Can someone tell me what's this shit?

Can someone tell me what's this shit?

Other urls found in this thread:

botnetification of the chans.


The cancer killing Sup Forums.

Sneaky gookjew selling your data to Russians.

a placebo app that gives you the impression of "security and anonymity" while actually selling your data. You're welcome.


This is it guys. Sup Forums is no more.



If you disable any of the XFR sites listed it breaks the pages.

Welcome to the botnet.

I meant XHR obviously

how come i can't filter inline script tags?

what the fuck

I blocked it all in ublock and everything seems to work fine. I quickly inspected the XHR requests and while it does send/receive something in base64, the decoded thing doesn't make me much smarter on the issue.

Same here, tried blocking everything, got a blank page

Next Ekansovi?

This worked for me.

Friendly reminder
Sup Forums fucked everything up

nothing changed, all Sup Forums did was expose some of the uglier elements into the public spotlight

can confirm. too bad chrome cucks don't have beforescriptexecute

They literally beat their wives and people they dont like
Other boards are banterfull and sometimed hatefull too but Sup Forums is literally cavemen general

/mlpol/ was a short lived heaven that drove all the boomers and stormfronters away

so it won't work for chrome?

you clearly don't know what the fuck you're talking about, but this is not the place to discuss that. I suggest going to leftypol, if Sup Forums pissed in your cereal

Sup Forums ruined Sup Forums by bullying moot into quitting and now we're stuck with fucking bunnymoot constantly cucking us with this bullshit

Are these threads literally being purged? This is hilariously meltdowny.

If you're on a Chromium-based browser, it's a bug in Chromium.

mlpol is its own website now user
You can still experience that paradise of wanting to remove ziggers


one of the mods on irc isn't sure what's going on either.

The jannies have been promised a 20% off coupon for their next box of Hot Pockets if they keep gookjew's scheme under wraps.

Also, I wouldn't even be surprised if this wasn't Hiro but some rogue mod. I haven't seen that Japanese motherfucker in what feels like centuries.

Whatever it is it killed the site for me

>try to slowly scroll my way down the page to read the latest posts
>scrollbar instalocks to the bottom and fucks the whole page

You don't need google analytics, senpai.

He's said before he doesn't run the website himself
some unnamed dev is responsible for this

this userscript neuters the script and kills the network requests

So is this why i was getting the Sup Forums x error at the top from tiem to time when i tried to reply tro a thread? Something about casting an object to array or whatever the fuck it was?

>not just viewing the ads
It's that simple, do your part

So when do we get to fuck Sup Forums for this

Why isn't the free market providing us with a better and less intrusive Sup Forums?
I don't get it bros, why isn't it fixing it ?

Mod if you see this thread don't delete and move to /qa/ at the very least

There's literally no reason to not have a patreon for Sup Forums over this shit. Why even have the middle man at all?!

Retard here, what should I do to prevent this?

I've turned 4chanx off because it breaks pages, I have uBlock but the ads are at the bottom of the page now

>They literally beat their wives and people they dont like
Wasn't that islam?
>cringy Sup Forums roleplaying nazi manchildren
>having a wife

That's literally infinity-chan. Yes, it's slower, but it's basically just a better Sup Forums without all the bs

If the ads didn't go out of their way at every opportunity to be as intrusive as possible while trying to fuck over your PC and inject Russian adware and bitcoin miners, I wouldn't fucking mind ads.
It's a fucking shame normie advertisers that aren't cancer though are scared of advertising on Sup Forums, so this is all we can get.

Fucking hell I thought the whole point of Sup Forums passes was so that we WOULDN'T have to deal with this shit.

Fuck you hiro, and kys


literally NOTHING wrong with beating your wife

You can bypass this with a Sup Forums pass :^)

Everybody knows all those white supremacist/nazi memeflaggers are all larping manchildren BUT YOU CANNOT HAVE ANY DECENT DISCUSSION WITHOUT AT LEAST TWO OF THEM SHITTING UP YOUR THREAD
You are attacked on Sup Forums for anything

>this is what feminists actually believe

no you can't lul

That's the_donald and /ptg/.

no you can't. I still needed the userscript.

This, I just bought a pass and everything works fine now.

Hello this is the police?
I'd like to report a potential wife beater here

Is this the complaining about Sup Forums thread?

>suddenly Mgid ad
what the fuck?

Why is this allowed? I have Sup Forums pass for pete's sake.

Yes because this shit is literally their fault
They fucked this entire website and they are proud of it

somebody pissed in their cereal this morning
judging from the le 56% meme, I guess they're just europeans angry that they have a bombing every 3 hours, nothing new

wow dude your so woke. we should all give up the nsa knows everything already lmao what's the point? like go live in a cabin if u want privacy hahahahahah

Get fucked, you multiculturalist. Enjoy having your non-existent wife blacked IRL.

oh no the Soy Police is on to me!

I use opera, what can I do to prevent this?

DNC hired this new shilling form that will cry about Sup Forums instantly and randomly on every new thread in every non-Sup Forums board just so we all stay away from "wrong thoughts".

Gotta remember kids to hate the 'no no board'

Sup Forums here! whats going on should i be afraid? How will this affect my video games?

Thank you

yeah i hate Sup Forums too, Sup Forums sucks.

repeat ad nauseam.

Truly, they're our days' bronies.
That said, I started seeing mountain of Sup Forums-bait posts
right after the whole election thing; I know it's never actual SJWs/reddit (it's people purposely trolling the possible nazi at best), but you're pretty much summoning all of them by doing that

/ck/ reporting in
should I panic?

It`s to late to panic

this worked for me

gookushima wasn't a crook guys it was just slander by an american man honest!!!

Thank you Pepe I love you.

only if you ever posted something personal or controversial on Sup Forums^

for the record:


Why does the catalog break?

Even if you acknowledge that these domains can be blocked, it's alarming that this has happened in the first place.

It's even more alarming that, hours after it's been pointed out, the dev and other people have yet to do something as simple as block the domains and/or revert the changes.

How do we know it's their fault?
Because they're pretty much the only relevant board right now?
Just like Sup Forums 4 years ago?
Or Sup Forums 8 years ago?

>hurr hurr deyre jutst pretendiung lol
I swear to fuck the people complaining about Sup Forums are far more insufferable than any Sup Forums-related post I've seen. Fuck off back to whatever fisher price padded corner shithole you crawled out from.


I think that applies to us all.

this is mostly working but it also makes the post form appear at the top of the page for some reason

t. el cucko

Where did my legacy captcha go reeeeeeeee

works but catalog still broken

moot bless you

Switching back to Sup Forums x beta fixed it, all good.

Sup Forums ruined this fucking place more than it arealdy was.

Can Sup Forums fuck off to some alt-right chan, and take their botnet and clickbait ads with them?
Then Sup Forums can go back to being an anime website supported by comfy J-List ads.


Just adding ||^ filters for all sketchy domains seems to work as well. Yours is future proof.

tech illiterate Sup Forumsutist here. how much should i panic, what should I do?

get the fuck out shairablue you are not fooling nobody

You should read the thread.

>haha do I fit in yet? Am I cool yet for making an obligatory "lol Sup Forums sux ex dee" post? P-please give me (you)s
There are more cancerous faggots, (most likely shills, desu) shitposting against Sup Forums itt than actual Sup Forums-related posts.

>what should I do?
go back in time and don't endorse a known criminal because "dude he is japan man xD"

literally just make Sup a dns redirect to 10-2chan/pol/
there, problem fucking solved. I saved Sup Forums
is borked

This user is redpilled as fuck. Praise kek