is edge the best browser
Is edge the best browser
I wouldn't use any software by a guy who named his company after his dick.
h*ck off weeb
anime website
reported to cia niggers
be nice to her pls
No, that would be Safari uwu.
Unironically kill yourself
Show me tits and her pussy and I'll believe it
don't sexualize the qts
i love you illyaposter
>B-believe me. I'm a girl but I won't show my tits or pussy.
Fuck off.
stop replying to my posts
well i'm not complaining
>Image viewer page doesn't center image
it goes.
lol fuck no even chrome is better. Edge is slow as fuck.
but that's a behaviour inherited from IE
Face it you just opened edge to take a screencap of anime girl pic, you even posted this thread on that firefox
>E-Everyone! P-Please! U-Use Edge! It's umm... We... we realize IE sucked! Sorry for this! Even we hated it! So we made this completely new browser... it's um... entirely rewritten... from scratch! And we, uhh... So that IE users wouldn't feel alienated... Implemented every fucking thing that made IE the atrocious piece of shit it is.
Nice fucking job, Microsoft.
>gf got new laptop
>came with windows 10
>she tries edge
>the default edge homepage advertises the browser with an article about how edge is "faster" than both chrome and firefox
>she's convinced and says she likes it
>i try to argue that if anything, it's the worst for privacy
>she says microsoft is monitoring all the shit she does anyway since she's using win10
not sure how to feel. perhaps she's right. perhaps privacy is a placebo when your fucking OS is a botnet.
On laptops definitely
why the hell would it do that?
If your not using lynx your doing it wrong
I actually have this piece of shit a good try and tried hard to like it. It really is hard to like shit though