The 666 Billionth Thread on Net Neutrality

These guys on here that oppose Net Neutrality make me sick. It's like they want to be fucked in the ass by these major ISP's and they don't seem to realize that the repeal will only benefit the ISP, not the consumer or smaller companies that made themselves from the ground up thanks to the Internet.

>inb4 >>>/reddit/
Well, apparently Reddit is the only site that has people who don't have heads up their ass and actually give a damn about the situation at hand.

I agree that the repeal is just going to allow ISPs to shit on people even more, but
> actually give a damn
what are you going to do about it?

Things aren't as bad as they seem. This site is just flooded with literal shills.

People in this board are actually pretty stupid when it comes to stuff like this. Some of the comments people were making were absolutely hilarious. If you worked in the Telecom world you would know why this is the start of securing and censuring internet usage that they don't like.

Not worth the cost vs the payoff. Dont be retarded.

> the start of securing and censuring internet usage that they don't like.
not until telecoms get taken over by extremist christians
all the ISPs are gong to do is throttle/block connections to competing media companies/subsidiaries

No they are just gonna take their sweet time to censor what they need down the line. Americans should just see what Europe and most of Asia has, stable internet with none of this shit. Why instead of downplaying it to look cool and informed you shifted your attention to forcing ISPs to upgrade their infrastructure.

Is it still safe to browse Sup Forums? Or is verizon gonna give me shit for looking at big titty anime kitties?

I've been directly contacting the senator and the FCC about preserving Net Neutrality.

How's that been working out for you, bud?

Better than doing nothing.

Perhaps by some moral standard which doesn't take into account the outcome.

>oppose Net Neutrality
only retards and paid shills do it

> people paying more for premium service
> this is some how controversial

OOhh, also, where to I get my check? I am apparently paid to do this.

>people paying more for premium service

You're already paying for it, why do you want to essentially pay twice for the same shit?

>isn't getting paid
>can't figure which category he's in

top kek

fyi most major internet companies already have direct peering links to major ISPs. these are paid for links that are there simply because of the amount of traffic they generate.

none of you know what the fuck you are talking about. the internet was fine before NN was even around.



you know how I know you don't work on internet backbones?
hint: I do. Fucking reddit hysterical shill, get your uterus removed.

they're right though

Right!? The internet in 2015 was unusable for the majority of normies online now.

tryggmmundur should change its name to triggeredmoron

unfortunately he took his life due to the tragedy that is pre-2016 internet

I'm pro NN, but I wonder where you people were when this company decided to allow corporations implementing restrictions on our web, by making the EME a standard? Seems to me people are very selective with what constitutes a "free and open internet".

reddit really worked people up over net neutrality

so now that net neutrality is gone, when does all the shit everybody said would happen, happen?
I already had data caps under net neutrality, i mean the other shit.

this was a legit question, but fwiw after i did my own research because i dont trust people's autistic screeching (see all republicans are racist), and while i agree with the principle of NN, i dont think this is that big of a deal/why does the government need to control more shit/the US handing over control of IP addresses to an NGO a few years ago seems like a bigger deal than NN.





better things to kys over than Internet

>US handing over control of IP addresses to an NGO
this. one thousand times this.


>Reddit is the only site that has people who don't have heads up their ass and actually give a damn about the situation at hand

fucking retarded
ISPs aren't ad based like the edge providers that were pushing for NN and censoring all their shit
fuck off

asia has government censored internet moron

Silly OP, the FCC wrote millions of fake comments and poured tons of money into the pockets of politicians for no reason, no reason at all. Quite being so paranoid. I'm sure all my #based 'pedes ITT will agree!

You have to go back

I know how much you FOSS-freaks and general "internet fans" love the banner "Net Neutrality", but the internet is not a transportation network and the jury-rigged assertion that Obama put forth two years ago stating as much (en lieu of proper legislation because at that point he lacked the support of Congress) is not the appropriate way to establish rules about the internet. I know how much you hate corporations and the free market, but IF (and that's a big if) corporations have to be told (rather than voted with money by the customers) that censoring and prioritization is bad, then it should be treated as a public discourse issue, not some esoteric legal clause designed for railroads.

>but IF (and that's a big if) corporations have to be told (rather than voted with money by the customers)
How do Americans vote with their dollar when they often have only one ISP to choose from?

If this looks like a monopoly to you then you haven't seen real monopolies. I'm sure some people have very few realistic choices, but there are few choices in many things. It's simply the economics of it. Distribution favors the large and you can make laws to keep particular municipalities from being lorded over by exactly one company, but you can't make laws that say water now flows uphill. Well you can, but it won't change the way water flows.

I was right there with you. I agree, that the w3c is a piece of shit, and not even Lunduke can save it. But at the end of the day. The internet doesn't even have to rely on html, javascript, and css technologies. All that matters is that we can get information from point A to point B without restriction. Net Neutrality is a far greater threat to our freedom than the w3c can ever be.

desu, ditching html, and javascript and rebuilding web technologies from the ground up with what we know now, doesn't seem like a terrible idea.

In vast swathes of the country there is literally only a single fixed line broadband provider in the area. That is the definition of a monopoly.

>Well, apparently Reddit is the only site that has people who don't have heads up their ass and actually give a damn about the situation at hand.
then maybe you should go back there you turbonigger

> the internet is not a transportation network
How, literally how did you come to this assertion? The internet transports information from point A on a network to point B on a network. Just like water and electricity is a transportation network.

Says a redditor from /r/the_donald

>Asia is one country

Is this what I argue against when someone defends anti-NN......

>Doesn't provide anything useful to the discussion but a meme image
Back to Sup Forums with you.

Communication networks predate transportation networks. No amount of twisting words will make a system designed to communicate information from one place to another first and foremost a place where physical things are transported from one place to another.

There are substantial claims to back the idea that the repeal of net-neutrality would actually encourage ISP development in the rural areas (which are the "majority" areas that only have a single ISP) by allowing low-level companies to provide "the internet" without having to provide everything that "the internet" normally entails. So either you're misconstruing the scope of such marginal monopolies or you have to at least consider the potential benefits of opening up the internet to services which do not provide equal treatment.

>implying major ISPs will let smaller businesses develop
>implying they would ever give up their attempts at a monopoly

How do you break into a cartel and who would? The only thing that might happen is mobile takes off because who's going to fight comcast and what can you offer that they can't destroy you with through competitive market pricing? There was another image somewhere that showed that certain companies already dominate regions anyways already have an essential monopoly that they can use against startups to outprice them.

Also, greentext is cancer. You don't even need to engage the other person in any way other than hiding behind your smug

>ISP's forcing you to pay more for the same service
>they of course add "PREMIUM SE QUANTUM PLATINUM SANIC SPEED" to its name
>"ahaha i-if you can't afford it you're just a p-poorfag take that redditors"

Monopolies are regional