Oh no.
Oh no.
fake and gay, comcat would never allow you to run uBlock
>fake and gay, comcat would never allow you to run uBlock
Of course its not real you dildo, its just to push your weak imagination.
Nice meme, faggot.
>it's real
Nobody fucking cares
This is already real in Germany
>default firefox
at least use a different theme, or play around with the placement of widgets
holy shit hitler was right, germany really got as cucked as they could.
it's for mobile data and you can use everything else even if you don't have the pass - it just will use your mobile data volume
Zero rating is annoying but nothing compared to the corporate wrath Ameriburgers are about to experience
This is Zero Rating. You aren't blocked from accessing those or other websites if you don't subscribe to the service, neither do they throttle your connection either way. You simply get free access to those websites without consuming your mobile data cap. This also only happens for mobile data, as there are no data caps in 99% of ISPs in Europe.
Yes, it's still a scummy practice, but it's a legal grey area in Europe's legislation of net neutrality. It has nothing to do with the OP's image nor what people believe Comcast and other american ISPs want to do.
missing the point this far
>You aren't blocked from accessing those or other websites if you don't subscribe to the service, neither do they throttle your connection either way.
But if you watch a hour of videos you already get throttled so hard that you cannot watch any more videos.
So American ISPs could just set their data cap to 1 MB and then offer plans for various websites like in the OP and it wouldn't violate net neutrality.
>oyy vey
Fixed for you, kike shill
Can I at least go to comcastapedia instead?
Net neutrality wouldn't cover mobile providers anyway. Even with the existing legislation they all have unlimited data (usually doesnt count against the cap) for certain sites. In fact that wouldn't violate net neutrality anyway
i know its fake, but..
when will it actually be implemented?
>facebook shut down 2020
>wikipidia shut down 2021
>twitter shut down 2022
>youtube shut down 2023
>netflix shut down 2024
>no more herd mentality idiots
>more small forums
>more community discussion that is not controlled from silicon valley
If social media does not defend my free speech, I wont defend their right to unregulated network usage.
>But if you watch a hour of videos you already get throttled so hard that you cannot watch any more videos.
Not true. I've torrented for entire days, downloaded several hundred gigabytes over the course of a single day, and never been throttled. This used to happen in my country like 10 years ago when we used copper wiring, but since the transition to fiber, there's almost zero throttling at any time of the day.
Well I'm talking about streaming.
Yeah if you wait a couple hours you can download and watch videos offline, but you cannot watch even 360p video in real time.
Streaming is fine too, no idea where you're getting that from. Three computers in my household can watch three different streams all at 1080p no problem without any lag in them, for hours on end.
Maybe your ISP or your configuration is just shitty? Idk.
>If social media does not defend my free speech, I wont defend their right to unregulated network usage.
>Three computers in my household can watch three different streams all at 1080p no problem without any lag in them
Talking about throttled internet.
Here it's throttled to like 64 kbit/s
Which is 8 KB/s. And that's the max, you can't stream shit on that connection unless it's even lower than 144p maybe.
>If social media does not defend my belief, I wont defend their right to unregulated network usage.
Fixed for U.
>reddit is still butthurt by based pajet
That man is a true hero. Stay triggered.
I'm in Germany with Vodafone phios at 400mbps. All my devices are online all day. Only things I've ever noticed is, once in a while, I'll "only" have about 300mbps which you would never notice if you didn't check. Unless you're downloading a huge file and wondering why it's only at about 35MBps instead of 45.
You didn't reach the data cap then
Yeah, we got something similar here too
Name's a bit ironic lmao
I've been through my service contract 100 times. Either there's no cap or it's so huge that I could never reach it
you're the idiot here.
you are literally retarded. Please kys
wouldn't they make less money by doing this than they make now from selling all you data?
Among other things. Including that if an ISP decided *not* to do this, then they'd quickly win most of the market share. Or a new ISP would pop up without restrictions and would quickly build out a huge market share that way.
The thing is, they're warning you that if a regulation that was only passed two years ago and not even by Congress is repealed then The Internet Will DIE. Except that the internet worked perfectly well for the 20 years before that. Oh... and there WERE proprietary networks with restricted content. They were called Prodigy, Compuserve, and America Online. All fell apart against tiny ISP startups offering unlimited internet.
So basically NN is solving a problem that doesn't exist, by preventing companies from doing evil self-destructive things they weren't doing anyway, all by handing a lot of power to the same institution that already mass-collects your emails, web traffic, messaging, and phone traffic and uses it to oppress their political enemies.
Anyone have that picture that lists all the different types of websites like cable packages?
good thing normies can't into IRC, so obscure bullshit will remain cheap
God damn, medical science is a miracle. We're living in an age where we can communicate with brain-dead people on chinese imageboards.
>Buhh-buh- but Reddit said the EU was great with their net neutrality laws!
stop lying, you fucking sack of shit