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How to request purchase advice:
For sub-$50 headphones and IEMs, check out the infographic in Sup Forums wiki headphone FAQ:
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What is the second best headphone behind the HD600?
Daily reminder that the O2 is a failed portable amp with shity topology.
These headphone mascost have gotten too lewd. It has got to stop.
t. schiit employee
>talking about schiit to save face
The absolute state of O2 owners
you obviously meant ma900
High fidelity treasures with great bass and euphonic mids.
Low fidelity garbage with no sub-bass and no upper mids.
discontinued headphone that sells for over previous msrp and has no parts available other than cannibalizing other pairs
If I'm going to track down rare shit I'd rather for a he-6
>If I'm going to track down rare shit I'd rather for a he-6
go for it! :)
I wouldn't buy used HE-6. Driver quality is a huge fucking gamble.
$1300 for what appears to be a new pair
stop making me want to fuck penguins, you queers
Friendly reminder that the average Etymotic IEM lacks in terms of bass.
Greetings Jamal,
you're wrong because they are flat and it is backed by objective data.
>and it is backed by objective data
Objective data also tells me that they have a 10 dB peak at 3 kHz, but just like how we know that this peak isn't audible, we also know that Etymotics lack in bass.
>I don't understand how the human ears work and how humans perceive sound
>I lack reading comprehension
Holy shit, please let the autism die with the old thread.
>claims the 3k peak isn't audible (which is wrong)
>claims that a flat response IEM lacks bass (which is wrong)
How does it feel being so wrong, kiddo?
looks like the autism has come to this thread
>claims the 3k peak isn't audible (which is wrong)
what the fuck?
Are you retarded, the 3k peak is audible because you're most sensitive to that region
But it's perceived as flat.
I think I'm just going to go fap to penguin girls or something.
I recommend Beats by Dre in-ears for you user.
Beats In ears the reference for neutrality.
We've been wrong all along.
That's excessive bass though, off by like 15 dB
you two are cancer, post your headphones. or rather the etymotics you claim to own
there's two NHAs and you are having an argument with both of them.
So you want an IEM with a 5dB bass boost then?
post a picture of your etymotics so we can know that your opinion is credible
>So you want an IEM with a 5dB bass boost then?
No, I don't want any boost, I want neutral. The Etymotics have a 5 dB bass recession.
But I don't.
Which is the LS200iS I recommended to him in the last thread but he is stubborn. The ADDIEM is also a good choice. He never wanted neutral bass, he wanted boosted bass all along.
>The Etymotics have a 5 dB bass recession.
By your logic, the Etymotics which are considered the reference for a neutral response has a 5dB recession (which is wrong btw), you would need an IEM with a 5dB boost from neutral (Etymotic) to satisfy your tastes.
In other words, you want bass boosted IEMs.
there are two anonymous posters that refuse to post pictures of their headphones and shitpost all the time. that's why it's so confusing. one of them is schizo user and the other is one who calls everything niggerbass. you are arguing with one or both of them over the etymotics.
But I don't want boosted bass. The Etymotics do not sound neutral, they lack bass, as evidenced by the barely audible bass from tracks such as the one I posted above. So tell me now, how is it possible that the bass is almost audible while the headphones are supposed to be bass flat? The answer is simple, the model used to determine what's flat is flawed.
Your conclusion is wrong because it's based on the false premise that is Etymotics having flat bass.
>as evidenced by the barely audible bass from tracks such as the one I posted above
The track you posted isn't evidence. See:
for actual example of evidence, you know, objective data.
>Your conclusion is wrong because it's based on the false premise that is Etymotics having flat bass.
But it does? LMAO See the tons of graphs which proves that it does.
Makes sense. I'm guessing they only speak in terms of frequency response graphs, right?
The evidence says that they have a 10 dB peak at 3 kHz, but such a peak is not perceived, just like how we do not perceive Etymotics as flat as evidenced by the song above.
Prove me wrong.
If the evidence doesn't match our experience, then your evidence is flawed.
>If the evidence doesn't match our experience, then your evidence is flawed.
brb gonna swap the cables on my rig since it's night time and I want a more relaxed signature for evening listening
Thanks for proving my point.
>as evidenced by the song above.
Your song has no place in this discussion. What if the song is recorded with weak bass and the Etymotics tell it as it is? Stop arguing, if you think they're 5dB down on bass then that's fine, just look for something that's boosted by 5dB like
>thinking flat measurements means equal audibility
oh god this hurts
>I'm guessing they only speak in terms of frequency response graphs, right?
yes. I think one calls stuff nobass and the other calls everything niggerbass. they both hate the atticus and they both do the graphposting and anti-beyer/hifiman shitposts. they both hate dipole, but one calls him bipole. both hate trips. one claims he filters him (which is full of shit) the other doesn't. etc. minor differences but their opinions are similar.
japanese soup cans with rubber band holding them together
>What if the song is recorded with weak bass
Do you even know who Charles Mingus is?
Thank you user.
Since you appear to be a neutral character in this discussion, would you say that the bass in the Etymotics are actually flat? That is, assuming you actually own them. If not, what would you say is the closest you have heard to a flat headphone/IEM?
>thinking flat measurements means equal audibility
It's known that we're shit at hearing sub-bass. I still prefer actual neutral headphones, IEMs and speakers however. My preference for accuracy extends to my other possessions, like my monitors (I seriously hope you faggots calibrate your monitors for accurate color reproduction).
>they both hate the atticus
Because it's a scam with high distortion and shitty frequency response that has a literal notch?
I want to have sex with her
care to explain this? does this graph mean that headphones should be tuned like those curves?
It means that at lower volumes it's harder to perceive bass (especially sub-bass) and treble, as you increase volume, it flattens out somewhat but the same trend remains (it's still harder to perceive bass and treble).
>Since you appear to be a neutral character in this discussion, would you say that the bass in the Etymotics are actually flat?
I don't own them, no.
no, because music is mixed for monitors not to something tuned to be audibly flat. but headphones and IEMs with flat bass don't sound like speakers in a room with flat bass. they sound recessed and rolled off.
>It means that at lower volumes it's harder to perceive bass (especially sub-bass)
wouldn't this mean that headphones should have a bass boost then?
>no, because music is mixed for monitors not to something tuned to be audibly flat
way to contradict yourself
audibly flat is different than measurably flat. sorry.
Why the hell do you have to put erotic girls on every fucking /hpg/? What the fuck is your problem, are you a degenerate?
Current research suggests that trained listeners prefer a boosted bass response on headphones. Dotted green line is the accurate target curve, black line is the listeners' preference target curve.
>What the fuck is your problem, are you a degenerate?
yes, next question please
reminder that this is why trained listeners prefer the HD650 to the HD600
I would like to add that Etymotic IEMs are like the black line without the bass boost. I certainly prefer the flat bass response with a mild treble decrease such that music isn't too bright.
but that curve doesn't look like these curves?
and can you cite the research being made to reach that curve?
Also, how come the "accurate" curve is not the same as the "trained preference" curve? How exactly is this accuracy defined?
any sources for that claim?
Tyll and Brent Butterworth (Harman trained listener) agree that the HD600 is superior to the HD650.
Tyll is not a trained listener
Because too much of a bass boost won't be accurate to the source. And the equal loudness contour changes when the volume changes so you can't really tune headphones around it.
Yet you can't name a single trained listener who thinks the HD650 is better than the HD600 like you claimed.
John Siau
Prove it with a citation. Also prove that he's a trained listener. Yes, I'm aware he's contributed to research but that doesn't qualify him as a trained listener.
Prove Butterworth is a trained listener, post his certification
And Bob Katz prefers the 600. I'm pretty sure appeals to authority aren't going to settle anything for either side.
>prove X to me
stop thinking you are so fucking all important that people are going to bend over backwards just to prove a point to you
>Prove Butterworth is a trained listener
[citation needed]
bob katz likes neither the hd600/650 anymore and claims they aren't good enough for his uses
>Bob Katz
I think he's a little too old to be making comparisons, either way his preference for dark headphones these days heavily contradict his opinions from a decade ago
>The 650s sound a little brighter or thinner to me and I prefer the 600s.
Nice copout.
Reccomend me speakers, I have $4k usd to play with
I'm not him, I'm calling you out for your egotism. I'm not part of the argument and I don't care about your argument.
but that fabric shading tho
But he prefers the 600 to the 650 if choosing one of them. If I recall he and Tyll still used the 600 as the baseline reference a couple years ago when they were gushing over all those TOTL headphones.
Honestly, he's a bit like Tyll in that sometimes his comments don't make complete sense. The HD600 has replaced the 650 as the default member of the trio these days, but who knows what people will prefer five or ten years from now.
Five or ten years from now both will be seen as entry level headphones as prices continue to hike up. People seem to forget these were flagships not even that long ago but they're 'mid-fi' compared to overhyped stuff like the HD 800, LCD-3, etc.
I'd argue that's kind of already happened. If you think about Sup Forums five years ago, it was all MDR-V6 vs M50 and much less discussion of headphones over $100. Now people recommend $200-300 headphones like HD600 at the drop of a hat.
>If I recall he and Tyll still used the 600 as the baseline reference a couple years ago
like I said, he doesn't anymore.
With the advent of the HD6XX as $199 I'd say they're finally worth recommending to the average person coming in here, given that the M50 used to retail for that..
No one bought the M50 for $200 though. The whole reason it was popular was that Sup Forums had more poorfags and it often went for $90-110 with much less competition or alternatives around.
Along with technological deflation, I feel like people are just willing to throw much more money around these days.
Dunno about that I saw plenty of M50 recommendations being thrown around for people with a $200 budget.
Wasn't that after all the positive word of mouth caused M50 prices to go up? That's the biggest reason people on Sup Forums stopped recommending them.
Can't remember now, but I dunno about that being the biggest reason, it seems optimistic. Something petty like them becoming popular on Reddit so Sup Forums wanted nothing more to do with them seems more likely from what I saw
Well, that was a reason too. Audio communities in general made M50 the default go-to recommendation for a long time, not just Sup Forums, and then there was a backlash everywhere, not just in Sup Forums, as they became popular enough for normal prices to be $150 instead of $100.
i want to fuck a penguin
Just visit a local zoo man
>thread becomes somewhat decent without the tripfag and his minions
>thinking we ever left
>10mm DD for low end
>8 BA
what the fuck.
What's the comfiest closed back Sennheisers that don't need an amp? The HD280 are too tight.
The he500 is a valid alternative to the hd600.
Should I buy:
AKG K7XX or Sennheiser HD6XX?
Will also need an amp/dac to match (I'm in Aus)