Is Wendell Sup Forums approved

is Wendell Sup Forums approved

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literal who

Sup Forums doesn't approve of anything
especially not three dimensional youtube americans

durr let's see how this works with linux
iommus whatever the fuck
here's a monitor from korea
man amd is good

how thicc are those title bars

he runs gnome

i see you're also a fan

He's the only You-tumor who has an opinion I respect. Wendell pulls no punches.

Yes. He actually contributed code that can improve your computer using experience (see headless gpu passthrought )

>its another does Sup Forums approve of product/youtuber/software/language/keyboard/monitor/headphone/mouse/ips/tn/gaymen/wm tiler/etc thread

i only approve on bisqwit

He's one of the few "youtubers" who acts like a normal adult, and he actually has some interesting videos, yes I approve of him.

I want a waifu pillow of Wendell.

He sometimes doesn't, has many quirks but it's tolerable. I cannot withstand the other idiot next to him.

>I cannot withstand the other idiot next to him.
post-devil trips

also, he's just like wendell... doesn't bother me at all although some of the information they source is half-assed which means their insight isn't always correct or interesting

AYYMD shill is never approved

Yeah, my problem with Wendel2 is that he is too sarcastic and doesn't add to the conversation. Wendell is still relevant and most videos are interesting but they are very monotonous.

I used to watch most of his videos.
Now adays there is that tranny with the annoying voice and the trash opinions in everything. Wendell please get a real girlfriend.

>Wendell please get a real girlfriend
He's married and that's not his wife.

He said hardware RAID was better than software. He's shit.

Logan? Didn't you hear Tek Syndicate broke apart? Watch

Well proper enterprise raid hardware is with drawbacks.

I seriously doubt that, he always recommends ZFS and doesn't like any form of 'traditional' RAID for its lack of protection against bit rot.

Paul is love
Paul is life

Intel/Nvidia/MSI shill, not welcome here

what does he do nowadays? If he's trying to shill some products, I dont fucking care.

Damn right. A literal adult compared to Stallman

Is he a gay bear?

>He actually contributed code
he just presented it on his channels, he has nothing to do with writing the code

wendell was litterally the only good part of tek syndicate. given that hes not retarded at all the answer is yes.

>Now adays there is that tranny with the annoying voice

Pistol stuck with Logan and isn't on camera anymore

I love Wendell. One of the few youtubers that seems to actually know his shit, and he seems like a really chill dude. He was the only reason I watched back when they were Tek Syndicate.

I used to be kind of iffy about Ryan, but now that I think of him just as the guy shitposting in the background I've warmed up to him being there.

gentoo is Sup Forums approved

>there is that tranny
Just say that she's ugly, you faggot. It ain't hard


to the trash

/our guy/

I bet he pulls out Twinkies from a box a lot.

No that's rossman

papa wendell

Some woman was watching this guy on the bus I was riding. I'm like "neat that's hardware" but she was retarded as fuck when I tried to ask her about it

>7 cpu lined up like a menorah

What's a who?

>needing approval

Can he install gentoo?

>isn't on camera anymore
Unfortunately she is

I would assume so
But that's a good suggestion

Newfags can stay out.

does he run AMD Ryzen or threadripper?