a 2x8 memory kit. You could also get a higher quality PSU. You could also get a more powerful central processor.
Thomas Harris
There is none; very solid build.
Elijah Wilson
how should i go about choosing one? if the only options are New from China or Used from USA, which should I go with?
Angel Sullivan
I disagree. Even cheap ssd of those capacity are in the 100s and he's on a tight budget where that money can be used for better ram, processor etc. A 1tb hdd will at least allow him to download all his games without running out of storage and he can get an ssd when his financial situation allows for it later on down the line maybe in a few months or so.
Jayden Cruz
have a microscope and a vector image converter to zoom in at 400x to see his sperm you gargantuan chode? That or maybe you've choked on so much dick you can taste in your mouth just by looking at it.
Charles Williams
2k isn't a monitor resolution What are its real specs?
Joseph Howard
>HousefireLake >Cramped shitty case with no extra fans
Nathaniel Richardson
holy kek fag BTFO
Joshua Collins
If i can't afford for DDR4 Ram then is it worth to give Ryzen a try or just stick with G4560?
Daniel Collins
Do you not have ddr4 already?
Logan Watson
lol found the br >if i can't afford for UMA
Kayden Taylor
What kind of motherboard should I get For the Intel cpu. Just give me a list of a few decent ones.
Sadly, no. My current PC has omly 2x2GB DDR3. A single G.Skill - 4GB DDR4 2133MHz costs ~$60 in my country right now.
Jace Morales
No, that's retarded. 1080p is 2k if anything is, probably because it is closer to 2k than it is to 3k like 1440p is.
Kevin Smith
4gb is unplayable tier for most modern games. Just keep the g4560 and see if you can grab a couple of extra sticks of ddr3 to get 8gb. Also check out base clock overclocking. You can actually overclock that g4560 if you have an overclock capable motherboard.
Nicholas Williams
Does that mean I install windows 10 64 bit?
inb4 bullies
Juan Watson
>1080 is closer to 2000 than 1440 lol
Brody Rodriguez
I agree the 8100 is better but >Z370 prices
Ian White
Don't even bother with 32-bits windows, it's the current year.
Jaxon James
>Z370 prices True
Carter Anderson
Yes, basically. Although that goes without saying because any desktop CPU made in the last decade is 64-bit. Do the math you retard 4k is called 4k because 3840 is close to 4000 2560 is not anywhere near 2000, but 1920 is.
Jayden Phillips
Thx bro.
Dylan Richardson
why isn't /pcbg/ in the OP post? you had one job and you failed. congrats.
Xavier Perry
Jason Wilson
Haha xD Ur funny
Ian Parker
it should trigger me but im mirin that straight line of paste
Jaxson Diaz
Decided on a motherboard any thoughts on my build kept it under 1400 had almost a 1500 budget
Your board is excessive, I would drop to an Asus for $60 less
Hunter Turner
Anyone in particular?
Matthew Morgan
>Delid your CPU: Fuck off cuck no one buys intel here
Mason Watson
Pic related. The ones who can understand benchmarks and don't fall for memes do.
Adrian Richardson
>Understanding paid programming k goyim
Camden Williams
Every damn thread
Bentley Miller
>delid >dont fall for memes those are mutually exclusive
Nathaniel Thomas
I would rather have to fix thermals that I can do something about then be stuck with a shitty CPU for too much that I can't do anything about.
Eli Foster
>ASUS >intel wow that a complete dumpster duo for gaymor kiddies, why don't you add some razer to that, or better yet fuck off till you're 18
Jack Lee
> then be stuck with a shitty CPU for too much that I can't do anything about. >too much how fucking poor are you poorfag pajeet? i guess since ryzen doesn't even get sold in india its a case of the fox and grapes
Samuel Lopez
Have fun with your $1300 rig, wagecuck.
Lincoln Wilson
>I buy intel and delid
Easton Brooks
Have fun being poor delid pajeet
Aaron Scott
Liam Gray
Daniel Carter
I literally just bought a 1080ti and 8700k and board with my Christmas bonus alone.
Evan Brown
>Christmas bonus is that what your parents are calling it now?
Jordan Brooks
No, that is what my insurance firm calls them.
Adrian Cox
Budget: ~1400 Uses: 3D modeling + rendering (architecture + engineering), plus some lite gaming. Would like to be able to set it up as a rendering node from my laptop where I could send a render remotely so my laptop can do other things while shit is rendering in my desktop.
I built a desktop a while ago and currently have a Dell XPS 13. Would like the build to run as quiet as possible, maybe looking at a mini/micro ATX build. Price is flexible
Gabriel Gonzalez
>i have cobbee lage + gtx 10xx in my peecee
Asher Garcia
What do your programs require/what are they optimised for?
Xavier Diaz
I have about 500€ to upgrade this.
Since I think I can't get a meaningful upgrade with that budget, should I just spend it on a 32" AMVA 4K display?
Dylan Moore
Final gaming build. Thoughts on this? Original budget was 1400 to 1500 but ended up at 1300
> not having cobbee lage > 2018 Absolutely hurrdurrly.
Isaac Edwards
Get an unlocked CPU.
Christopher Harris
Is the 8700 good? 1080 gaming
Isaiah Morgan
Don't quite know what they're optimized for, but I use Maxwell Render software, Rhino 5 (Plus grasshopper, kangaroo, lunchbox, ladybug etc plug-ins), autocad/archicad, full adobe suite (illustrator, photoshop, indesign, lightroom)
Yes, it's for overclocking. Benefit is you get better performance. For intel the CPUs ending in K are unlocked. You are getting a Z370 motherboard so might as well benefit from its overclockability.
Lucas Sanders
Evan Stewart
Dont bully me but if I've no optical drive then how install windows
Chase Evans
Yes, it's an option to consider. Have you ever heard of USB?
Gabriel Davis
Is a 2Tb necessary if I'm getting a 500gb ssd...or vice versa?
Id have to buy a cooler than don't I? Kinda more money to spend
Xavier Evans
Windows 10 makes bootable USB install medias.
Lincoln Russell
not him but do those come included if i were to purchase windows 10? or is that something i would need to buy windows 10 and have them send one to me, or would i need to use another computer to load it onto the flash drive or what
Nathaniel Martin
It's storage on the cheap Having more can't hurt, can it? Also don't buy an unlocked CPU when it's your video card that's the ultimate bottleneck
Gavin Hill
Might actually keep the build you suggested. I.dont think of overclock desu
Ty for your input user
Noah Flores
new intel architecture handle windows 7 fine? I can't bring myself to suffer 10
Joshua Powell
It's hard to install and also no DX12 if that matters to you
Juan Jones
Priority of upgrades should be monitor, then video card, then CPU/board/memory
Hudson Foster
Build the install media from another PC. A friend's if you don't have one.
Evan Hall
>not him okay, "not him"
Ethan Parker
If you buy a fill licence then yes If you get a key from Kinguin probably not