Personal Defense for Active Denial System

So other than tinhats and shields, what kind of PPE can we buy or make at home that can protect us from the growing cannibalistic government? Pic very related

Build some cruise missiles or something I dunno.

> ADS system
Camp Grayling style or kys

I'm sure Little Rocket Man happily will donate you a nuke or two if you say it's for use against the US government

Wait until Kimmy open sources his ICBMs

Reminder, PPE = Personal Protective Equipment, ie. something you wear defensively and not use offensively

Is that the microwave one?

Best defense is a good offense.

OP build nucular ICBMS or super powerful space lasers or like "rods from god". Only way to gain true sovereignty is to hold the rest of the world hostage lmao.

russian solution to microwaving jihadis and CIA niggers

This is ultimately the problem with the 2nd amendment.
It is meant to allow people to defend themselves which I think is fine, but the spirit of the law was to protect citizens against a tyrannical government.
But there is no way to actually do that today.

Say Catalonia would want to break free from Spain through a violent rebellion today.
If it were guns vs guns, maybe a war could be won, It certainly would be violent enough to make Spain give up while Catalonia would have no reason to ever give up.
But it is not guns vs guns.
Spain would have a larger military force and could quickly stop an assault with greater technology.
I mean, if you look at the resistance during WWII, it was a pain in the ass, but it was not enough to overthrow the dictatorship of Germany. This was not because of a lack of weapons, it was just not possible to overthrow such a large force.

Soldiers would defect, at least 25%, in a civil uprising.
There could be a sniper in any window, government forces would need to bomb or shell high density population structures like high rise apartments to take one out. Every single time it turns public and military opinion further against the government leading to more defection and insurrection, not to mention killing its own tax base.
How can you honestly believe rifles and homemade bombs couldn't defeat regular forces after the Soviet and American experiences in Afghanistan?

build body armor out of old microwave oven doors PORBLEM SOLEVD

You can't be serious. A fully developed modern urban environment is very different than what happened in Afghanistan. Martial law would be declared and police forces with actual resources and skills would complement the military. Insurrectionists would be denounced as domestic terrorists and public opinion would not be on their side.

Hard to keep public opinion on your side when you murder 200 civilians for every "terrorist" killed.

200 *white* civilians. In America. This wouldn't be happening on the other side of the planet.

OP here, I am well aware of philosophy and its relationship to politics. I am not trying to discuss whether or not the government will turn on us, provided it does, with ADS and other methods of advanced weaponry those which use raw frequency manipulation. What would be a viable material or compound to shield yourself in, or a device capable of creating an electro-magnetic field tuned the right way to combat these threats?

Anything conductive with holes smaller than 0.3 mm will do the trick. So wrapping yourself in aluminum foil or aluminum foil tape will work pretty well, except for your eyes. An even better option would be to use conductive fabric. You could use those shiny anti-static bags, and those should work for a bit, but they might not hold up. An even better option is to use metal mesh with holes smaller than 0.3 mm. There are also RF safety garments that communication maintenances technicians use to get up on radio towers while they are operating.

Other than that, I suggest wrapping yourself in the shiniest foil/fabric you can get to RIDE ETERNAL SHINY AND CHROME into the ADS.

Thank you sir, exactly what I was looking for. Now lets continue this thread to see if anyone has made a resonating device and would like to share it

>Soldiers would defect, at least 25%, in a civil uprising.
And thus, the intense interest in AI and military robots. Robots won't defect, you see.

Is this a meme now? I've been seeing posts saying almost the same thing for a couple months now.

This might be feasible but I’m concerned about zoning restrictions.

doesn't matter when they control the water, food, energy and oil supply. couple that with the UAVs and other drones they have at their disposal today, the dystopian future and mass control (they'd also be able to control the media/propaganda entirely, also have access to all the data mining they've been storing throughout the past decade) a tyrannical U.S government seems indefeatable and quite insurmountable when the citizens at best have nothing but single firing rifles and no real means of organizing.

he's kind of right, look at what happened in iraq during ISIS uprising, or even nato's second largest military, the turkish army got BTFOd by a force albeit underequiped had greatly outnumbered the military and the coupe was successful.

I think it comes from here

The best personal defense system is to avoid being the biggest fish. It's not possible to keep up with the government, US at least. They spend probably a billion dollars researching things that may or may not be useful in 10 years, why? Because they'd rather invest in research that might be useless than risk someone else discovering something useful first. Most of our consumer tech today started as a defense project. You can't beat them, but you can make yourself not worth any effort.

I always thought it would be interesting to mount a magnetron salvaged from an old microwave oven where the LNB usually goes and aim it at drones or disrupt wifi and whatnot. Apart from the instant cataracts and RF burns and the risk of being mistaken for an old Soviet SAM site, that is.

*magnetron on an old satellite dish, obv.

that's retarded, that military equipment can easily destroy infrastructure required for the survival of millions of people
take away the trade and barter system and make everyone a wageslave forcefed endless propaganda, you end up with the current system inplace today, where the slaves think they're free yet continue eating cancer causing shit the elites deem worthy because "of muhprofitzmargina"